
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


The Nakano sisters were sitting on the sofa together in their casual clothes with nervous and stressful expressions on their faces.

A couple of hours have already passed and school was already over. When Fuutarou and his two friends were guided to the headmaster's office, they never saw them since then.

*Ding Dong!*

They widened their eyes at the doorbell ringing. Itsuki quickly looked at the clock on the wall, noticing that it was time for their tutoring session with Fuutarou.

"It must be Uesugi-kun..." She whispered as her heart started beating faster, nervous about meeting him again.

Miku immediately rushed to the front door and opened it. She widened her eyes in joy as she laid her blue eyes on Fuutarou standing in front of her with the shadow of his hair covering his face,

That made it difficult for Miku to tell his current expression but that wasn't what she was worried about.

Miku could tell that she was stressed. She didn't know how she can do it, but it was probably her hanging around him a lot and seeing his stressed expression a little too much for her liking.

She knew she needed to cheer him up.

"Huh?" Fuutarou widened his eyes as Miku enveloped him in a warm hug and started caressing his back, which Fuutarou found it soothing.

"Miku...." Fuutarou whispered in a deep voice and wrapped his arms around her small waist, making the headphones girl shiver a little.

"Fuutarou." Miku whispered and she started hugging him in a possessive way, not wanting anyone to take him away from her.

"You're so precious Miku.... I wonder what would I do without you and your sisters....Chu~" Fuutarou smiled as he gently kissed Miku's forehead, taking the chance to take in her flowery scent. Miku widened her eyes and looked up at him.

She was immediately met with piercing golden eyes staring at her warmly. Fuutarou smiled down at her.

"Did you like it?" He asked, making Miku shy and twiddle her fingers. She nodded meekly.

"Y-yeah..." Miku whispered, smiling a little. Fuutarou chuckled and patted her head.

"I'm glad you do. C'mon, let's go in." Fuutarou whispered as he grabbed Miku's hand and interlocked his fingers with hers.

Miku blushed up a storm and followed him shyly. She stared at him and frowned again. Even though Fuutarou smiled at her just now, his stoic expression was back again which was something that was a rare sight to Miku's eyes.

'We need to find a way to cheer him up!' Miku decided in her mind determinedly while Fuutarou was busy taking off his shoes.

Grabbing the opportunity by the throat, Miku quickly took out her smartphone and went in WhatsApp. She entered a group chat between her and her siblings before she started typing a message to them.

Ichika hummed as she heard the notification coming from her phone. The other three gathered in the living room also checked their own phones too.

The following paragraph was the message Miku sent to them:

'We need to cheer Fuutarou up. He's down in the dumps rn. Something must've happened when he went to the headmaster's office.'

Ichika and her sisters frowned deeply at Miku's message. They have never seen Fuutarou sad before in all their time spent with him.

Nino hated the idea of Fuutarou feeling down. It was something impossible to her. Him? Their tutor? Sad? If someone said that she would deny it and argue with them, even if they were her sisters.

Fuutarou was like a ray of sunshine to Nino and probably to her sisters to. He brought hope to their household, made them believe they could pass their exams and get high marks.

He changed them, he changed Nino. He was an important person in her life now. And whenever Nino thought about him her body would get weird reactions.

Her heart starts beating faster, her face starts heating up and her stomach gets weird flutters. Nino blushed and covered her face.

Her thoughts made it sound like she had a crush on him. But now it begged the question.

Does she have a crush on her tutor or not?

The second sister didn't have time to think it through as Fuutarou walked into the living room and sat down near the coffee table.

Ichika walked over and knelt on both knees behind him. She started massaging his back, wanting to help him reduce his stress and feel relaxed.

"Ichika, what are you doing?" Fuutarou asked as he turned his head to look at her. Ichika smiled at him.

"Massaging your obviously. You look like you needed it." Ichika replied. Fuutarou smiled a little.

"Thank you, but how are you going to massage me while you're studying?" Fuutarou asked her in amusement. Ichika laughed nervously and scratched her cheek.

She never thought of that.

"M-maybe later?" Ichika asked him. Fuutarou nodded, still maintaining his smile.

"Sure, when we're done with tutoring." Fuutarou replied as Nino approached him while holding a tray with a plate and a glass of water on it.

