
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Let Off

The Nakano quints were sitting around a table, eating the food they bought from the canteen silently.

Yotsuba narrowed her eyes, disliking the silence.

"So we're just gonna ignore that Uesugi-san and his friends are superhuman?" Yotsuba broke the silence bluntly. Itsuki sighed and rubbed her head.

"First he has a sword that can glow, now he's faster than the speed of sound. I'd rather not overload my brain with unbelievable information, Yotsuba." Itsuki grumbled while munching on a big meat bun.

Yotsuba pouted.

"We all have our own ways to process this, Yotsuba...." Miku whispered silently. But then she had stars glittering in her eyes and gained an excited expression.

"It's so cool though. Don't you think so guys?" Miku turned to ask her sisters who sweat dropped at her enthusiasm.

"And the way they posed afterwards, it's just like something out of an anime. I didn't know Fuutarou was this cool." Miku added. Ichika giggled.

"He's already cool Miku, this just adds points in my book." Ichika replied. Nino sighed.

"They'll probably get suspended. You don't just beat someone up till their half dead in broad daylight and get away with just a slap on the wrist." Nino brought them back to reality, making the atmosphere gloomy again.

"I hope dad doesn't find out about this. I don't want Uesugi-kun to get fired and I don't want a new tutor. Only he and he only can teach us." Itsuki whispered sadly before taking another bite out of her meat bun.

Her sisters silently agreed with her.



In the headmaster's office, after Bald Rat explained everything to the headmaster and the board chairman who was coincidentally there, it quickly fell silent.

"This is a first...." The headmaster of Asahiyama High, a foreign old man named Henry Henderson muttered while Fuutarou, Kazutora and Chifuyu sat in front of him.

Henry has long, straight, white hair pulled into a tight ponytail ending just below his shoulders. His hairline is beginning to recede.

He has a lengthy, straight, white beard cut in a unique style, with no hair on the chin but along the mustache and beard area without connecting to the head hair styled into two long points reaching his collarbone.

Taking into consideration his age, he has noticeable creases and wrinkles on his face, accompanied by small, thin eyes with thin eyebrows right above them.

He is normally seen wearing a three-piece suit consisting of a dark jacket with long coattails and striped pants. He accessorizes with a pocket square, tricolor striped tie, and cane.

Also, Henry somehow knew that Fuutarou was a gang leader through unknown means. When Fuutarou asked him how he knew, he replied that he was 'a man with many connections'.

Henry sighed.

"Indeed." The board chairman of Asahiyama High, Mr Takeda whispered his agreement. Bald Rat silently excused himself and exited the office.

"What do you mean 'this is the first'?" Fuutarou asked, breaking the silence. The headmaster cleared his throat.

"Even though you're in a gang. This is the first time you've caused trouble in school since you first studied here, Uesugi-kun." Henry commented. Fuutarou nodded at the statement. Henry then sighed.

"At least you're not like your father...." He whispered, making Fuutarou tilt his head in confusion. Henry decided to explain.

"I was headmaster of Asahiyama High for s long time. I've met a lot of students, good and bad ones. But the most interesting one I have the pleasure of ever knowing was your father, Isanari." Henry explained.

"Dad studied here before?" Fuutarou asked himself. Henry and Mr Takeda hearing him nodded in response.

"Yes, he somehow got good enough grades to be able to study here. But his grades were still absolutely horrifying and his behavior is....is something.... "

"But with the tutoring of your late mother, who was his then girlfriend who somehow fell in love with him, he quickly went from a failure to an average student." Mr Takeda explained as Fuutarou looked at him. The middle aged man smiled warmly at him.

"I studied with Isanari before. Isanari defended me from my bullies a lot and also helped me decide what I wanted to do in my own life. You're similar to him in some ways, Uesugi-kun. Personality and appearance wise."

Fuutarou grinned happily and scratched the back of his head. "Thanks Mr Takeda. Quick question, why are you here?"

"To congratulate you for getting 1st place in school's midterm exams and in the national rank again, like I did last time. And also I want to make an investment in your father's business. Give this letter to him." Mr Takeda handed him a letter. Fuutarou took ot and kept it in his pocket. Henry cleared his throat, getting them back to the main point.

"This kind of situation has happened before with your father being the one who caused it." Henry revealed, surprising the three delinquents.

"Some jocks were ganging up on your mother, your father saw it from far away and I swore that was the angriest I've ever seen him that year. He literally disappeared in front of me and reappeared in front of the jocks."

"They were beaten up by him in a flash. There was blood and some teeth on the ground after it was all over but it wasn't his at all. I think he broke some of their bones too." Mr Takeda recounted with a nostalgic smile on his face.

"I personally suspended him. But as it turns out, those jocks he beat up were apart of a really powerful gang that were the rivals of the Black Dragon gang decades ago." Henry continued the story. The three gang members were totally encapsulated by the story.

"The gang arrived to this school while he was suspended and at home, demanding him to show himself so they could 'teach him a lesson he'll never forget.' in front of everyone."

" They took your mother hostage and pointed a gun at her head, threatening that if he doesn't show up they'll kill her. She was usually calm and collected, but she couldn't keep calm in this so she screamed for Isanari. I think that was the loudest scream I've ever heard in my life. And guess what?" Mr Takeda then smirked.

"Isanari showed up like a damn superhero, with his Black Dragon gang he led behind him, ready for war."

