
Quirkless (A Vigilante Izuku Story)

"He destroyed my soul that day. His brightly colored suit being the last thing I saw." My faith was lost. He broke my soul and smashed it again. I realized that I couldn't be a hero if the number 1 is a liar. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/StrongRat1 *DISCLAIMER* I do not own any of the characters except for the ones I create. I do not own the title page, either.

StrongRat · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

USJ Part 1

"So, you are going to USJ today, Momo?" Izuku asked.

He was planning to follow her in case anything happened. He didn't want her hurt. He was her teacher, teammate, and boyfriend. He cared about her a lot, too much to let her ever get hurt. He had always protected her from danger, but now that she was in UA, it got harder. There were too many heroes and only one him. He could maybe beat most of them, but not All Might, not yet at least.

"Don't follow me this time!" Momo shouted angrily.

Izuku had followed her too many times, and at this point, she wanted space. She wasn't just a weak girl that needed to be protected. She had trained. She felt that Izuku didn't trust her strength and so this was her way of saying trust me.

"Ok, I trust you," Izuku said, backing off.

He didn't want any trouble with a girl. He just hoped that nothing wrong would happen today.

Momo smiled and walked towards UA.

Izuku decided to take Neri and Eri out on a vigilante mission. For weeks, Midoriya had been following the trail of a mercenary group named, The Undefeated. They were a group of mercenaries who used to work in the Japanese special forces. They had trained to kill with their quirks, and after they retired, they wanted more action. They missed the war. For years they had been helping out villain groups, and Izuku had decided to follow them and find out what they were doing.

"Eri! Neri! Let's go!" Izuku shouted.

"Coming," Eri and Neri said as they put on their vigilante clothes.

They followed Izuku and went to the mercenary group, The Undefeated's hideout. There Izuku found them packing guns, bombs, and many other things that looked like it cool a lot of people. Izuku decided that instead of following them, he would attack now. He didn't want to risk the lives of civilians to catch the villains.

"Eri, Neri! Cover me. I want you to erase all bullets coming towards me using Rewind." Izuku whispered.

"Ok, Izuku!!!" Neri and Eri whispered.

Izuku jumped down, attacking the first person he saw with his electric dagger knocking him out. The next mercenary attempted to shoot but got his gun rewinded by Eri. Others also tried to put a bullet through Izuku, but Eri or Neri would just fast forward or rewind the firearms to the point at which they disappeared. The mercenaries noticing that guns didn't work threw their weapons down and started to attack using their quirks, which not many had.

To Izuku, who was trained by a psychotic teacher, the fight was easy. He turned on his anti-gravity and moved very fast, disabling anyone from being able to attack him. He quickly took out most of the men, either stunning or blowing the mercenaries up with his gauntlet. The few that remained started to run away. They didn't want to get caught.

"What is happening?" An unknown voice shouted.

"Leader, he attacked and beat most of our men!!!" One of the mercenaries shouted.

"Useless! You guys can't even beat three kids. You had guns. Don't worry; I'll take care of everything."

A ball of energy started coming out of the leader's hand, and he threw it, attempting to injure Izuku. Eri and Neri tried to stop it but realized it was too fast.

"Oh no," Eri and Neri were scared.

They didn't want Izuku hurt. He was their savior, their hero, and their brother.

The blast finally hit Izuku, and he was bleeding. There was a hole in his stomach, and it looked like he was about to faint. Izuku quickly ran up to the leader and used a move he created a long time ago, reflect. When he was making his suit, he added a function called force absorption. Any time he was punched, his outfit would store the energy. He made it so that he could release the power all at once. It was his final move. The leader, thinking he had won, became complacent, allowing Izuku to use the technique. Everybody in the area except Neri and Eri fainted.

Eri quickly ran up to Izuku and started using it at full strength. After ten minutes, she was able to rewind Izuku to his healthy state. Once Izuku showed signs of waking up, Eri and Neri hugged him.

"Don't ever do that again!!!" Eri and Neri shouted together with tears in their eyes.

"Ok," Izuku said, smiling.

He quickly got up and proceeded to use his temporary quirk erasing drug on the leader. He also tied him just in case. After a while, the leader woke up.

"What happened!!!" The leader shouted.

The leader then saw Izuku's face and remembered the events of that day. He had lost. He wanted to cry. He suddenly remembered he injured the boy and smiled.

"Well, I at least injured him," The leader thought.

The leader now looked at Izuku and saw that he was not injured. Now he was depressed.

"What do you want from, me" The leader said.

"Tell me who you are working for and what they want!!!" Izuku demanded.

He tried to use his quirk to attack Izuku, but it didn't work.

"What happened to my quirk?" he inquired aggressively.

"I took it away. Now tell me who you are working for and what your employer wants,"

"If you give me back my quirk, I'll tell you," The leader said, attempting to make a deal.

"You will get it back once you talk," Izuku said.

"Ok, Ok! I'll tell you," The leader said, "I am working for the villain group. They are a strong group of people who want to kill All Might and cause tyranny everywhere. Although I don't condone with their values, they pay well. They are planning to attack the USJ."

"USJ!!!" Izuku thought, "That is where Momo is. I've got to help her."

"You'll get your quirk back in an hour," Izuku said as he carried the man to the police station.

"Eri, Neri! I have to go on a dangerous mission. Go Home!!!!" Izuku shouted.

"Bu-," Eri and Neri said.

"Go!!" Izuku said with a stern look.

"O-ok," Eri and Neri said reluctantly.

Izuku ran towards the USJ in hopes that Momo wasn't hurt.

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