
2. Secrets Revealed

HOLY CRAP! (Spits out my drink in shock) OVER 600 VIEWS, 19 FAVORITES, AND 20 FOLLOWERS?! ON MY CHAPTER ALONE! I…I don't know what to say but thank you. Oh no, I'm in my feels right now. I saw the immense support on the previous. I worked into overdrive getting this chapter out. Time to answer some reviews.

RawToonage press: Appreciate it and thanks. I'm surprised nobody did a story like this yet given how popular the QTs are in the fandom.

Mr. Haziq: I understand the struggle too. They're not popular within the actual show due to being background characters.

pacmanboy10: You'll get your answer in this chapter. As for the QTs. That's private.

NiteOwl18: Just five?

Guest reviews: (1) It's one of his/her older comics. Those two will be a part of the story. Just not yet. (2) I recommend watching Loud house to get the picture.

Passerby: So do I.

NOW! Onward to the story.

Lori arrived at the McBrides home. Lincoln thanked her and told her he'll be back home before dinner. He walked to the door as they drove off.

"I wonder what Lincoln wanted at Clyde's houses," Luan asked, noticing how urgent Lincoln requested it.

"Probably something nerdy like comics, video games, ARGGH or whatever" Lynn replied

"My best estimate is that Lincoln is relaying his worries to Clyde after what happened with Ronnie Anne. Clyde is the closest to our sole male sibling beside us." Lisa answered with a lisp.

"Wouldn't it be simpler if he just talked to us" Luna offered.

"Do I have to spell it out for you? The amount of time Lincoln mentions Ronnie Anne. We tend to go overboard ruining whatever plans he initially had as we outnumber him ten to one. Plus, we often ignore what he says. Clyde is the best option for Lincoln's recovery as he won't overreact compared to us and takes his words into consideration." Lisa explained. "Besides spending time with close companions have been proved to be effective at overcoming grief."

"I agree with Lisa. Our brother needs time to brighten his soul. A true companion can make even death a worthwhile experience." Lucy blankly responded unnerving her family

"Dudette's right. The good thing is that he's talking it out instead of sulking in his room all day" Luna agreed albeit creeped out with Lucy's answer. Lynn groaned.

"Can't he just get it over already?" Lynn replied. She received numerous glares for her answer. Lynn has never been the sensitive type when it comes to Lincoln.

"Oh. What's your master game plan? Forcing him to do sports again. Or better yet find him another girl without him knowing because that worked so well the last time" Lori scoffed. Lucy, Lynn, Luan, and Luna had a look of shame on them. Their 'attempt' of getting Lincoln a Sadie Hawkins dance date nearly destroyed him and could've ended horribly. Four dates to dance and forcing himself to juggle between all of them. He confronted them about it. What did they do? Let him put out the dumpster fire that they created himself. Fortunately, it ended in a best-case scenario with each of Lincoln's friends getting a date for the dance and Lincoln hanging out with Ronnie Anne at the arcade.

Lori gave them a strict scolding about their act and how easily that could've gone wrong. Granted, it was mainly out of the preservation with her relationship with Bobby but told how that might obliterate Lincoln's faith and trust in them potentially hating them. Lincoln hating them was a universal fear among the Loud sisters. They're already on thin ice after the Sister fight protocol and the Bad luck incident. They apologized while Lynn is a particular case, especially with the Bad luck. He accepted it, but they wonder if he simply did it to get it over with. It still breaks their hearts on how easy they stabbed their brother in the back.

"Our eldest sibling is correct. Our meddling is supportive yet counterproductive in Lincoln's romantic endeavors, thus causing a lack of faith in us as he constantly hides any activity he does with Ronnie Anne. Allowing him to do things on his terms will yield better results. That also includes finding a suitable romantic partner." Lisa commented

"If Lincoln does find a girl. Hopefully, she's just as lovely and elegant as me." Lola bragged, flipping her hair. Lana just squinted her eyes at her. "What? I'm a princess."

"I've seen frogs more 'lovely' and elegant' than you" Lana mocked. Lola pounced on her tomboy counterpart but held back my Luna

"Oh! Do I have to make princess dresses?" Leni addressed. Lola stopped her assault. You can never have too many dresses. Leni creates quality work.

"Don't even think about it, Lola" Lori interrupted before Lola can open her mouth. Lola's comment sparked interest among them about what Lincoln's potential future girlfriend should be. "Can we please talk about this when we get home?"

Lincoln knocked on the door, then Howard came and answered it.

"Oh, hey, Lincoln. Come inside. Clyde told us you were coming." Howard greeted.

