
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter 22

Ragnar stood on a small hill overlooking the battlefield, the sun had barely risen in the horizon. The air was thick with anticipation, every breath laden with the scent of earth and sweat. His eyes scanned the horizon, taking in the sight of his men forming ranks below, their armor gleaming faintly in the dawn.General Thane approached, his face set in a determined expression. "Khan, the men are ready. We await your command."Ragnar nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Good. We will strike first and strike hard. We cannot afford to give Jeder's men any advantage."Thane hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Khan, there is a soldier who has something urgent to report."Ragnar raised an eyebrow. "Who is it?"Arthur stepped forward from the shadows.Ragnar recognized him. "You are the soldier from the Kuraltai palace?" He was the guard who helped his wife.Arthur bowed respectfully. "Yes, Khan, it is an honour to be remembered by you."Ragnar nodded and signaled for him to continue."I have been observing the enemy's movements closely. Their actions seem... strange. They appear to be stalling.""Stalling?" Ragnar repeated, his eyes narrowing. "What do you mean?"Arthur took a deep breath. "Their patrols are erratic, and they are not making any significant moves. It's as if they are waiting for something, or someone."Ragnar's mind raced. "Waiting for reinforcements? Or perhaps they are trying to lure us into a trap?"Arthur shook his head. "It's hard to say for sure, but something feels off. We should proceed with caution."Ragnar nodded, his expression serious. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Arthur. We will remain vigilant. General Thane, ensure our scouts are on high alert. I want to know the moment anything changes."Thane nodded and moved to relay the orders. Ragnar turned his attention back to the battlefield, his mind working through the possible scenarios. He couldn't afford to be caught off guard.As the sun continued to rise, the signal was given. Horns blared, and the ground shook as thousands of feet began to march. Ragnar led his horse to the front, his presence a steadying force for his men. He raised his sword high, the blade catching the light."For Valthorn!" he shouted, his voice carrying across the ranks. The men echoed his cry, their voices resonating through the steppe.The enemy lines were visible now, a dark mass on the horizon. As they drew closer, Ragnar could see the tension in their ranks, the unease palpable even from a distance. He narrowed his eyes, searching for any signs of weakness."Hold the line!" he commanded, his voice calm and authoritative. The men obeyed, their shields raised and spears at the ready.The clash was inevitable. The first wave of arrows descended upon them, a deadly rain that was met with raised shields and disciplined formations. Ragnar watched as his archers retaliated, their arrows finding their marks with deadly precision.The sound of metal meeting metal filled the air as the front lines collided. Ragnar's sword was a blur, cutting through the chaos with practiced ease. He fought with a ferocity that inspired his men, his movements calculated and deadly.As the battle raged on, he noticed their hesitance, as if they were biding their time."Something is not right," he muttered to himself. "They are holding back."Suddenly, a horn sounded from the enemy lines, a deep, resonant note that sent a shiver down Ragnar's spine. He turned to see a new wave of soldiers emerging from the enemy's ranks, their weapons unlike anything he had seen before."HOLD THE LINE!"The battlefield shifted as the enemy opened fire, the deafening roar of gunfire cutting through the air. Ragnar's men were caught off guard, their shields and armor offering little protection against the deadly projectiles."Fall back!" Ragnar shouted, his voice straining to be heard over the chaos. "Regroup and form a new line!"His men obeyed, their movements swift and coordinated despite the sudden onslaught. Ragnar fought his way back to his commanders, his mind racing with thoughts of the strange new weapon."What weapon is that?" he said grimly to Thane and Varok. "They are killing our men left and right!"Thane was unsure, he could only hope for Ragnar to have a way out of this. "What are your orders, Khan?""Call that soldier! I need to know if he knows what that is! We need to fall back!"Thane nodded, riding through the chaos. "FALL BACK!"Thane found Arthur and brought him back. "Arthur, what are those weapons?"Arthur's face was grim. "They are guns, Khan. They shoot projectiles at high speeds and can kill from a great distance."Ragnar's mind was thrown into a loop. "How do we combat this?" he demanded.Arthur hesitated. "We need to find a way to neutralize their guns, perhaps with precision archery."Ragnar's mind raced, struggling to form a coherent strategy. Thane placed a firm hand on his shoulder. "Ragnar! Get it together. If you falter now, everything falls apart."Ragnar