

  Chapter 221: The Earth-level Advanced Fighting Skills Created by Lin Xiu.

  Except for the Sect Master and several elders, the other members of the three sects have already knelt on the ground, their bodies trembling uncontrollably because of fear.

  Yun Yun looked at the black fog in the sky, clenched her jade hands tightly, and her nails dug into her palms, but she seemed to feel nothing.

  "Earth-level advanced fighting skills, this is not much different from heaven-level fighting skills."

  She felt her body shaking a little and might fall down at any time.

  I had originally planned to go to Zhongzhou to improve my strength, and then return to the Jiama Empire to rebuild the Yunlan Sect when I became stronger.

  Now, I don't have to think about any plans or arrangements.

  I can almost think about what to say when I see the teacher later.


  At this moment, a crisp and confused voice came over.

  A moon-white figure rushed from a distance, and the fighting spirit wings behind it flapped and rushed over.

  "Yanran, you came out of the Gate of Life and Death?"

  Looking at the beautiful figure revealed after the sword light dissipated, Yun Yun was stunned for a moment.

  "Teacher, what happened in the Yunlan Sect?"

  After Nalan Yanran nodded, she asked the biggest confusion in her heart.

  I have only been in seclusion for a few years, but why does it feel like a long time has passed? The Yun Lan Sect is about to be destroyed?

  "Yan Ran, the Yun Lan Sect is finished. You and I will probably be gone soon."

  The joy that appeared because of Nalan Yan Ran's exit from seclusion quickly subsided. Yun Yun looked up at the sky, and a deep bitterness appeared on the corners of her mouth.

  Hearing this, Nalan Yan Ran felt her hair tingling, and her heart was full of shock.

  Is the teacher really kidding her?

  When she was defeated by Xiao Yan, she resolutely chose to step into the gate of life and death. After experiencing a life and death situation, she finally made it through after several years and had the peak strength of Dou Wang.

  She thought to herself that it was time to find an opportunity to fight Xiao Yan again.

  But what did she just hear?

  Gone? !

  Not only is the Yun Lan Sect going to be destroyed, but she is also going to be destroyed. Even the teacher can't change the ending?

  "Teacher, am I dreaming? Tell me, am I really dreaming, right?"

  Nalan Yan Ran's voice trembled, and it was difficult to accept this fact.

  If she died after exiting seclusion, what was the meaning of the bitterness and sweat she had put in for so many years?

  "I know this fact is cruel, but the truth is this. It is a fighting skill comparable to the advanced earth-level fighting skill, and it is being performed by three Dou Zong masters. We can't resist it."

  Yun Yun took her disciple into her arms, and pressed her palm on her thin shoulders. It is not difficult to imagine how much Yanran has suffered in the past few years. She felt very uncomfortable.

  If she hadn't nodded her head and agreed, and Yanran didn't go to the Xiao family to cancel the engagement, would there be no such situation today?

  Advanced earth-level fighting skills? Three Dou Zongs?

  Every word that fell into Nalan Yanran's ears would make her body tremble.

  She was only in seclusion for a few years, why did it feel like decades had passed?

  When could Dou Zongs be seen so easily in the Jia Ma Empire?

  And there were advanced earth-level fighting skills, were you kidding?

  "Teacher, who is fighting them? Is it the ancestor?"

  Nalan Yanran raised her head and looked at Yun Yun with a pair of red eyes.

  "No, it's Lin Xiu."

  Yun Yun shook her head.

  "Who is he?"

  Nalan Yanran was stunned for a moment, and she was a little surprised.

  Yun Yun didn't say anything. If she were to explain this matter, it would be a long story. Now was obviously not the right time.

  "Hey, if you ask me, can you have some confidence in Lin Xiu? You've been with him for half a year. Don't you know Lin Xiu?"

  Zi Yan scratched her ears. She felt very strange while listening.

  If this goes on, are you planning to reveal your secrets to each other before you die?

  Zi Yan didn't know about the things between Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran and Yun Yun.

