
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Declaring War

"Dude, how the hell do you even tell them apart?" Kazutora whispered to Fuutarou nervously. Currently, they were sitting around a table with three out of the five quints.

"I dunno, I just can." Fuutarou whispered back casually, as if telling quintuplets apart was a common skill.

"Even with Observation Haki I can't tell the difference because their 'voices' are all the same." Kazutora grumbled before he looked back at Ichika, Nino and Itsuki who were looking at him weirdly.

"What's up with you? Are you talking shit about us?!" Nino asked bluntly while pointing at Kazutora bluntly. Kazutora was offended.

"What?! I would never do that! It's a little bit difficult to tell you apart!" Kazutora told the truth. Chifuyu hummed softly.

" Well, there is kind of an easy way. Tell them apart from the accessories they wear and also their hairstyles. So with that helping us, that should be Nino-san, Itsuki-san and beside her should be Ichika-san." Chifuyu muttered as he pointed at the three sisters.

'Even though I've clearly introduced them to Chifuyu and Kazutora, they still can't tell them apart. Is my ability to tell them apart really that special?' Fuutarou wondered.

"I see I see..... But where are the last two sisters?" Kazutora mumbled before looking at Fuutarou. Fuutarou shrugged in response as he ate his snack.

'These two are apart of Fuutarou-kun's gang. They really don't look like they study. But I shouldn't judge when I've got horrible grades myself.' Ichika commented as she was drinking apple juice from the juice box.

'Fuu-kun's dad said that his gang is a big hangout for delinquents and just that. So, why the hell do they look like fighters more than anything?' Nino thought while fangirling a little.

Her type was bad boys, and Chifuyu and Kazutora perfectly match her type in men. But she found herself not feeling a single ounce of attraction towards the two.

Instead that feeling only lie towards Fuutarou and him only. In Nino's eyes, Fuutarou was the perfect bad boy.

Itsuki knew she shouldn't be judgemental looks and attitude wise, but when Fuutarou has friends looking like they're working for the Yakuza she has a right to be cautious.

She trusts Fuutarou's judgement in making friends, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Chifuyu looked around the busy and crowded canteen and smiled a little. No one was paying him any mind at all, there were no creepy stares due to him having blonde hair or any of that sort.

He definitely chose the right school to transfer to.

While Fuutarou and Kazutora were having a conversation with the three sisters, Chifuyu kept quiet before he noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

There were two girls who looked identical to each other. Chifuyu immediately deduced them to be apart of the quintuplets.

But that wasn't what he was concerned about, what he was concerned about was that there were three guys ganging up on them, surrounding their front and both sides.

'Judging from their clothes they're apart of the school's rugby team. That armband must be the captain's armband. What are they talking about?'

Chifuyu shook his head and listened closely to the conversation, using Observation Haki to get a better perspective.

"Hey ladies, why don't you two join us for lunch today?" The captain of the rugby team asked Miku and Yotsuba while grinning confidently like nothing bad can get in his way.

"No thank you." Miku immediately shot him down emotionlessly.

"Please excuse us." Miku added before she and Yotsuba took a step forward to get away from the three but their way was blocked again.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!" Yotsuba asked the captain while furrowing her eyebrows and her eyes narrowed, not liking where this was going.

"Just give us a chance. Just this once and no more."

"No means no, do you not understand Japanese? Should I say it in English since you play rugby?" Miku retorted, getting a little annoyed that they were wasting her and Yotsuba's time.

She just wanted to sit with Fuutarou.

"What's the problem?! Doesn't it get boring sitting with your sisters? Change up once in a while!" The captain argued with her. Miku narrowed her eyes at him.

"This is exactly why I don't want to 'change up'."

" And why don't you smile more, you won't get a boyfriend like this!"

" I do, but not for you. "

"Don't be a smartass in front of me you bitch!"

"So you have a problem with how I talk now? Me snd Yotsuba won't be sitting with you and that's final. We don't sit with people who are the shittiest out of the pile of shit."


"Gentlemen, what seems to be the problem here?"

Chifuyu widened his eyes as he looked at Fuutarou walking towards the three jocks from behind. He didn't realize Fuutarou was already there before the man announced his presence.

"What the hell..... I'm not the only one who saw that....Did you see that Nino?" Itsuki whispered. Nino nodded, dazed from what she witnessed right in front of her.

"Yeah....He literally disappeared out of his seat and now he's over there...." Nino whispered as she turned and looked at Fuutarou. Ichika was shocked like her sisters too but her talent in acting enabled her to maintain a composed expression.

"Huh?! Who do you think you are—" The rugby captain widened his eyes as he stared at Fuutarou's stoic expression.

"Y-you.... Y-you... Uesugi Fuutarou!!!" He shouted at him while gritting his teeth angrily. The two men with him were also shocked at his presence.

"Don't cause any more trouble than you're already in. Let them go please, class starts soon." Fuutarou advised them seriously.

"Y-you and that bastard Hanma humiliated him!!!" The captain shouted while pointing at Fuutarou who raised an eyebrow at him.

