
QT: The Rescue Of The Miserable Bigshots

In the novel, there are always characters who are strong, powerful, and on top of that have stunning appearances, but because of the plot arrangement and influence of the protagonist's halo, their endings are embarrassing and miserable. Jiang Jiamian’s mission is to save them. Jiang Jiamian: “It's actually very simple, just seduce and hook them up so that they no longer have time to follow the plot.” If the mission targets don't follow the plot, they can break free from the storyline and even avoid contact with the protagonist. But why do all those miserable bigshots seem to have gone crazy and turned dark all of a sudden?

latteectrie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
132 Chs


Time flies by and it's already the next semester.

Jiang Jiamian's grades have already risen from the bottom of his original scores to the middle, or even slightly above.

This also made him gradually attract more attention, and the reason why he attracted so much attention was no longer because of his reputation as the school bully.

During class, Jiang Jiamian leaned on the railing on the third floor, tapping the aluminum alloy with his fingers, looking at the ambiguous male and female protagonist downstairs quite leisurely, feeling the urge to smoke a cigarette.

He felt that his mission went quite smoothly.

Because of his teasing, Qi Yan's heart and eyes were focused on him. The plot timeline was almost halfway through, and the heroine An Xinya did not even have a direct interaction with Qi Yan.

Maybe, without the entanglement with Qi Yan, the heroine is already in love with the male lead. She just has to graduate and focus on higher education, and then enter the traditional plot of 'it is not easy to be the wife of a wealthy family'.

"I don't like you." 

Unfortunately, Jiang Jiamian on the third floor couldn't hear what An Xinya said. 

"Wan Tao, I know you are very kind to me, but I have a crush on someone, this has been going on for the past three years. I think that on the day of graduation, I will tell him personally that I like him. I'm sorry."

Jiang Jiamian would have never guessed that because the heroine did not have direct interaction with Qi Yan and didn't get to know his scary side, her brain was still full of fantasies about him. 

An Xinya who should have seen Qi Yan's true face and accepted Wan Tao's initiative, now directly rejected his confession.

An accusatory frown creased Wan Tao's forehead and he suddenly grabbed An Xinya's arm. 

"Who is he?"

An Xinya took his hand away with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry."

"Is it Qi Yan?" Wan Tao asked coldly.

An Xinya paused slightly before turning around and leaving.

"So it is him." Wan Tao snorted lightly, "It seems you don't know yet. He is gay and doesn't like women at all."

An Xinya's face turned pale, remembering the recent rumors about Qi Yan and Jiang Jiamian that had leaked out in the school. She bit her lips and denied it, "Those are all rumors."

Wan Tao scoffed at this statement, "Whether it is a rumor, you will know soon."

Looking at the male and female protagonists downstairs, even without knowing that their conversation didn't go well, Jiang Jiamian didn't worry too much. 

Now Qi Yan has not entered the plot at all, although the time when he imprisoned the heroine in the original plot was approaching, it will definitely not happen this time, right?

After all, the plot of him and the heroine getting to know each other and falling in love was changed, so there is no reason to imprison a stranger with whom he had no interaction. 

It's a pity that Jiang Jiamian's solid idea was completely shattered when he returned to Qi Yan's villa one night.

It had totally caught him off guard.

"Qi Yan, why did you bring me here? Where I am? Don't close the door, I'm afraid..."

When Jiang Jiamian stepped into the door of the villa, what he heard was the faint female voice coming from the second floor.

What is this situation!?

Jiang Jiamian recovered from his brief daze, his face turned green and he quickly ran upstairs. 

Damn it, how did Qi Yan dare to cheat on him?

Is it possible that he had been acting affectionately with him while hiding his secret crush on the heroine?

Oh, he is really capable of stepping on two boats!

It seems that he needs to let Qi Yan understand why it's better to not mess with him! 

Today Qi Yan has been strange and silent since early in the morning. Jiang Jiamian asked what was wrong with him twice, but couldn't get an answer. He felt it was boring and didn't ask anymore.

However, after school, something happened that made Jiang Jiamian even more angry.

Qi Yan didn't wait for him to leave together.

This was the first time ever.

Jiang Jiamian didn't expect that Qi Yan would bring the heroine to the house without saying a word. 

He ran all the way to the bedroom, only to see the door open and no one inside.

The sound didn't come from the bedroom.

Jiang Jiamian turned his head and his eyes landed on the door that had been closed every day for two months. 

On the first day he came, Qi Yan said that no one was allowed to go in. 

"Qi Yan, it's very late, can you let me go?" There was a hint of prayer in the female voice.

Jiang Jiamian was filled with rage and raised his leg to kick the door open. 


The door panel shook violently, but it was still intact. Jiang Jiamian's face twisted. 

A couple seconds later the door was opened from the inside. 

Qi Yan's expression was indescribably ugly. His eyes fell on Jiang Jiamian's legs, and his eyes were suddenly filled with worry, "What are you doing?" 

Jiang Jiamian right away looked behind Qi Yan. The door opened, but the heroine didn't run out, why?

Qi Yan frowned quickly, and suddenly bent over and hugged Jiang Jiamian, "You came just in time."

Jiang Jiamian: "???" What, you still want to have a threesome?

"Jiamian, my Jiamian, you haven't heard me play the piano, have you?"

Qi Yan closed the door, hugged Jiang Jiamian as gently as possible, lowered his head, and kissed his cheek. 

The crazy eyes that met his almost made Jiang Jiamian jump out of his skin.

Qi Yan's current mental state is very wrong!

The eyes were scarlet and the expression was indescribably creepy. Madness and countless distortions were silently growing and brewing in those eyes as if they would burst out in the next moment to make the person go completely crazy.

After entering the room, Jiang Jiamian saw clearly that the most conspicuous thing in the room was a piano in the center.

And he finally understood why An Xinya didn't run out immediately when he opened the door just now, she was tied to a chair next to the piano.

"Help, save me!" Seeing a third person coming in, An Xinya subconsciously wanted to ask for help. When she saw that it was Jiang Jiamian, and he was pressed tightly in Qi Yan's arms, the hope in his eyes was instantly shattered.

One is the gangster who used to stalk her, and the other is the person she secretly likes, but who suddenly broke all her fantasies tonight.

When school was over, Qi Yan, whom she had a crush on for a long time, suddenly told her that he would invite her to his home today. She still remembered how surprised and excited she was when she heard those words half an hour ago.

But, what's going on now?

This is obviously what Jiang Jiamian wants to ask, "Qi Yan, what are you doing?" Why did you suddenly kidnap the heroine!?

The plot of this small world cannot be powerful enough to force everything back to the original trajectory of the plot timeline, right?

"Shh…" Qi Yan gently tapped his lips. 

Jiang Jiamian could see part of his paranoid and ruthless side in ordinary times, but now Qi Yan looked like a complete madman.