  Otherwise, she would not have spoken, but would have watched the two of them complain to each other and vented their feelings.

  Such a scene must be very interesting.   

  "Do you think Lin Xiu can still turn it around? That's a high-level earth-level fighting skill, right? Do you understand the meaning of high-level earth-level?"

  Nalan Yanran looked at Zi Yan's small stature and thought she was just a little girl, so she didn't quite understand the meaning of the word earth-level.

  "Nonsense, Lin Xiu knows dozens of earth-level fighting skills, but there must be more than a dozen. I often fight with him, how could I not understand."

  With his hands folded in front of his chest, Zi Yan looked a little unhappy, wanting to punch the woman who just appeared.

  "She is a Dou Huang."

  Yun Yun pulled Nalan Yanran's hand and whispered in her ear.

  Hearing this, Nalan Yanran's pupils shrank, took a deep breath, lifted his chest up, and bumped hard with his teacher's chest.

  Fortunately, both of them were very soft, so they were not injured.

  Seeing that Zi Yan, who was most familiar with Lin Xiu and had a very close relationship, was not panicked.

  Yun Yun's expression eased a little, "Does he really have a way?"

  She looked at the thin back that appeared and disappeared in the black fog.

  "Lin Xiu, you can break through this black fog. Let's run quickly. With your speed, you will definitely be able to get away."

  The Skyfire Venerable could sense the situation outside and reminded him hurriedly. He was worried that the young man was not afraid and did not know the principle of keeping the green mountains and not being afraid of firewood.

  "No, I just want to try how powerful the high-level earth-level fighting skills are."

  Lin Xiu did not accept his proposal.

  "No, Lin Xiu, the high-level earth-level fighting skills are definitely not ordinary fighting skills. Although the Five-wheel Separation Fire Method can burst out with power comparable to the Heaven-level fighting skills, the premise is that you have to have a fire spirit condensed by four kinds of strange fires. You only have the Fallen Heart Flame and the Sea Heart Flame now, which is completely insufficient. It is difficult to even exert the power of the high-level earth-level."

  Yao Tianhuo thought that Lin Xiu was full of confidence in his fighting skills, and his heart was beating fast.

  Although the Five-wheel Separation Fire Method was created by himself, he knew best how powerful it was.

  Even the fact that it was comparable to the Heaven-level fighting skills was boasted by himself.

  Because when Yao Tianhuo was at his peak, he did not control the two kinds of strange fires, and the flames that condensed the fire spirit were just ordinary beast fire.

  He wanted to slap himself twice. If he hadn't boasted at that time, would Lin Xiu have obeyed and left now?

  "Venerable Tianhuo, you misunderstood. I didn't plan to use the Five-Wheel Fire Separation Method. What I really want to use is the high-level earth-level fighting skill that I created myself."

  Lin Xiu's tone was flat, without any ups and downs, as if he was talking about something extremely ordinary.

  Huh? !

  However, Yao Tianhuo's brain almost crashed after hearing this, and his soul almost couldn't suppress the evil spirit.

  Did I hear it right?

  High-level earth-level fighting skills, created by him?

  God, how long have you, little guy, practiced, and now you can create earth-level fighting skills? And it's high-level earth-level?

  A series of words blocked Yao Tianhuo's heart, and he had an urge

  to speak out. Just when he was about to scold Lin Xiu severely and planned to scold him awake, he suddenly stopped.

  Because in his perception, the momentum of this world suddenly changed.

  The surrounding void trembled, and the fighting spirit floating in the air, at this moment, began to boil like gunpowder with a ignited fuse.

  "This, this..."

  Yao Tianhuo created the Five-Wheel Separation Fire Method, and he often used it. When he used the five fire spirits to activate the formation, fluctuations similar to this situation would appear.

  And the Five-Wheel Separation Fire Method in this situation is indeed as powerful as a high-level earth-level fighting skill.

  Now Lin Xiu seems to have done it too. His opening move has the shadow of the Five-Wheel Separation Fire Method, but it is a little different from it.