

It differs from the male with the feature of being weaker than the current.

From the understanding that there is no difference in qualifications between men and women, Plato will draw a conclusion that was shocking for his time, but which does not seem strange to us today: Since the soul is the same, the woman must have the same training as the man, including the warrior training, in order to perform the same services.

In Plato's eyes, then, the ideal of a "masculine woman" rather than of a female ideal of a woman floats around, and it has an established origin among both Greek and Athenian intellectuals.

For example, the goddess Athena, as a virgin warrior, protects the Athenian polis; Amazons in mythology, Antigone or Elektra in tragedy are a couple of examples that come to mind. The union established to serve the state (society) leads us to the inter-sex union and children. The purpose of this union is not to satisfy sexual pleasure, but only to serve the general well-being and happiness; because the future of the whole or the state depends on the guards and the rulers. In determining the best pair, the strength and beauty of the lineage are taken into account, as in the mating of horses and dogs.

The rulers bring together the greatest heroes and the best women to mate, and on one of the state's feast days, they direct them to the production of children with a marriage ceremony. In the Land of the Sun, we find clear traces of this understanding of choosing spouses, which was taken from Plato's ideal state understanding.

Children do not belong to their parents whom they never knew; they are considered the children of all parents or grown-ups. Strong and talented ones among them are selected and trained. There is no education program for weak, incompetent children and children from mergers outside this "official" path.

-hitler read this text and decided to create the perfect generation, I think.

This understanding, which seems to be a great injustice and ruthlessness in terms of the fate of individual individuals, and the practical suggestions attached to it, are justified as the requirements of biological laws and are also supported by the understanding of the individual's place in the face of society in the final analysis: The individual falls back against the welfare and interests of the society. Because children selected and brought up with the method suggested by Plato not only ensure the continuation of a strong and biologically healthy human lineage, but also a joyful and happy social order is realized with the unity and integrity of the state. The basic guarantee of the survival of the state has been imposed on the deprivation of property, the special union created with children and women, and the equality of education and occupation, which should be realized without gender discrimination; As it can be understood, this is a biological-social ground, and the state, in a way, will have secured itself and the whole with the measures it has brought to establish its own ground. The measures in question, on the other hand, are the demands that no one can choose their spouse as they wish, as well as the biological-motivational side of the person, sexual impulses, greed for money, power, etc. It means suppressing with reason (with state reason). This ideal Platonic state, in which the obligation to submit to the will of the general public, as a total of strict and uncompromising orders, turned into the basic principle of existence, and in which two upper social groups emerged as the dominant segment, cannot help but evoke a Christian-style monastery.

Unlike the goals in the monastery, services that are in harmony with the Ideas and the state Idea appear as active state services. However, in this "monastery" the congregation of watchmen does not ignore the bodily, the physical as in the monastery, and they do not try to "kill" the desires of the body. they live. As a result of this service to the state and to the Idea, they deserved personal happiness. Philosophers and watchdogs choose the children of gold-silver parents; but with this election, the state is not yet deemed to have received the necessary (administrative) security. The education and upbringing of these children will develop their natural abilities and skills, and will enable them to become useful to the state and the whole. The Greeks believed so much in the magic and power of education/upbringing, without exaggerating the limits of the possible, without pushing the reality too much, they attributed such a great significance to this aspect of personality development that the concept of education/cultivation also coincided with the concept of "culture" for them. Of course, it could not be expected that Plato, who put forward the ideal of a state, did not define the education/training measures and principles in this case. Such an inevitability would lead Plato to come to terms with all the education/training understandings and principles that date back to his time. The educational ideal of the philosophers was the determining factor in determining their general education/training goals. Define it as the perfect harmony of body and soul

This goal, while drawing the principles and directions of all educational institutions and authorities, put before him a fully educated, educated, self-contradictory, harmonious human being. While Plato, whose progressiveness we mentioned above, is far from being "revolutionary" in principle, puts forward the principles of education on the way to the human being whose physical-spiritual balance is established, he does not leave much of the current understanding of education, which dates back to those days.