"Thanks, Mr. McBride," Lincoln said following the lanky red head man in the house.

Lincoln still get over how different the McBride's house was to his. It was tidy to where you can potentially eat off the floor. Lana already did that for him. Quiet. Clyde often had to remind him that he was yelling. Spacious. The Loud House has more rooms such as a second floor and an attic but thirteen people with pets along with storing various awards and equipment. It felt cramped at times with a pair of children sharing a room expect Lincoln. Compared to the McBride's home with just three people with two cats. The difference was noticeable, making it one of Lincoln's few safe zones away from his chaotic family.

"Good day, Lincoln nice seeing you again," Harold yelled from the kitchen. "Clyde's in his room. Just call us if you two need anything. Also, Lincoln" Lincoln stopped to face Harold. "Clyde told us what happened with Ronnie Anne. He gave us a summary. Don't worry about giving us the full story. I must respect doctor/patient confidentiality as a medical professional. Plus, I know what you're going through. Granted it's a part of life. My best advice. Don't let it get you down. Believe me. I saw my fair share of tragedies in years as a doctor and my relationship with Howie" Howard went to comfort his husband as they both remember the countless death threats, taunts, and insults they've experienced over the years. Still to this day.

"Hare-Bear is right Lincoln. Life can be rough. Some more than others. Like with Ace Savvy no matter how much the villains beat you down. Keep standing up. Besides, you and Ronnie can see and visit one another. Hopefully, it can develop into something more. If not find someone that made you feel as she did." Howard sagely contributed. "Sorry about the drama bomb. Head to Clyde's room for your 'bro talk.' We'll bring you two some snacks later."

Lincoln thanked them and made his way back to Clyde's room. The advice the McBride's offered stuck with him. Find someone else that made him feel the same as Ronnie? They were just friends, but he wasn't against the idea of being in a relationship with her. He still remembers staring at his room ceiling recalling all good times they had together after he came back from Great Lake City. The jokes. Dance battles at Games and Grub. It's all in the past now. She stayed then maybe they could have. He shook his head to get those thoughts and feelings out. She moved. Accept it. Lincoln thought. He knocked on Clyde's door. Clyde opened his door and smiled upon seeing his friend.

"Welcome my man. Let's talk." Clyde said doing their signature handshake and letting Lincoln in his room. "Tell Dr. McBride what happened over the weekend."

"Isn't one of your dads already Dr. McBride?" Lincoln joked. The two shared a laugh.

"You got me there, bro." Clyde snickered. "Anyway, back to the question."

"Alright. I'll tell you. It's kind of a long one," Lincoln said.

"I got time," Clyde replied, looking at his watch. Lincoln shrugged and told him about his time in Great Lake City. How he bonded and enjoyed his time with the Casagrande family. His reaction to Ronnie Anne staying her extended family. The ride back home and his moment with Lori which he didn't mind telling Clyde. Clyde remains silent listening to get the full story and adding his five cents to parts of the story.

"Well that's what happened, and now we're here," Lincoln concluded.

"How did your other sisters take the news," Clyde asked fully aware of their meddling in Lincoln's romantic life.

"Surprisingly, they were calm about it. My sisters still tried to help me, but it was subtle compared to their other methods. I guess Lori told them to ease up. Knowing them, they'll still do it." Lincoln added.

"I know my dads talk to you about this. I suggest you take it, man. They know what they're talking about. Plus Dr. Lopez would probably say the same thing as I'm trying to get over Lori or at least control myself around her" Clyde told. Lincoln smacked his ears, attempting to clear any debris, hoping that he heard his best friend correctly.

"Hold up. You're trying to get over Lori? Why?" Lincoln question baffled yet happy at Clyde's declaration. Clyde had a crush a Lori for years. He tried to him over his sister on numerous occasions.

"Dr. Lopez told me multiple stories about guys who were obsessed with someone who didn't like them romantically. They did anything and everything to get their attention. I thought she was making it up, but I checked out the stories." He explained. "The news articles and reports. The things that those monsters did to someone that they claim they loved. I puked at the graphic details. The realization punched me. I was on the same path. I didn't want to do that to Lori or you. I even tore down my poster of Lori" He pointed at the empty space on his wall while taking off his glasses to wipe his eyes. Lincoln hugged Clyde knowing how emotional he can get.

"Hey, hey, hey it's okay, man. The good thing that is you acknowledged it and working improve yourself, so you don't go that route." Lincoln comforted.

