
QT: The Rescue Of The Miserable Bigshots

In the novel, there are always characters who are strong, powerful, and on top of that have stunning appearances, but because of the plot arrangement and influence of the protagonist's halo, their endings are embarrassing and miserable. Jiang Jiamian’s mission is to save them. Jiang Jiamian: “It's actually very simple, just seduce and hook them up so that they no longer have time to follow the plot.” If the mission targets don't follow the plot, they can break free from the storyline and even avoid contact with the protagonist. But why do all those miserable bigshots seem to have gone crazy and turned dark all of a sudden?

latteectrie · LGBT+
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134 Chs


"What happened to your grades?"

At night, Qi Yan pinned Jiang Jiamian under him. He knew that this person liked to pretend, but he couldn't be deliberately pretending to that extent all the time, right?

Jiang Jiamian raised his eyebrows and smiled provocatively, "I just want to compete with the top student."

Qi Yan laughed, lowered his head, gently bit Jiang Jiamian's chin, and said in a low voice, "Do you need to do that? I'll give you extra lessons."

Jiang Jiamian felt numb all over and subconsciously grabbed Qi Yan's shoulders, "No, stop making trouble, there will be self-study tomorrow morning!"

Qi Yan whispered, "Ask for leave."

Jiang Jiamian: "..." Asking for leave again and again, can you look like a top student?

It only took two months for the head teacher's expression to go from surprise for the first time, to no surprise, to now numbness.

But what made him even more numb was another thing.

"Teacher Liu, did Qi Yan ask for leave today?"

The head teacher of Class 16 looked dazed, "He took it for the first half of the day."

The head teacher of Class 4 looked defeated, "Jiang Jiamian too. "

They could comfort themselves at first that it was a coincidence, but now, they have all determined that there is something fishy between these two people.

They took half a day off seven times in two months, and the two of them were in sync.

Jiang Jiamian even asked for leave from all morning self-study because he had to boil Chinese medicine to nourish his stomach every morning due to stomach problems.

If he hadn't taken his studies seriously now and his grades had improved by leaps and bounds, how could he have been allowed such a leave?

"Tell me, could it be possible…" The head teacher of Class 16 rubbed his chin and expressed his guess, "Jiang Jiamian's performance improvement is not without reason. Could it be that he privately asked Qi Yan to give him extra lessons?" 

That would make Qi Yan also ask for leave at the same time.

The class teacher of Class 4 looked at the plain-looking class teacher of Class 16 and smiled dryly. How could things be so simple?

If his guess was correct, those two people might be... together.

However, one is the young master of the Qi family, and the other is the person the young master of the Qi family likes. He, the head teacher of another class, has no way to intervene.

No one from the Qi family said anything. He was just Jiang Jiamian's class teacher. What could he say?

"Qi Zinan! The young master is not feeling well and hasn't gotten up yet! Please wait a moment, I'll go in and wake him up!"

The housekeeper Lao Fang suddenly felt a thump in his heart when he saw Qi Yan's father rushing to the villa angrily early in the morning.

He was afraid, the news about the young master had reached Qi Zinan's ears!

"I'm looking for my son, do you still need to inform him?"

The man looked majestic, and glanced coldly at the housekeeper who tried to stop him, "Then go ask him to come out to see me immediately, to prevent me from going up and seeing a shameful scene!"

"Shameful?" A sneer suddenly sounded on the stairs on the second floor.

Qi Yan stood there, lowering his eyes indifferently, "He and I are together in an honest and open way, how can we be shameful? Besides, I am not you."

From the beginning to the end, he had no intention of covering up.

It took two months for this man to get the news. He could only say that the people in this villa were indeed loyal enough and did not go out to gossip.

"You still have the nerve to come out?"

Qi Zinan raised his head and frowned at Qi Yan, who was only wearing pajamas. "What do you look like? I tell you, I will not allow the heir of the Qi family to be gay!"

Qi Yan's face darkened, "Is there any problem with homosexuality?"

"What's the problem?" Qi Zinan asked, "You don't know what's the problem? Let's not talk about the bad influence. Let me ask you, where do the children come from? The Qi family can't have no one to inherit the family business."

Qi Yan showed a trace of merciless ridicule on his face, "It's better to have no children than if the children are not yours."

"You!" These words seemed to stimulate Qi Zinan, and he raised his voice, "Don't mention that thing again!"

Qi Yan's father was hit in a painful spot and saw his son's indifferent eyes, then his voice softened slightly as if he had already made a decision. "If you like him, it doesn't matter if you have him by your side, but your future marriage must be with a well-matched lady."

He is just passionate now, maybe, in two years, he will abandon this bed partner himself.

It's better to relent now and let him do whatever he wants. As long as it doesn't hinder the normal marriage in the future, he can give in.

Qi Yan's hand hanging by his side suddenly clenched and cold light flashed in his eyes, "Your attitude towards relationships is as good as ever." 

It doesn't matter if he has someone by his side, as long as it doesn't hinder his marriage?


"You..." Qi Zinan was speechless for a moment.

"If nothing happens, please don't come here again." Qi Yan issued the eviction order without mercy.

Qi Yan's father's mouth twitched, "This is…"

"This is what she left for me." Qi Yan took over his words, "If nothing happens, I don't want people to come and disturb me." 

"Don't say that." Qi Zinan was also angry, with a cold face, straightening his sleeves, "Don't think that because you are my only heir, I have no choice. If you are really stiff, I will donate it."

Qi Yan tilted his head slightly, "I'm afraid you have forgotten that I still have 38% of the shares in my hands, and the company is not yours."

Qi Yan's father was fuming, "You better think about it again, and besides, I don't believe you're really that indifferent."

They are still father and son after all.

As long as Qi Yan is willing and lowers his head a little, he doesn't want to embarrass him too much.

It's a pity that his son, this only son, seems to be too stubborn.

"Hmm." Jiang Jiamian opened his eyelids in confusion when he heard the door to the bedroom close, "What happened outside just now?"

Qi Yan walked in and reached out to brush Jiang Jiamian's hair, "It's okay, I asked the nanny to make breakfast. I may have made a little loud noise and disturbed you."

"Breakfast?" Jiang Jiamian opened his eyes and looked at him, "I want to eat something spicy today, okay?"

He always liked spicy food.

But since entering this world, because the original owner had stomach problems, he had never had an enjoyable meal.

After arriving at this villa, Qi Yan kept an eye on his three meals a day and midnight snacks. He had the final say on what he would eat at every meal.

Jiang Jiamian felt that if this continued, he would be forced to run away.

Anyway, in the past two months, he has ghostwritten two papers and registered a software patent. He is no longer short of money and has the confidence to go out and find a place to live.

"Do you want to have stomach problems again?"

Qi Yan laughed coldly and stretched out his hand to pinch his slender waist. "Or do you want your lower back in pain?"

Jiang Jiamian: "..."

Isn't he discussing this carefully? What a tough choice.