"Here Uesugi, have a small snack so that you can have energy teaching us." Nino said as she set the tray down on the table. Fuutarou saw a sandwich on the plate.

He silently took the sandwich and started eating it silently. He was surprised at himself as he quickly scarfed down the sandwich and gulped dowm the water down his throat in a matter of 30 seconds.

Had he been thinking about the consequences of his actions that he missed lunch today?

"Wow.... He's really hungry alright." Itsuki whispered, impressed at his ability to eat very fast. He definitely ate faster than she ever could.

Fuutarou looked at Nino sitting down beside him and patted her head gently. "Thanks Nino, you're cooking is delicious as always. You know...." Fuutarou rubbed his chin.

"You'd make the perfect wife for someone in the future. You're cooking is awesome, you're responsible and great at housework, you're beautiful, cute, you can play video games, and you're also a tsundere which makes you even cuter....What the fuck am I even saying... I must still be hungry or something..." Fuutarou grumbled the last two sentences while Nino was blushing at his words.

"M-me? A h-housewife?" Nino asked Fuutarou who immediately nodded back.

"Yeah! Don't you think you'll make a great housewife, Nino? I can already imagine it you know. I think you would make a great mom too you know." Fuutarou added, making her shocked even more.

"W-wait wh-what?!"

There was a silence that enveloped the atmosphere.

"Just kiss each other already." Ichika giggled at them, making Fuutarou blush and Nino's face brightened up dramatically.

"Hahaha.... I think we should start the lesson now." A nervous Itsuki cleared her throat and switched the subject.

Nino was glad she did, she didn't think she could handle any more of that.



"Okay, what the hell is up with him today?" Nino whispered to Miku. Today's tutoring session was the worst one they had, even worse than the first one where Nino drugged him.

Fuutarou seemed out of it most of the time. Sometimes he'd had to be lightly hit on the shoulder to gather his attention and his brain seemed to not work sometimes whenever one of the Quints asked him a question.

Thankfully the quints weren't annoyed about it or anything, except for Nino who still couldn't believe that this was happening to their tutor.

"I just asked one of my classmates and she said that Fuutarou was getting suspended along with the two new transfer students." Miku whispered back while taking a glance at Fuutarou whose head was on the wooden table.

It looked uncomfortable.

Ichika was sitting beside him, offering her soothing massage and doing the best she can to help him in whatever he was going through.

"Tch! I think he's stressed out because of that stupid gang he's running." Nino scowled and crossed her arms.

"I mean come on, those kinds of gangster shit is for stupid people. He's a teenager just like us, even though he's a superhuman." Nino grumbled. Miku rolled her eyes.

" Then you're a dumbass too then since you have a type for bad boys." Miku retorted calmly, making Nino glare angrily at her.

"Says you dumbass, you and Ichika always cling to him whenever he's around." Nino argued back. Miku pointed at Nino's boobs.

"I'm not the one who fondled her boobs and squeezed her nipples while shouting our tutor's name like a horny slut in her bedroom last night when said tutor left our house after Nintendo Night." Miku said with a small triumphant smirk on her face, making Nino's eyes widen as big as saucers and her face brighter than roses.

"H-how d-do you know th-that?" Nino stuttered almost incomprehensibly.

"It's not like you were keeping it down. I think all of us knew. I'm the one who got up and checked, I just so happened to 'come' at the perfect time." Miku replied, emphasizing the innuendo. Nino wanted to die from embarrassment.

Her sister had been watching her pseudo masturbating, pseudo since she never touched her lower parts. That was the moment Nino decided to get soundproof walls for her bedroom.

"That's besides the point, I thought you wanted us to cheer him up." Nino switched the topic. Miku sighed.

" You can't escape that topic Nino. We'll talk about you masturbating later, but yeah you're right. We need to cheer Fuutarou up." Miku sighed and scratched her head.

"Uesugi-san!" Miku and Nino looked at Yotsuba sitting beside Fuutarou who hummed in response as he was still lying his head on the coffee table.

Yotsuba grabbed his right hand and held it in between her hands. She also had a determined expression on her face.

"Let's get married right now!"


No one expected that from her.

To be continued...