"I humiliate a lot of people, man. You're gonna have to be more specific than that." Fuutarou replied while smiling at a little, angering the rugby captain and the two men backing him up.

"You don't remember?! You humiliated our boss back at that junkyard! The ICBM's boss had a deal with you Tokyo Manji!"

The students witnessing this scene gasped, hearing Tokyo Manji come out of the rugby captain's mouth.

By now, Tokyo Manji was a household name. Everyone and their mother knew who they were. But all they knew was that it was led by two leaders and that one of them was a teenager named Mikey.

What they do not know was the second leader and pretty much the person who founded the gang right in front of them.

Identities of most Toman members except for Mikey because he's Mikey and he loves attention were pretty much kept in the dark thanks to Yamagishi's skills in hacking.

Fuutarou stayed silent for a while before he rubbed his head. "You mean that Hansen guy that was supposed to be the overseer? Meh....He deserved to be humiliated."

The rugby captain stepped back in shock at Fuutarou's words.


"Yeah, we accepted that out of the blue, nuisance of a 'deal' because we don't want you and your sorry ass boss to get offended and join forces with Valhalla which in turn would cause more problems for us." Fuutarou then smirked.

"If Hanma didn't do it, I would've done something about it. And you're lucky that it was him, I would've done something much worse." Fuutarou muttered menacingly before he narrowed his eyes at the three.

"Now, would you please let these two absolutely beautiful women get pass you like a gentleman?"

'Even when he's being scary, he's still has manners. What a guy.' Kazutora thought after hearing Fuutarou say please.

"Wh-why should I?! What are they to you anyways?!" The rugby captain whose ego was even taller as Shaquille O'Neal, demanded. Fuutarou shrugged.

"They're just very precious to me." Fuutarou replied casually, making Yotsuba and Miku blush brightly during the intense moment.

One can't tell from afar, but Fuutarou had a joyful and loving glint in his golden eyes as he gave his answer.

"What kind of cheesy ass answer is that?!"

"Look man, if you don't know what love is just say it." Fuutarou retorted, making Yotsuba and Miku blush brighter and get flustered at his words.

"Just stop this already dude, you're embarrassing the men. I'm here to study, not cause headaches to the students and the school faculty." Fuutarou muttered before he started walk past him and towards the two girls.

"You think you can just hide in plain sight?"

Fuutarou narrowed his eyes at the rugby captain's words.

"You think you can just... be a normal person and go to school like a normal person does? Bitch please! You're just trying to escape the gang life, Uesugi Fuutarou!! I can see it!"

"Let me tell ya something, hot shot!! You and those two are not real gangsters at all! Gangsters stay gangsters for life!!"

Kazutora and Chifuyu narrowed their eyes at his words. The rugby captain was playing with fire. No, he was playing with the sun.

"If you can't see that, I'll guess I'll have to show you what a real thug is!!"

Fuutarou glanced at the fist heading straight to his face. He sighed and turned around to face the rugby captain charging towards him.

"I warned you."


The rugby captain gasped and blood splashed out from his mouth and nose as Fuutarou delivered a powerful high speed kick to the side of his head.

He was blasted to the side from the kick and started tumbling on the ground violently. He stopped and laid there unconscious with a dent on the side of his head

Blood flowed out uncontrollably from his mouth, creating a small pool of blood on the floor.

"Ahh!!!" Miku was horrified at the sight and bid behind Yotsuba who was in disbelief at what Fuutarou just did.

What was the most horrifying part was that she didn't see Fuutarou move at all, not even a small blur. One second the captain was charging towards Fuutarou and the next he was flying away.

Suddenly, one of the men backing the rugby captain up was grabbed by the face by Kazutora's right hand. He was then raised to the sir easily.


Kazutora grinned savagely as he slammed the man into the ground, cracking it open with the man's face which was now bloody.

Chifuyu suddenly appeared in front of the second one while he was in mid air, preparing to perform a dropkick to the man's chest.


The man was sent flying away from Chifuyu's powerful dropkick. He crashed through the door of the janitor's cleaning storage and laid in there unconscious with a few ribs probably broken.

Fuutarou sighed, feeling the stress invading his mind already as Kazutora and Chifuyu stood besides him. The three stood there menacingly.

"This is what happens when you try to mess with the boss of Toman and his friends!! I hope you learn your lesson, assholes!!! Try to get to your gang to mess with us and we'll end your careers!! Kazutora declared seriously even though he was grinning maliciously.

The crowd was dead silent as they all stared at Fuutarou, jaws dropped down in disbelief. The second leader of Tokyo Manji was right in front of them all along, they were all fooled.

"Y-you three!!!"

"Hm?" Fuutarou hummed and looked at Bald Rat walking towards him. Bald Rat pointed a shaky finger at the three delinquents.

"P-p-principal's office! N-n-now!!!"

Fuutarou sighed and palmed his face. Kazutora looked away while whistling innocently. Chifuyu snorted a little and smiled in amusement.

"Yeah yeah, let's go you two. We don't wanna keep em waiting."

To be continued.....