
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 17

The journey to the military encampment was long and arduous. Azul rode in a carriage, shielded from the elements but not from the discomfort of the bumpy ride. The landscape outside was a blur of dry, rolling plains and sparse vegetation. The wheels of the carriage churned up clouds of dust that seemed to cling to everything, making her feel sticky and grimy. Despite the carriage providing a semblance of protection, the dust managed to infiltrate, settling on her skin and clothes.

Azul felt increasingly uncomfortable as the hours dragged on. She longed for a proper bath but had to make do with wiping herself down with a damp cloth. The coolness of the water was a small relief against the persistent heat, but it did little to alleviate the pervasive feeling of dustiness. Her hair, normally a smooth cascade of white, felt rough and tangled from the journey.

She wondered if they'd be able to keep up with the need for water in this weather. She could only hope whoever picked the encampment location had picked somewhere with a river.

Outside, Ragnar and the generals rode their horses with practiced ease. The men marched alongside, their faces set despite the harsh conditions. Ragnar occasionally glanced back at the carriage, concern flickering in his eyes. He knew the journey was taxing for Azul, he wondered if it was better to send her with the other women.

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, the encampment finally came into view. It was a sprawling mass of tents and makeshift fortifications, buzzing with activity. The sight of it brought a wave of relief to Azul. The idea of a bath and a bed never felt so good.

'Next time you give me a mission like this I might kill you.'

[Don't threaten your system.]

She scoffed. Out of all the princesses she could be, it had to be a tribal princess.

'The next mission better be in the modern world; I miss toilets, I miss cake, I want channel I want Fendi.' She groaned imagining the modern world.

The snake looked at her and sighed. What kind of user threatened their system whenever they were unhappy? How unlucky, She didn't even bother to give it a name, when she first acquired the system she was asked to name it, she said 'later' and just forgot about it. And so this system was still running around with no name.

The caravan slowed as they approached the entrance to the camp. Guards stood at attention, their eyes scanning the new arrivals with keen interest. The banners of the various tribes fluttered in the evening breeze, creating a colourful display against the dusty backdrop.

Khan Orin, stood at the forefront of a group of generals waiting to welcome them. His armour gleamed in the fading sunlight as he watched the approaching party. Ragnar dismounted as Khan Orin stepped forward, clasping his arm in a warrior's greeting.

"Ragnar, it is good to see you," Orin said, his voice a deep rumble. "I trust your journey was uneventful?"

Ragnar nodded, an exhausted laugh escaping his lips. "Uneventful, but long. We didn't lose anyone on the way, that is more than I could ask for."

Orin's gaze shifted to the carriage. "The Khatun is well and healthy, I presume?"

Azul stepped down from the carriage with as much grace as she could muster, ignoring the discomfort of her dusty attire. She approached Khan Orin and his generals, offering a respectful nod.

"Khan Orin, you look well," she said, her voice steady despite her fatigue.

"I could say the same about you, Khatun, though it is a shame I have not heard news of a little Ragnar." Orin replied, a smile tugging at his lips. Ragnar was very amused; Azul was not. She was still young. What do you mean, children?

As they were led deeper into the camp, Azul took in the sights and sounds of the bustling encampment. Soldiers prepared their weapons, horses were tended to, and the air was thick with the scent of sweat and steel.

They were welcomed into a larger tent, where preparations for a meal were already underway. Azul took a moment to wipe her face and hands again, wishing for nothing more than a proper bath.

Azul sat next to Ragnar, her body aching from the long journey. On either side of them sat Thane and Varok, both looking equally worn but alert. The tent provided a cool reprieve from the harsh sun outside, giving them a chance to breathe.

Khan Orin, ever the gracious host, addressed them with a nod. "Everyone else has eaten. Your men will be fed well, so take your time to rest and recover," he said before exiting the tent, leaving them to their meal.

Soldiers began to filter in, carrying trays laden with a variety of foods. The scents of roasted meats, freshly baked bread, and stewed vegetables filled the air, making Azul's stomach rumble despite her fatigue. She glanced at Ragnar, who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Eat, Azul. You need your strength," he said softly.

She nodded, reaching for a piece of bread. She savoured each mouthful, feeling the tension in her body slowly begin to ease.

Thane and Varok also dug into their food, their conversation subdued. The generals exchanged brief comments about the journey and the upcoming plans. Azul listened quietly, she had no strength to speak.

"How long do we have before the first battle?" Thane asked, his voice low.

"Not long," Varok replied, his tone equally hushed. "We need to move quickly. Jeder won't wait for us to be fully prepared."

After their meal, Ragnar led her to their tent. There were no servants here, only soldiers. Though Ragnar had soldiers under him, Azul insisted on doing everything herself; having men follow her all the time was still uncomfortable.

After her bath, she stepped outside with her damp hair, only to see Ragnar talking to some soldiers. 

"What's the problem?" She asked, walking up to them. The men glanced at Azul then at Ragnar as if to ask him if he was ok with her listening. 

Ragnar looked at her, unsure if he should say anything. "It's nothing important, is everything alright?"

"I was just going to help the chefs since there is not much I can do. Call me when it's time for the meeting later."

He nodded, and then signalled to the soldier next to him to follow.

"Take him with you. This is a camp of men; you don't want to be mistaken for the other women here."

