
Quick Transmigration: Saving Her Male Leads [Book 1]

She was sent without warning inside the story she wrote, and now Kate, who transmigrated to every plane she solely wrote, embarks on the road of saving her male leads from destroying the world. But... Does the male lead really need to be saved by her? It seemed that she was the one who needed to be saved from these clingy and paranoid male gods in which they did not want her to leave their sight, even if it was just for a mere second. "...." Arc 1 - Parasite Monopolized Lover

AuthorKC0001 · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Arc 1:1 Saving Male Lead from Space Girl

Here is the Zhou Dynasty palace bedroom.

The original owner was a very spoiled princess of the Zhou Dynasty who, if she wanted something, got it, but very few people knew her true character.

Even her father, the emperor, did not really know her true character.

Her guise in front of many people was that she was a very gentle princess who cared for everyone.

The only ones who knew her true character were those who had worked in her palace for many years.

The original owner's name was Chen Kei; she was the youngest daughter of the emperor and his only daughter.

She was born after the emperor had become very desperate for a daughter since all his children from the empress and the imperial concubine were sons.

When an imperial consort finally conceived a baby girl, it was expected that after her birth, she would naturally be spoiled rotten.

Not only by the emperor himself but also by the empress and concubines, who also wished for a baby girl after being surrounded by cheeky boys.

One of the people who knew Chen Kei's true character was the world heroine.

The heroine's name was Xu Xiexie; she was Chen Kei's maidservant who was always punished for breaking the 'rules'.

Of course, those rules were not rules that any reasonable person needed to abide by.

Since Chen Kei said that she was the rule herself, if she wanted someone to be punished, then that 'someone' needed to be punished.

Even if that someone did not do anything at all.

Previously, Xu Xiexie was punished for breaking something in the princess's room. As Chen Kei's maidservant, she could not plead even though she wanted to, since Chen Kei would not allow it.

But Xu Xiexie was now reborn and had acquired a medical space and spring that could cure any disease and grant beauty to whoever used them.

Unlike other women who wanted to please and gain favor with someone of higher status, Xu Xiexie became ambitious and wanted more than to be a maidservant.

That's when she 'stumbled' upon the third prince and seduced him with the newly acquired medicine she got from the space she obtained after rebirth.

Xu Xiexie escaped the fate of being Chen Kei's maidservant as the third prince hired her, not to be his legal wife but just a mere 'nurse'.

Xu Xiexie was, of course, anxious when the third prince only hired her to be a nurse, but she knew she couldn't be too anxious since the third prince, though sometimes dumb, was notorious for being impatient with ambitious people.

As someone reborn, Xu Xiexie naturally wanted to avenge herself or make those she deemed hateful fall from grace.

All of the people sent to Chen Kei to plead for mercy were suddenly sent by Xu Xiexie.

Of course, the emperor needed to hear the news that his beloved daughter was abusing her title.

Xu Xiexie knew that Chen Kei was an arrogant person and wouldn't readily admit to doing something wrong.

So it was the best idea to break the emperor's relationship with Chen Kei.

The emperor was famous for being strict and despising people who abused their titles.

So when he heard that his beloved daughter was abusing her title, he was naturally angry and felt challenged as the emperor.

He called for Chen Kei in the hall to get an explanation, but all he received was his daughter's absence.

The relationship between the emperor and Chen Kei reached a freezing point.

That's when Chen Kei was kidnapped by the male lead as a hostage to secure his return to his own country.

But because the emperor was naturally disappointed in his daughter, he did not allow the male lead to return, resulting in Chen Kei being slashed in the end by the male lead's anger.


The system, huddled in the corner to observe the situation, poked its head out for a minute but was shocked to see a gentle smile hanging at the corner of Kate's lips.

When he first met his Host, he had never seen a smile on her lips, just pursed lips.

So when he saw that Kate was gently smiling into the nothingness, his data trembled as he once again hid himself, scared out of his wits.

Kate sighed.

She realized that the scene she was in right now was where Xu Xiexie had sent another person into her bedroom in a high-profile manner for the last time and that it had already reached the emperor's ears.

Now, all she needed to do was wait for the emperor to call for her.

Kate sighed once again.

She called for the system that was hiding.

"Yes, Host? What is it that you need from this system?" the system's voice cracked as it cautiously asked.

"Do you have a pack for the newbie Host?" Kate gently asked, her fingers pulling the gorgeous gown on her body once more, feeling that it was starting to get really hot.

The system, knowing that his Host wouldn't do anything harmful to him, immediately became active, as he dutifully said,


"Yes, we have a pack for the newbie Host to use. Would the Host like to use it now?" the system said cheerfully and then asked Kate next.

Kate tugged at her collar as she gently nodded her head, sweat forming on her forehead.

It's hot, Kate silently thought.


"Newbie pack successfully used! Please select only one variety, Host," the system said once again.

Kate's dark eyes flickered as she looked at the image displayed in front of her.

Feeling very hot, she did not look at the other varieties of skills anymore and selected the master of illusion.


"Selected successfully! Master of illusion activated!" the system cheerfully announced.

As Kate raised her head slightly because of the heat she was feeling, a maidservant suddenly rushed into her bedroom and said,

"The emperor asked for your presence in the hall, Your Highness," the maidservant said.

Kate's eyes flickered as she stood up, feeling very dizzy.

"Lead the way," Kate gently said.

The maidservant visibly trembled but suppressed her fear as she led the way silently.

Kate flicked the hem of her sleeves as she walked in brisk steps.

'Shall we start the saving then?'