
Quirky Quirrell

This story is about a Quirrell who survived that night at the end of Harry's first year at Hogwarts. He not only survived though, he is given a second chance to truly live the way he wants. Follow along a Quirrell who has to go back to school, and not as a teacher anymore. Not OP, but he will know a lot due to his stint with Voldemort. Don't own the Harry Potter world, don't own the picture.

Herach · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

A Dept to be Paid

A few hours later the letter was sent, his magic was spent and his head hurt from information overdrive. He would practise his Occlumency before going to bed but could hardly do anything else. The only thing he ate for dinner was his potions, supplemented with a nutrient potion today though.

The next morning started off the same except he went straight into work out after breakfast and after his shower he went to explain to Dumbledore. He told him that they should wait with their talks about Riddle until he managed to sort out his memories a bit more. It might be bad to miss something when you're talking about horcruxes. Dumbledore reluctantly agreed to start their meetings in two weeks time after the trial. Albus would be rather busy going over to Sirius the next few days anyway.

Meanwhile Quinn would practise. He got another lesson from Master Wolfe last night but he wasn't ready to actually craft wands yet so focused on reading the texts Wolfe wanted. There was quite a lot on runes and arithmancy there which was very much appreciated since he would be taking those classes for the first time this year and it was his owl year. Speaking of owls, he'd have to recap all of the subjects he had Newts on last time and maybe take some new NEWT. But that was something to consider at a later date. Right now he focused on understanding and using the spells he found both in the books but also in his memories from Voldemort. The man might be mad, but he knew a lot.

The week went on in a cycle of sharing meals with his mother, and sometimes the staff, training in various subjects, including occlumency, and physical training. But after a week had gone he was worried. Not for himself, no he could already see the start of progress! His memories began fitting into place, his body felt and looked stronger, his spell repertoire was larger and his spells were more powerful than he ever remembered before. Overall he felt great!

But what concerned him was Harry. He still hadn't gotten a reply. Each time he took it up with Albus he was given calming words like "He's probably not sure. He doesn't know Sirius and he doesn't know you." But today was the final day he would put up with it. He marched towards Albus' office after his post workout shower and entered before the old man could call him in.

"Give me the boy's address and I'll go check on him. Something might have happened!" Albus' eyes glimmered in the light and he gave a slightly condescending look "The boy is fine. Stop worrying."

Quinn looked into his eyes. "And how do you know that for sure? Come on Albus, just give me the address and we'll get an answer to give Sirius today when you visit him!" Now that made Dumbledore consider it. Positive news was just what Sirius needed right now. There was still something holding him back though.

"I just don't want to give up his address. Not that I don't trust you...but the fewer who know, the better." Quinn raised his wand in the air. "I owe him a small life-dept Albus. It's just a small one so it would disappear if I didn't acknowledge it but I will. I'll repay him with a vow. I vow to do all I can to protect Harry Potter from harm during his school years and to make sure he has a childhood i feel he deserves." His wand lit up as magic accepted his repayment for the dept.

Albus looked at him rather confused why he would do such an unnecessary thing, but quickly figured out it was just to make Albus relaxed when Quinn was near Harry. He sighed and said. "I've already added you to the mailing ward but alright. You'll get the address as well. Be gentle with him though. And don't go talking about magic in front of his relatives. I understand they won't appreciate it. Oh and his birthday was yesterday. Do wish him a happy birthday on my behalf will you?" The last bit was added with an honest and real grandfatherly smile, like the ones Quinn used to get when his grandfather was alive.

Quinn got the address and went on his way. He took Albus' floo to the leaky cauldron and the knight bus the rest of the way. It was currently about 11am and the boy should be awake, even if it is the day after his birthday. Quinn didn't bring a gift but figured that maybe he could bring him to Diagon alley and find something of interest. Maybe some clothes, Quinn could use a few more as well.

He fell out of the bus as he was thinking too much and paying too little attention. The curb was hard, he realized as he pulled his way up only to look at the houses around him. This place was actually just a block or two away from his brother's house and the houses looked rather similar. Quinn looked at the numbers on the houses and soon found the one he was looking for, number four.

Quinn checked his clothes. Suitably proper. A nice lilac shirt with grey trousers and a leather belt with boots to match. Nobody would suspect he was a wizard unless they saw the wand sticking up under the right leg of his trousers. Then he knocked and waited a few seconds.

A woman opened the door and greeted him with a sneer. She was not a lovely looking woman. He'd call her a giraffe with that neck and long face, but he hadn't seen her chew yet. Her body was really nothing to look at, so he didn't. He just smiled at her. "Hi, you must be Mrs. Petunia Dursley. What a fitting name for such a dashing flower such as yourself." He really didn't know where that came from, and internally cringed at the sound of it, but she appeared to appreciate his comment. With a smile and small blush at the complement from a young charming man, she answered. "Yes that's me. Do you want to come in?"

He gave her a small nod and she showed him into the hallway. "I must admit that although it was nice to see you, I do have an errand here Mrs. Dursley. Do you have a young boy called Harry Potter in this household?"