
Quest of Battle

When hope is almost lost,the fear crawls out. When lights fades away, darkness rules. For the possibility to trust an immortal is very low but its ability to fear it,is relatively high. Will Leila Yoliswa,a half-African trust immortals to save her mother and recover the secret to her father's mysterious death or will she face the consequences alone. And will Kayla Yoliswa on the other hand as Leila's younger sister hate her and seek for revenge? Things will occur and the world will ask questions. For many are called but only few are chosen to win the battle. This unveils a world of love, romance, adventures, hidden secrets and death. For this not the end,but the beginning of a lifetime.

Rai_Se · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 140

Yep. Just come downstairs."

Kayla said until she noticed she was talking to her mother.


"I'll handle this. Bye."

Kayla said and packed some food and headed to where Susan was.


"In case I leave before Kayla comes,you can tell her about my coronation."

"Of course."She agreed until her mood suddenly changed."But about July....if my mom finds he's related to us..."

"Then there's nothing we can do about that. It's between she, Leinali and July."Zenith said and lowered his gaze. It could tell he was going through something and that was what Leila had to find out.

"Zenith?..... What's wrong?"Leila asked concerned."Are you hurt?"

But he didn't say a word. All he did was to hold her hands."After I become the ruler of my world,I'll have to seal it's boundaries."He said in a sad lowered tone."I have to prevent anyone from knowing about the existence of that realm."

"Then what happens?"Leila asked.

"Once I seal Getra's boundaries, no other person can enter." That made him look at her. It was as if he was about to miss something valuable."Not even mortals can enter that realm. Not even you. It will be as if Getra never existed."


"I have to protect everyone living there. It's quite a big realm and other kingdoms are there just like this world ."He said."I can't let anyone else see my home. It will only bring destruction."


"I'm sorry Leila."He said."It for the best. No other demon will trouble anyone again."

"I....i understand but Edgar's dead."

"He's not the only bad person."He angrily cut her off."There are others like him and I can't let them hurt any of us. Edgar did a lot and I can't let anyone do worse."

It really hurt Leila hearing about what Zenith had said. First thing his coronation and secondly,this?

Was it now over between she and Zenith? Was her adventure now coming to an end?

The tears were just not flowing. She was just stunned."Astha, Lucy, Kayla....how will they..."

"They'll soon understand."He said and stood up."I'll have to leave."

"No."Leila stood up."You can't leave. I love you a lot and I...."

"Just get on with it!!!"He shouted."Move on with your life. Travel or something but don't wait for me. You will not see me after my coronation."


"Who's that?"Susan asked.

'It's Zenith 'Kayla said to herself.'What's happening?'

"Which.... who's voice? I think you're stressed out."

"No Kayla I heard something."Susan said."Where's your sister?"

"She's... she's in her room."Kayla replied looking at the expression on Susan's face."You're hungry. Please go and have your food and don't worry today,you will rest well cause Leila and I will take care of everything."

With that Susan sighed."Maybe you're right."

"Yeah I am."Kayla quickly smiled and went as soon as she sent Susan to her room.


"Zenith..."Leila said shocked and overall, betrayed.

"You'll meet someone far better than me."He said and cleared his sad throat."I'll be expecting you all there. Just be happy, achieve your dreams and move on. You have a lot to accomplish."

He parted from her and started moving to the gate.

"No Zenith...."Leila told him."You can't leave me like this."

There he stood motionless. He was just not used to all this. Telling sad news was not his thing. He just stood there with tears flowing from his eyes and as Leila walked and almost held his hand,he took one step and vanished before he had the chance to hold the door handle.