"Wait hold on, my father led Black Dragon?" Fuutarou asked Mr Takeda, confused at this revelation. Mr Takeda nodded.

" Yes, if I remember correctly, he was appointed the 2nd Generation Leader after the First Generation Leader decided to end the 'first era'. Look, I even took a picture of him. " Mr Takeda took out his phone and showed something to Fuutarou and the two delinquents.

"Holy shit Fuutarou, he's like your twin. " Kazutora whispered, looking at the picture of a grinning teenager Isanari that looked exactly like how Fuutarou looks good like right now.

"Cool sword too." Chifuyu commented as he pointed at the massive sword strapped to the young Isanari's back.

"Wait a minute, I know that damn sword...." Kazutora whispered as his friends looked at him waiting for an explanation.

"Yoru, one of the strongest swords in the world, ranked as one of the 12 Supreme Grade swords and a Black Blade like your Shusui." Kazutora explained as Fuutarou looked back at the Western-looking sword in surprise.

Yoru is a cruciform and well-ornated weapon with a curved, single-edged, black blade—resembling an oversized kriegsmesser. It has a total length of well over two meters.

The golden crossguard is extremely long to the sides especially seen from the front and it also resembles a crucifix.

"You are correct, Kazutora-kun. Isanari found and wielded it since he was just 5. With Yoru and his skills in the art of the blade, Isanari was hailed as the Strongest Swordsman in the World. " Me Takeda revealed seriously, surprising the three delinquents even more.

"Don't be surprised, kids. Back in the days, monsters like that brat Isanari ran amok around Japan showing off their power. No one could do anything since they were powerless in front of them. "

"But thankfully, most of the gangsters back then knew to control themselves. And those who wouldn't and dared to take over Japan were very violently stopped by Black Dragon." Henry explained.

"Look at this one." Mr Takeda whispered with a smile on his face as he swiped his phone, showing the three another photo of Isanari.

It was a picture of Isanari wielding Yoru with both hands. But Fuutarou could tell something was off about this picture.

"Why are the hand sizes different? Dad's right hand is like two times bigger than his left one, is it angle issues?" Fuutarou commented while pointing at Isanari's tiny pale but somehow transparent left hand wielding Yoru.

"That's because that isn't Isanari's left hand, it was your mother's. Look, his real left hand is carrying her. " Mr Takeda explained while pointing at Isanari's real left hand which was one handedly carrying Fuutarou's mother bridal style.

"Freaky.....That small hand came out of his chest too." Chifuyu whispered. Mr Takeda hummed and stopped showing them the picture.

" I asked him about it and he didn't really give me a specific answer. He just said it was because of his overwhelming neverending love for your mother that caused this to happen." Mr Takeda explained.

" Cool." Fuutarou whispered with a smile on his face. Kazutora laughed as he leaned back against his chair.

"The Power of Love always wins!" He declared.

" I think that's enough reminiscing about the past for now, Mr Takeda. Let's talk about your punishment, you three. Suspension for two weeks and we'll make sure to keep this quiet." Henry immediately declared without hesitation.

"So we'll be back days before we go on the school camping trip. No school and camping trip after we're back? Enough said. " Fuutarou stood up with his friends following him.

"We'll be leaving now. Thanks for letting me know more about my dad!" Fuutarou waved at Henry and Mr Takeda who smiled back at the teenager.

They exited the headmaster's office.

"This fight should not get out. The reputation of Asahiyama High is at stake. I'll make sure word doesn't get out." Henry whispered to himself before getting up.

"It's what you did when Isanari did it too. Deja Vu." Mr Takeda muttered.

" Let's just hope nothing happens after that. "



Fuutarou dialed a phone number before he aised his phone and put it close to his right ear. It took a while before the call was answered.

"Hello, my student!"

"Master Gyatsu! I haven't heard from you in s while. How was your vacation in South Korea?"

"It was better than expected."

"Good to know. I was calling you so I could ask you something, when does training start again?"

"I will have to take a rest from all the travelling since I just arrived back home. Tomorrow we'll start. "

"Alright Master Gyatsu, see you soon. "

"Same to you, my student."

The call ended, Fuutarou put it back and started grumbling. He rubbed his head, thinking about the consequences of his actions.

He attacked members of the ICBM, which would be fine since they wouldn't a problem to him and Toman at all if ICBM ever declared a gang war.

The problem was that Toman solidified it's position once again as the top biker gang in Tokyo. If you stay in power for too long, there will be more and more people willing to take you down.

And if ICBM ever declared a gang war, others might flock to them and form an alliance to try defeat Toman.

Valhalla was a private dispute masterminded by Kisaki to take Toman over silently. ICBM had no such intelligence.

'This whole problem is bullshit. I'm beginning to think Kazutora's words were right, that I'm being the best student I could possibly be to escape the gang life subconsciously. Do I even want to?' Fuutarou frowned as he looked at the ground while walking on the streets.

The brotherhood he had formed with Toman was unbreakable at this point. Everyone knew each other's names, their hobbies and dreams for the future.

Fuutarou too, personally spending time to get to know every single member in Toman because he didn't want to be acting like some unreachable God to the members.

He just wanted to be a good leader, a leader worth following and dying for. And it was no question that Fuutarou would do the same for them.

By the way, what would he even do if he disbanded Toman? What would his friends do next?

That kind of knowledge would require him to be omniscient and nothing else.

To be continued...