
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 21

At the second camp Sisi went through the day as usual, overseeing the various tasks that kept the camp running smoothly. Her retainer, Lina, was never far from her side, her presence a constant source of annoyance. Sisi felt like she was being baby sat, it frustrated her to no end.

"How are the supplies holding up?" Sisi asked as they walked through the camp, her eyes scanning the bustling activity around them.

Lina consulted a list in her hand. "We have enough to last a few more weeks, but we'll need to resupply soon. The blacksmiths are working on new weapons, and the cooks have prepared rations to send to the men."

Sisi nodded, satisfied with the report. "Good. We don't know how long they will stay at the Frontline so we should be ready."

As they continued their rounds, Lina hesitated before speaking again. "Princess, I haven't heard anything from the other camp. It's been days."

Sisi frowned, her steps slowing. "That's unusual. Azul is usually good at keeping in touch. Have you tried sending another messenger?"

"I have, but there's been no response," Lina replied, her worry evident.

Something must be wrong. "We'll need to send someone to check on them. Have one of the scouts prepare to leave immediately."

"Yes, Princess," Lina said, hurrying off to carry out the order.

Sisi watched her go, did something happen to Azul? She felt a bit anxious but she couldn't leave the camp.

Night fell, casting the camp in deep shadows. Sisi was at her desk going through her notes from her teacher, though she wasn't able to help she would use this as a learning opportunity.

The quiet of the night was suddenly shattered by the sound of shouts and clashing metal.

Lina burst into the tent, her face pale with fear. "Princess, we're under attack!"

Sisi grabbed the sword by her bedside, following Lina outside. Chaos reigned as enemy soldiers swarmed the camp.

Sisi felt a sense of impending doom. If she lost their supplies her father would never trust her.

"Princess!" Lina called in alarm, but before she could make sense of the situation, she felt a hand clasp her mouth. She reacted swiftly kicking the man who had snuck up behind her in the chaos.

The man groaned stepped back but another grabbed her hair which she had let lose for the night. She screamed, adrenaline coursing through her she took her knife aiming for the arms of whoever dared to touch her hair.

Unfortunately there were one two many men, despite injuring a few she found herself gagged and being dragged against the mud towards the center of camp where she saw him watching her with an amused expression in his eyes.


His long red hair and gold armour catching the light. He looked down at her pathetic appearance. "Well, well, the beautiful Sisi at my feet, how seductive."

Sisi struggled against her bonds, her eyes narrowing. "What do you want, Jedar?" She hadn't seen him since his fall out with Ragnar, what's the point of capturing her? What did he want to achieve?

He crouched down, bringing his face level with hers. "How have you been? You've grown up to be quiet lovely."


Jeder laughed in delight, "you are still the same, I've missed you." He unbound her letting her stand up from the mud. Her hair and her night dress were a mess, the men leered at her body shamelessly, she didn't give a shit. She was surrounded by enemy shoulders. The mud was mixed with the blood of her father's men, she was screwed.

"You should kill me, because if you let me go or let me live even for another minute I will rip your throat out with my teeth Jeder."

He whistled, "how spiteful" his hands took a strand of her once beautiful black hair, then dropping it to raise her chin. Her eyes had been locked on his, unwavering, she had nothing to fear.

"I spared you to give you a proposition." He said, his red eyes digging deep into hers. "How about you put your pretty brain to good use? How long do you plan on staying in your brother's shadow?"

"I can not betray my father."

Jeder's smile was cold. "That's a shame, I didn't take you the type to throw away an opportunity like this, I thought you had more ambition than this. Didn't you want to be Queen?"

Sisi was silent for a second.

Was the love of her father that deep?

This was her chance!

"What do you want me to do?" she asked.

Jedar's smile widened. "There's the princess I know. Sisi, I've missed you dearly." He leaned down in an attempt to kiss her but she slapped his hand away.

"We were kids Jeder, don't have any weird ideas. If I help you, I want to be the Kuraltai Queen. Not your Queen. I want to rule my people in peace."

"But of course princess, you are a great general, there's no reason for you to rot here."

Jeder raised his hands as if giving his men a signal. They cheered and all separated.

Sisi wondered what was happening but her questions were answered quickly when the sharp scream of a woman came. The women of the camp had been rounded up, some were concubines of the generals and many were wives of soldiers who had accompanied their husbands.

The great Khan allowed them to come to boost the men's morale. And here they were, defiled brutally before her very eyes.

The women who laughed at her earlier that day, their mocking gaze had been long replaced with fear.

Sisi watched silently as Jeder's men enjoyed the spoils of war.

She felt deeply.. satisfied?

She was the only one untouched because her talent had been recognized, the same talent that made her looked down on by other women.

She was the one looking down on all of them.

She was the only one.

"Sisi, I'm so happy you joined me. If you didn't it would have been so sad to see your pretty skin bruised and cut." Jeder's words sent a chill down her spine, but she showed him no fear.

She was better.

That's why she survived.

They should have been better too.

"Princess!" Lina her retainer called in desperation hoping to be saved by her mistress. But Sisi only glanced at her coldly before looking away from the woman's naked body.

"Sisi, you should have a bath. Your beautiful skin shouldn't be stained like this," Jeder said tenderly. Sisi nodded and went back to her tent, turning a blind eye to the horrific screams she heard outside. After all, she deserved to live more than any of them... right?

"Khan, we've not heard news from the other group... I'm afraid..."

Jeder frowned as he listened to his subordinate's report.

"They must have been delayed," Jeder said with an exaggerated sigh. "It's no problem. We will head straight to the front line at dawn; they will join us when they can."

The subordinate nodded.

"Oh, and I hope no one tries to touch my Sisi. If anyone has any ideas, they should slit their throats before I find out," he added darkly. His subordinate gulped and bowed respectfully before leaving.

The Aralorn tribe was one of the oldest tribes on the continent. They were like royalty, filthy rich with an extensive network of allies. Jeder was a descendant of such a tribe.

Sisi entered her tent, her mind racing. She needed to survive, and aligning with a powerful figure like Jeder was the best way. She could not afford to be weak, not now, not ever.

As she prepared for her bath, she noticed a small mirror on the vanity. She stared at her reflection, the flickering candlelight casting shadows across her face. This is the opportunity she needed, she had to take it. There's no going back now.

Her body trembled against her will.


As the first light of dawn began to break, the soldiers prepared for battle. Jeder stood at the forefront, his body clad in his gold.

Sisi mounted her horse next to him. There was an order to leave no one alive, and so the screams from last night would never be heard again.

She stared at his figure, Jeder was what they would call a genius. Between him, Ranger and herself they were the forefront of the new generation. How ironic was it that they would be meeting again on the battlefield?

Sisi wanted to laugh, she had no plans on being under him, from one shadow to another. Once the chance came she would betray him too, but he knew that.

Jeder knew who Sisi was, a selfish ambitious woman who needed just a push. When the time  screw him over yet.

That was Sisi, addicting and sweet enough to kill you.

'Ragnar... I'm excited to see you.'  His lips twisted into a sadistic smile.

The battle horn was blown and the troops advanced.