
Quest of Battle

When hope is almost lost,the fear crawls out. When lights fades away, darkness rules. For the possibility to trust an immortal is very low but its ability to fear it,is relatively high. Will Leila Yoliswa,a half-African trust immortals to save her mother and recover the secret to her father's mysterious death or will she face the consequences alone. And will Kayla Yoliswa on the other hand as Leila's younger sister hate her and seek for revenge? Things will occur and the world will ask questions. For many are called but only few are chosen to win the battle. This unveils a world of love, romance, adventures, hidden secrets and death. For this not the end,but the beginning of a lifetime.

Rai_Se · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 141

There he stood motionless. He was just not used to all this. Telling sad news was not his thing. He just stood there with tears flowing from his eyes and as Leila walked and almost held his hand,he took one step and vanished before he had the chance to hold the door handle.

Kayla stood up there staring at the whole thing.

"Leila....what happened?"She asked and quickly came to her."I heard Zenith's voice. Mom also heard it but be glad I told her she was just imagining things."But Kayla could see that her sister was not in the present"Leila...."

"I'm going upstairs."Leila said."I need to have some quality time for myself."

Without saying anything, Leila dashed passed her.


As days passed, the house remaining silent. There was no form of happiness around. It was as though no one was living there.

Susan went to work, Leila and Kayla went to school and together they would at times go to church to thank God for everything.

It was as if their lives were backed on a timetable or something.


Back in Getra,the day of Zenith's coronation was drawing nearer but he didn't seem to be happy.

"Is everything alright?"July asked as Zenith prepared himself for him to be cleansed.

"I'm just nervous about everything right now."He said focusing on the only cloth tied around his waist with nothing covering his upper body. Just some symbols on it.

"Is about you becoming the ruler of Getra. Won't it be so cool? You tell the elders what to do,when to do it and how to do it. Just like that."

"No."Zenith said and started adoring himself with jewelery."I've watched my mother ruling Getra and it wasn't easy. You have to make sure everything in and around Getra is at total peace. You even have to befriend neighboring kingdoms near you so that no form of anarchy will befall here. You must make sure that your subjects are totally satisfied and at peace."

"Wow. And here I thought it will be fun ruling."

"It is. But you just have make sure that you perform the qualities of a king."

Zenith said and finally stared at himself in the mirror. How much he had now grown to become the ruler and how handsome he had become.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go."

July said with Zenith behind him.


Zenith was escorted to one of the most isolated rooms in the palace.

All he did was to stare and let July take him to wherever he was going and finally they were there.


"Mother Zenith is here."July said and went to her.

"You're here"Leinali said."You're nervous. How I wished Alicia was here to see how grown up her son has become."

That changed his mood."I know.... She would have been happy."He said sadly."

"You guys are spoiling the mood here "July interrupted."Why don't we go and continue with the cleansing rite ahead of us."


The room was neatly decorated and there was a large pool in the middle.

That was where the rite was to be performed.

"My man is here."Exes said as he saw the trio coming.

"Is everything set?"

"Leinali don't worry. Everything is perfect."he said until he looked at Zenith." Hello Zenith. I don't think you remember me. I'm Exes the uncle of Ezra and Ariana."He introduced himself until her remembered.

"How I wish your parents were here to witness this grand occasion."

"I do miss them."

"I know. They would have be so happy to see how much you have grown up today."He said."You know....the last time I saw you, you were so young by then. Queen Alicia would pull your hands to get you dressed up."He laughed."You were stubborn by then."


"Those were good gone days."He said ."Soon you will become king of the whole of Getra Zenith. You have to take your mother's footsteps."Exes told him.

"I will."

"I know. When you were young,as Alicia performed her duties and your father....."

"What about him?"Zenith asked eagerly.

"He would walk with you around whiles Alicia and Leinali here would discuss about business."He said addressing Leinali.