

I read utopia last week, Richard.

In the age of More, the king, known as God's representative on earth,

He was considered a holy being who received his power directly from God. Whereas

As a spokesman for More, Raphael Hythloday's duties of kings and

What they think about their authority does not conform to the views of that age at all.

According to More's contemporaries, he was too lofty to be unjust even if he wanted to.

The king, who is a being, is the master of the souls and property of his subjects. your king

no matter how much money he had, war was his chief occupation and he had an army.

This money is still too little for him, since he feeds him. Though the king, when he wanted to,

he can expropriate the property of his subjects, or make money from them with special taxes.

but their subjects are too wealthy or too independent,

yet it is a danger to the king's confidence. Because rich and free

People cannot easily endure injustice and oppression.

However, the poor

they are accustomed to suffering, to living like slaves; their power to rebel

completely depleted.

this is exactly how i feel right now

I am a modern slave.

I'm writing a thesis again to win a small scholarship, commuting to school every morning in the dark.

Thanks to the summer time application, people leave their homes before sunrise and return home at sunset.

I feel my strength to rebel and my youth to be exhausted. I set out every morning after listening to Julio Iglesias; I pray that a student doesn't complain about me. (I try to keep you away from microbiology)

where was i

Here is Raphael Hythloday, or rather Thomas

In More's eyes, this is a terrible situation. Not only for the people, but for the king

is also a disgrace.

"For the people have made kings for the benefit of the people.

they brought them, not for the benefit of kings... The king's most sacred duty is more than his own.

is to consider the happiness of the people first."

I loved this sentence.

It describes the state of my country.

Twenty years ago, he was tired of being crushed in the boots of militarism in my country. a savior was waiting, and that savior began to oppress the people with his civilian boats twenty years later. this is our destiny..

A king who resorts to tyranny, on the throne

he has no right to sit: "A king whom the citizens hold grudges and despise;

If he can hold on to his throne by oppressing the people, robbing them and making them beggars,

Let the kingdom fall from its throne... In the midst of the people's pain and groans

Pleasure is not kingship, but dungeon guarding."

After describing the unbreakable links between war and greed for money and tyranny,

at the end of this chapter, the main idea of the book is the second chapter of Utopia.

He moves to the idea that it will show its application in the section: Disorder,

the only cause of injustice, poverty, national wealth in complete equality

It is not to be divided: "Property is a personal right, everything is money.

Social justice can never be achieved in an order in which it is measured.

While the vast majority writhe in poverty, a voracious handful

happiness in a state that exploits all the riches of the country.

I can't be.

Raphael knows that this view will contradict some, but

he does not hesitate to speak openly: "What I say will be strange,

What is there that will not be said or even useful everywhere?" he asks.

unfortunately, I am afraid to freely defend my ideas. The only benefit of being an ordinary citizen is that the way to prison is not opened because my writings are not followed.

According to Raphael, this attitude was adopted by Plato, as well as by Jesus Christ. What

But master preachers have deliberately misinterpreted the teaching of the Bible, and some

To allow Christians to confiscate people's property with a clear conscience.

they have ignored. Whereas, "The abolition of property ownership is

to distribute wealth equitably and accurately, and to lead humanity to happiness.

is the only way to get it. The right to property is the basis of the social structure

the most numerous and useful class, poverty, hunger, despair

will live in it."

Raphael, national wealth among the people, equally

He saw a country in which it was divided and said, "The institutions of Utopia are compared with those of other countries.

compared to wisdom and humanity on the one hand, and stupidity on the other.

and barbarism.

As we shall see in Chapter 6, the situation in More's Utopia was

It is the exact opposite of the situation seen in their states: tyrannical reign in Europe.

In Utopia there is freedom without a king, while there is the oppression of kings;

While there is devastating turmoil in Europe, there is perfect order in Utopia;

Where there is no freedom of conscience in Europe, there is religious tolerance in Utopia;

While the Europeans thought of making money and owning property, the Utopians

they think to arm their heads with knowledge; upper class of education in Europe

monopoly, education in Utopia is open to all; Europe's rich and

While most women are loitering, the women and men of the Utopians are also everywhere.

they have to work a certain amount of time per day, and most importantly, the European

small in a

a minority are overly wealthy and a large majority are in poverty.

While in Utopia, everyone enjoys the national wealth equally.

Raphael Hythloday, this economic equality that was the basis of the Utopia order

he said that his principle would be strange, now More with his thin sarcasm,

pretends to oppose Raphael, who voices his own opinion:

"Far from agreeing with your thoughts, I think, on the contrary, that property

The country that implements the partnership will be the poorest country in the world.

How will you meet the food and clothing needs of the people? Everyone is off work

will run away and live on someone else's labor. If poverty slackers get to work

Even so, since the law cannot protect everyone's right against others,

There will be incessant revolts, and blood in your state will take the body...

You will have taken what gives fear and respect from their superiors. Nobody from anybody

What kind of a state can these ordinary people be who do not consider it superior?

I can't even think."

advanced in order to ridicule the stereotypical arguments of non-conservative conservatives.