The two left Ragnar to carry on with whatever he was doing. The soldier following Azul around was but a child; he looked nervous and a bit too small for his armour.

"What do I call you?" she asked him. He had awkward white hair like her; his eyes were blue and bright, clearly excited to be here.

"My name is Sain, Khatun. I am from the Onggirat tribe. It's a pleasure to see you finally."

She raised a brow. "Finally?"

"Well, you're pretty famous in my tribe."

Azul couldn't help but smile at the boy's enthusiasm. "Is that so? And what exactly are people saying about me?"

He stiffened, his face bright red, "Uh.. I don't know If you want to hear that Khatun."

She burst out laughing at his innocence. "It's alright. You don't mind accompanying me to cook right?"

He shook his head, how could he mind?

"Then, go to General Thane and ask for the herb drum."

Sain nodded and quickly made his way to General Thane's tent, returning a few minutes later with a large drum.

Azul and Sain made their way to the makeshift kitchen area, where they were welcomed warmly by the kitchen staff. The head chef, a burly man named Orlok, made his way out to greet her.

"Khatun, it is a pleasure to have you here!"

Azul tapped the large drum by her side. "You all know I am a healer. I am just here to check on the meal plan you have."

"Yes, of course, Khatun!" Orlok said as a parchment was brought to her. She read through it, her lips tilting downward. The vegetables were sparse, as expected, and she needed to make this a bit more nourishing with the herbs she had.

'Dragonscale Fern... Sunfruit... Silverlead... and a tiny bit of Moonblossom,' she made a mental list.

Turning to Sain, she handed him a small pouch. "Sain, can you help me gather these herbs from the drum? I'll show you what they look like."

The young soldier nodded eagerly, watching as Azul carefully picked out each herb and explained their uses. He followed her instructions diligently, bringing her the herbs she requested.

"These herbs will help keep the soldiers strong and healthy," Azul explained to Orlok. "We need to ensure they have all the nourishment they need for the battles ahead, so include them in the soups in the exact ratio."

Orlok nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Khatun."

The cooks were quick to act; it was dinner time in a few hours and they had thousands to feed. 

As the sun began to set, the kitchen staff worked efficiently to distribute the meals. Azul watched as the soldiers lined up, eager to eat after a long day of training. 

After ensuring everything was in order, Azul and Sain made their way back to the main tent. The evening meeting was about to begin.

Ragnar looked up as she entered, a small smile playing on his lips. "Did you find pleasure in your endeavours?" he asked.

Azul frowned. He said the word 'pleasure' as if she were engaging in trivial pursuits. "Sleep outside tonight," she said coldly, to his shock. "I don't even want to smell you near me."

"Come now, Khatun; you know I was merely jesting," he coaxed, trying to soften her demeanour. How could he sleep outside? This was the first time they would have some privacy since the journey. 

She only huffed and sat down next to him, uninterested in his coaxing.

The other Khans filtered in, accompanied by three main Khans who were under Ragnar's banner.

The new Khans looked at Azul with confusion, but seeing the others did not react, they took their seats quietly. Their generals stood stiffly behind them, the tension palpable.

"Let us begin," Ragnar said, his voice taking on a formal tone. 

"Khan Ragnar, who is this? I see she sits with us as if she is one of our own." One of the newer Khans said confused as to what Azul was doing there.

Ragnar's eyes flicked towards Azul, a silent affirmation of her place by his side. "This is my Khatun. Her counsel is invaluable, and she has proven herself in ways that merit your respect."

Khan Jarek nodded in agreement. "She has offered a plan that may turn the tide in our favour. We must heed her wisdom."

Azul inclined her head slightly, acknowledging the introduction but remaining silent, her presence a quiet force among the gathered leaders.

"Now," Ragnar continued, "we must speak of the strategy for the coming days. Each of you must be prepared to move with haste and precision. Our enemy gathers strength, and we cannot afford any missteps."

General Varok stepped forward, presenting a map with marked positions. "We have identified several key points that we must secure. These will be critical in disrupting the enemy's supply lines and communications."

As the discussion continued, Azul listened intently, occasionally leaning in to Ragnar to offer her thoughts. Her mind was sharp, her insights keen, and slowly, the skepticism in the room began to fade.

Khan Orin spoke up. "Khan Jarek mentions the Khatun has another plan; we would like to hear it."

Azul looked up, everyone was silent, waiting for her to speak. "I have a way to disable Jeder's fighting force."

The room fell silent, the weight of her words settling over the gathered leaders. She continued, "The river we rely on passes by their encampment. We use the same water source, but we are upstream." She pointed at the snaking river on the map. "They will run out of water soon. The heat will force them to take water from the river. I plan to poison the river."

The room erupted in murmurs.

"I assume you have a way for our men to remain unaffected?" Khan Bato asked. "Or are you playing with our lives?"

"I plan to feed every man here the antidote daily. If anyone tries to drink from the river without the antidote, they will not immediately die, but they will become weak and sickly."

The others looked at her, noting her ruthlessness.

"This means any living being that drinks of the river will eventually die, so consider my proposition carefully," Azul added.

The room was filled with a heavy silence. The implications of her plan were clear: innocent civilians, animals, children—anything that drank from the river would be affected.

The Khatun was surprisingly cold blooded. 

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