took a deep breath, steeling himself. "You're right. We will not be defeated so easily. Varok, pull back to the secondary position. Arthur, tell Jarek to get our best archers ready."As they began to fall back, Ragnar noticed an army approaching from behind. His heart sank, his fear spiking, but then he saw a familiar figure leading the charge.Azul.She rode with intent, her presence giving him some.much needed hope. A surge of relief coursed through him."Reinforcements," Thane muttered, a grin spreading across his face.Azul and Varok joined them, her eyes meeting Ragnar's."What are you doing here?" he asked."I couldn't let my husband die in battle now, could I?" she said with a small, confident smile.Ragnar wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her, but there was no time for such sentiments. He gestured for her to join the war council that had hastily formed in the midst of the chaos."We need a new strategy," Ragnar said, his voice firm. "Azul, what have you got for us?"Azul nodded, her expression serious. "These weapons, the guns, they have a significant weakness. Early firearms are prone to overheating and are incredibly explosive. They are also slow to reload. We can counter them."Varok, standing beside her, listened intently. "How do you propose we do that, Khatun?"Azul pointed to the enemy's position on the battlefield. "Archers, our best bet is archers. We need to get as many soldiers on horses as possible."Thane looked skeptical. "Where are we going to get horses?"Azul met his gaze unwaveringly. "I didn't come empty-handed."Jeder was filthy rich; he could afford to provide his true troops with horses, horses that now belonged to Azul.Ragnar nodded, his confidence bolstered by her presence and her plan. "Alright, we need to move quickly. Varok, organize the archers, ensure we have enough fire arrows. Thane, rally the men and get them ready for the charge."The Valthorn soldiers moved swiftly, their actions coordinated and precise. Azul's plan was set into motion as archers mounted horses, their fire arrows at the ready. The key was to strike hard and fast.Who was faster? An archer or a first generation gunman?An archer.The signal was given, and the Valthorn archers rode out, their horses galloping across the battlefield. The first volley of fire arrows soared through the air, arching gracefully before descending upon the enemy. The arrows found their marks, igniting the gun power in any gun they hit blowing their users to pieces.The enemy lines faltered, their formations breaking as chaos spread. Ragnar led his men forward, their battle cries echoing across the battlefield.Azul watched from a distance, her heart pounding loudly. Nothing could go wrong, she couldn't afford to lose.The Valthorn soldiers, invigorated by their perceived victory, continued to press their advantage. The air was filled with the sounds of clashing metal and the cries of the wounded.As the tide of battle seemed to turn in their favor, the Valthorn soldiers' morale soared. Victory felt within reach. The enemy's lines were breaking, and their retreat appeared imminent.Meanwhile, at the other side of the battlefield, the Great Kuraltai Khan was in the thick of the fight. His presence on the battlefield was a rallying point for his men. Mounted on a magnificent horse, his sword cut through the enemy with brutal efficiency. His armor gleamed under the harsh sun, he was a violent force of nature to be reckoned with.The Khan's movements were swift and calculated, each strike precise and deadly. He commanded his troops with a voice that carried above the din of battle, directing them with strategic brilliance. His years of experience and unyielding prowess were evident in every move he made.Surrounded by his most trusted warriors, the Great Khan advanced, cutting down any enemy who dared to cross his path. The battlefield was a chaotic storm of motion, but the Khan remained a steady, imposing force.Suddenly, one of his scouts rode up, his face pale with urgency. "Great Khan!" he called out, his voice strained. "We have received word of an impending ambush. The enemy is flanking us from the rear!"The Khan's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. "Who is leading this ambush?" he demanded."It's... it's Jeder, Great Khan. He's bringing reinforcements from the north."The Khan's expression darkened. "Signal the commanders. We need to regroup and prepare for this new threat."The scout nodded and rode off to deliver the message. The Khan turned his attention back to the battlefield, if he lost focus now he would die. He knew that their advantage could quickly turn into a disastrous defeat if they were caught off guard.As the Valthorn soldiers continued to fight, unaware of the looming danger, Azul was approached by a breathless messenger. "Khatun! Urgent news from the Great Khan!"Azul turned to the messenger, her heart sinking at the sight of his frantic expression. "What is it?""An ambush, Khatun. Jeder is leading a force from the north. They are flanking us from behind!"