These commonplace views, as we shall see, have been criticized by some critics.

It was meant to be taken seriously, and it was subjected to some absurd comments.

At the end of the first episode, Raphael tricks More, as if he were himself.

As if the island of Utopia were not a figment of More's imagination, "Imagination

After saying, "Your power is not enough to design such a state, there are five

years and only to introduce Utopia to other countries from there.

He says he can leave. On top of that, More said this happy island of the sailor was the most

He asks her to explain it down to the smallest details. They eat first; Then

He sits in the same place in the garden and listens to what is told in the second part.

The second part of Utopia, which deals with the happy island, is twice as big as the first.

longer, and much more interesting. In this episode, Thomas More, (now

Let's not say Raphael Hythloday, let's say More) as if it was a real place.

He describes Utopia in detail, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Formerly, Utopia was not an island; but who once established this perfect order and

The wise and virtuous King Utopus, who named the island after himself,

destroying the 15-mile isthmus connecting the lands to the land and turning Utopia into an island.

found it more appropriate in terms of defense.

On this island, which is 500 miles in length and 200 miles at its widest, there are 54 large and

There is a beautiful city. Established by following the same plan and being the same as each other, this

because each of the cities is 24 miles from the other,

You can go from one to the other on foot. Of these, Amaraute ("clearly

meaning "invisible") was made the capital only because of the island's

It is located in the middle of the city and everyone can reach it easily. of Utopia

Amaraute, which is neither larger nor more beautiful than its other cities,

stone bridges, wide and mud-free streets, comfortable houses, cleanliness and

in its spaciousness, it hardly resembles the London of the sixteenth century.

In the past, the houses in Utopia were single-storey mud-brick huts made of rubbish.

Now there are three-story, solid and comfortable structures of stone or brick. Each

Behind the house, the Utopians had a variety of trees, useful plants, fruits and vegetables.

There are large gardens where they grow flowers. Utopians, to all good things

It is important that these gardens are pleasant and fertile because they take care of themselves.

they give. In fact, to determine who has worked hard to make the most well-kept garden.

For this purpose, competitions are held in each city. Between gardens and houses

Just as there are no walls, the doors do not have locks. Nobody's Private

Since he has no possessions, everything is the property of everyone, whoever wants his life,

can enter someone else's garden and house. At least 40 members of several families

the life in these houses where he lived together, the longing of many people today.

to the life in the communes that he heard of, that is, in the houses where he lived in common.

We can compare. For example, in every household, children under the age of five

There is a large room where they are looked after. But unlike Plato's Republic,

mothers take care of their own children in this nest. But their mother is dead or

Babies who are sick are provided with a wet nurse. The Utopians, once every ten years,

they change their house by faking it, they move to another house. Reason

This unexplained rule illustrates More's psychological structure of the human being.

shows how well he knows; because a person who lives in the same house for life,

there is nothing more natural than to consider that house as his own property. Such an

It is necessary to prevent the development of the sense of ownership. more this

As he thought, he thought of everything, even the hotels, with the details of the island.

Although few foreigners come to Utopia,

There are furnished houses though.

In Utopia, a city is divided into four equal regions. Each region has a bazaar.

Necessary goods and the products of the land are stored in these bazaars.

To prevent contagious diseases and dirt, food items are brought to these bazaars.

in the streams outside the city before

thoroughly washed and cleaned.

The Utopians, who they regard as one of the most beautiful aspects of human creation,

animals to be eaten, so that his sense of

they do not take a shortcut to their own compatriots. There is no such thing as money in Utopia. every house

head goes to the market and buys as much goods and food as he wants. everything is abundant,

Since everyone trusts the rulers, they buy more items from the market than necessary.

A Utopian would never even think of buying food. Trust the managers

they are also right to hear; because Utopia's economic order is wise

planned; everyone's "food and drink are determined by the most delicate calculations."

Managers examine the situation in various regions and determine what is abundant and where.

they find it scarce. where a particular item or food is abundant

Cities help the city where these are scarce without asking for anything in return.

they are found. Since it is not known how the harvest will be one year later, production,

It is adjusted to meet all the requirements of Utopia for two years.

The surplus is either distributed free of charge to the poor of foreign countries; or merciful

sold to foreign countries at prices.

Near the houses where the Utopians lived, they used to gather and gather in common.

There is another big house on every street where they eat together. though a

It is not forbidden for the Utopian to buy food from the market and eat it at home, but

Utopians find it absurd to deal with kitchen chores at home; women

to eat the delicious food that they cook in turns, together in the big house.

they prefer. At the table, not only girls but also boys are served to adults.

they serve. Before the meals begin, instead of prayer, righteousness and

A piece is read aloud on virtue. So that no one gets bored

Note that the piece is short. In these meals, which are eaten with music,

long conversation. Besides, this conversation should not be monopolized by the elderly,

and in order that the young people do not go out of their way,

Special care is taken to place an elder next to the young person. old people, young people

for them to speak without hesitation, to express their thoughts clearly,

they do their best. The fusion of the young and the old, in our age

so that the ever-deepening gap between generations is not opened.

maybe they will.