

  Chapter 222 Nirvana!

  In the void, Lin Xiu stood tall, with his right hand palm facing down and his left hand raised, with his index finger pointing to the sky.

  The five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth lit up from the fingertips of the five fingers of his right hand, flowing out like streams and falling at his feet.

  These energies each occupied a corner, outlining a pentagram pattern with Lin Xiu as the center.

  "Five-wheel Fire Separation Method? No, that's not right! Mine is based on flames and uses fire spirits as the foundation, while Lin Xiu clearly uses pure attribute power."

  Looking at the somewhat familiar pattern, Yao Tianhuo felt that it was wrong no matter how he looked at it.

  It seemed better than what he created...

  Moreover, why did this kid have five attributes? And each one was not weak.

  Every time the pentagram rotated a circle, it would absorb energy in the void, and the coverage area would also expand outward a part, and in a blink of an eye it occupied the entire Yunlan Mountain.

  "What kind of fighting skill is this?"

  The breath was heavy, and the guardian Xuan felt that it was not an ordinary earth-level fighting skill, and it was still very unfamiliar.

  It is so rare to be able to use fighting skills with five attributes.

  "Where did he come from?"

  The Iron Guardian re-examined Lin Xiu and found it outrageous.

  He is so young, but he has so many things, even high-level fighting skills. Is he really not from one of those families?

  "Who cares who he is? Let's catch him and interrogate him slowly after returning to the Soul Palace!"

  Another guardian felt a little uneasy, "Hurry up, let's speed up."

  The Iron Guardian was shocked, "No way, the three of us joined forces to perform fighting skills, and invested so many souls. Are we still afraid of him alone?" As soon

  as the words fell, lightning burst out from the fingertips of Lin Xiu's left hand, rushing straight up to the sky.

  Wind and clouds gathered, and thunder roared.

  Energy emerged in the void, and the wind rolled up the clouds, mixed with lightning, forming a huge vortex, circling in another direction with the pentagram under his feet.

  Two different discs, one above and one below, rotated in opposite directions.

  It was also after the wind and thunder disc emerged that it meant that the Nirvana Wheel of Heaven and Earth was completely completed.

  The collision of the two forces stimulated terrifying energy.

  The heaven and earth in this area trembled wildly, and cracks appeared in the space.

  The black fog covering the Yunlan Mountain suddenly tore open many cracks, and the sunlight shone in through the gaps.

  If it were a few minutes ago, after seeing these cracks, the people of the Poison Sect and the Golden Goose Sect would definitely seize the opportunity and rush out frantically.

  However, at this moment, none of them moved.

  The energy overflowing from the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Wheel was too terrifying and could not be resisted at all.

  Now at the scene, only Zi Yan could barely stand, and Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran both knelt on the ground.

  "Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, a total of seven attribute powers, is this something a Dou Zong can do? How did he maintain this energy balance?"

  Shrinking in the ring, the Skyfire Venerable could also feel the energy in this area boiling, which made his soul tremble, and he began to believe Lin Xiu's words in his heart.

  Because from this fighting skill, he saw the shadow of his Five Wheels Fire Separation Method.


  The guardian's face changed drastically, and his hands waved out afterimages, destroying the wandering souls in the Ten Thousand Soul Devouring Array, accelerating the formation to condense the soul power.

  In fact, he didn't need to remind him, the Xuan Guardian and the Iron Guardian had already realized that something was wrong from the huge movement.

  The two wheels were like huge millstones, using huge energy to grind everything inside into powder.

  The aura of this power was not weaker than the energy of the Ten Thousand Soul Devouring Array!

  In fact, as the millstones rotated, the energy was still increasing.

  In an instant, the fighting skills controlled by Lin Xiu collided with the Ten Thousand Soul Devouring Array.


  Everyone felt a fear from the depths of their souls, and their bodies trembled.

  All sounds seemed to be annihilated.

  You can clearly see the dazzling light emitted by the violent energy collision, but you can't hear the slightest sound.


  Lin Xiu shouted in his heart.

  The speed of the Wind and Thunder Disk and the Five Elements Disk increased sharply, quickly eroding and devouring the Ten Thousand Soul Devouring Array bit by bit, and the surrounding void collapsed, and large amounts of energy poured into the space behind the void.   



  The three guardians Xuan screamed, with panic, fear, and confusion on their faces.

  No matter what they did, it didn't work, and in the end they watched themselves being crushed by the two wheels.

  The three figures disappeared.

  At the same time, a gap appeared in the void far away from Yunlan Sect, and then two figures flashed out from it.

  "Huh, I almost couldn't hold on."

  Xiao Yan let out a long breath, and a look of lingering fear appeared on his face.

  I had seen the space tunnel when I went to Zhongzhou before, but at that time there was a time shuttle outside, and it was not affected by the turbulence of time and space.

  This time, I felt it up close, and the area behind the void was really scary.

  "Old Feng..."

  He looked at Venerable Feng and was stunned. The other party's expression was solemn.

  Following the other party's gaze, Xiao Yan saw a black mist like a black curtain, entrenched in the position of Yunlan Mountain.

  "People from the Soul Palace!"

  Having had contact with him, Xiao Yan recognized what was happening in front of him at a glance, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

  Everything was just as the teacher had guessed. The people from the Soul Palace really came to the Jia Ma Empire to investigate.

  Judging from the coverage of the black fog, it is possible that the people from the Soul Palace have even started the action.

  I don't know if the senior has left. If he is still here, will he be in Yun Lan Sect

  ? The Soul Palace came to investigate, and it is estimated that the strength of the people arranged by them will not be too weak. Can the senior be a match for them?

  If I can save the senior once, can I offset part of the promise I owe to the senior?

  In a short moment, many thoughts flashed through Xiao Yan's mind.

  "This fluctuation is not right. It feels a bit like the energy tide caused by the heavenly level fighting skills."

  Yao Lao's figure flashed out of the ring, his face slightly condensed, and his eyes looked at his old friend.

  Hearing this, Feng Zun slowly nodded, his tone a little uncertain, "Did the Soul Palace send a respected elder this time?"

  Generally speaking, being called a respected elder means that the other party's strength realm is at the Dou Zun level.

  "It shouldn't be."

  Yao Lao frowned, and memories flashed in his eyes. Along the way, he had been telling Xiao Yan to be careful and cautious, and basically no news was leaked.

  Soul Palace should not give advance warning. If so, Soul Palace would not arrange an elder to come to a place like Northwest Territory. After

  all, the appearance of a Dou Zun is likely to attract attention, especially for a force like Soul Palace that ranks among the top in Zhongzhou.

  "Teacher, Feng Lao, what are you talking about?"

  Xiao Yan asked hurriedly when he got a chance. What a joke? Heaven-level Dou Skills? Can this thing be discussed in Northwest Territory?

  "See for yourself."

  Yao Lao was lost in thought and had no intention of answering him.

  The black fog had begun to collapse, and the color gradually faded.

  Not long after, a huge void crack appeared in front of him.

  The crack was like a big mouth, swallowing up the surrounding energy like a bottomless pit, swallowing up everything around and the black fog.

  Next to the black hole, stood a lonely figure.

  He stood still, his clothes fluttering.

  As if he had noticed something, the figure slowly turned his head.


  The next second, Xiao Yan saw the other person's face clearly and couldn't help screaming.