
Rabbit Must Die

Ever since a despicable rabbit arrived at the Heavenly Court, banners have been hung up in the residences of all the major Immortals: beware of fire, theft, and rabbits. At the same time, the God of Food's Complete Rabbit Cooking Guide started selling like hotcakes. One could often see a bunch of Immortals waving various magic treasures, chasing a rabbit all over everywhere, shouting, "Although group beating is unfair, we can lose face, the rabbit must die!" Passerby A: Why is that rabbit so freaking famous? Almost all the Immortals know him, is it because he's cute? Passerby B: No! It's because he's a jerk! No, that's inaccurate, he's totally a mega jerk!

Yimeng Huangliang · Eastern
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494 Chs

Chapter 32 The Pitfall of the Immortals by the Scheming Rabbit_1

Translator: 549690339

Meanwhile, Qin Shou was also afraid that Chang'e would be heartbroken if she knew the silly Rabbit had died or that it might create a rift between them, so he was prepared to impersonate the silly Rabbit to the end.

Therefore, Qin Shou immediately cleared all thoughts and said casually, "This is our fairy Chang'e, and as for me, just call me Qin Shou."

"Brute?!" both Chang'e and Barefoot Immortal called out subconsciously.

There was no helping it, the name was too suggestive; it was impossible not to notice.

Qin Shou was used to everyone's reactions and carried himself with exceptional composure, asking nonchalantly, "Any questions?"

Chang'e asked, "When did you come up with this name for yourself?"

Qin Shou replied, "It was a combined effort of my old man and grandfather."