"The thing that sold it for me was when I was reading a news article and in one of the pictures when Dr. Lopez when she was younger. She was friends with one of the victims. I guess she trying to prevent history from repeating itself." Clyde addressed frightened that she saw in him as a monster in the making. "Wait. I'm supposed to be helping you not the other way around."

"Sorry about that, man. There's something I've meant to ask you since lunch. When you said, we should talk after school for my safety. Those girls chasing us. Was that what you mean about looking out for my safety? Also, who's the 'they'?" Lincoln asked, trying to make sense of this entire situation. Clyde looked out of his window and closed the blinds.

"Alright, Linc. It's time that you know about the QTs," Clyde ordered. These two weren't the only having a discussion. Miles away the group that Clyde mentioned were having a meeting in a dark debriefing room about their target. Lincoln Loud.

"Welcome my fellow QTs to our meeting," Caroline announced. "We received an update on our greatest enemy. Ronnie Anne has officially moved away over the weekend." By pressing a button on her remote. Ronnie's picture appeared on a projector screen labeling her as a threat.

"It's true as it came from Lincoln's mouth himself this morning around lunch, which can explain his mood for most of the day. Me and Shy heard it ourselves," Cookie added as Evelynn nodded. Murmurs erupted amongst them.

"However, there are still threats to consider" Caroline commented as a collage of girls appeared on the next slide. "Such as Lincoln's Sadie Hawkins dance dates and Cristiana."

"Excuse me? Why is Cristiana still a threat? Didn't she switch classes after that video came out" Jenny addressed wondering why Lincoln's former crush is on their watch list?

"The classic old flame, Brown QT. A rekindled romance. We MUST consider that possibility" Caroline demanded at the end before calming herself. "As for his dates. Four of his sisters being Luna, Luan, Lynn & Lucy were able to successfully convince their respective friend them to go on a date with Lincoln. They enjoyed themselves at the dance with him. We easily think of reasons why they able to agree."

"His kind and gentle nature," Cookie said. "He's expert in the kitchen too, which is a plus in my book."

"He's cute like a rabbit" Serena giggled. "I just want to find him carrots

"He isn't judgmental and supportive, especially with his family. Have you seen the amount of effort he puts in helping Lola win her pageants" Evelyn mentioned as she blushed.

"That buck-toothed smile of his." Caroline cooed as her face grew red.

"He's got a nice butt too" Jenny chuckled. Caroline cleared her throat, gathering their attention.

"Ok, back to business. We must know who's the main threat among the four," Caroline said.

"It's Haiku," Evelyn stated. The group looked at her in surprise. They asked how did she obtain such knowledge? "Remember the whole yearbook thing him and Clyde did a few weeks ago. Haiku and Lucy are a part of the Morticians Club. They got in the picture with Haiku's consent. Lucy didn't do anything with it."

"So Haiku is the one we got to watch out for" Jenny acknowledged. "What about the other three?"

"Nothing as of now. Plus those girls don't seem to be friends." Serena added.

"Excellent as we don't need a rival faction. Does anyone have anything else to add before we leave." Caroline responded. The QTs shook their heads. "Alright then let's recap the rules."

"We're friends yet rivals in romance. The pursuit of Lincoln Loud is a free for all. No sabotage yet help is allowed. Sharing Lincoln is an impossible goal. He chooses one of us or none of us. Choosing to pursue someone other than Lincoln is acceptable as love is a fickle mistress." They whispered together. A knock came from the door, and a middle-aged woman with blonde wearing thick blue turtleneck sweater entered the room.

"Caroline sweetie are you done with your little meeting?" The woman asked.

"Yeah, we're done mom," Caroline answered.

"Great! I make some brownies if your friends want any "Caroline's mom responded. The QTs followed her as her brownies were to die for.

"So let me get this straight. There's a group of girls that likes me as in likes me," Lincoln started trying to make sense out of all of this.

"Yep," Clyde clarified.

"Now that Ronnie's gone. They know they have a free claim on me," Lincoln continued.

"Pretty much my guy," Clyde said. Lincoln facepalmed, dragging his hands on his face in frustration.

"You mind handing me that pillow," Lincoln mumbled as his frustrations soared.

"Sure thing, pal," Clyde replied. Lincoln thanked him before taking a deep breath and shoving his face into the pillow, unleashing muffled screams. "Let it all out Lincoln."

"Hey, guys I brought homemade fruit cups. Um is he okay" Howard chimed in upon seeing Lincoln tossing a temper tantrum while yelling into a pillow.

"He's alright, dad. Just getting some of his anger out" Clyde waved off.

"Ah, the good old 'Scream into a pillow' method. Always a good emergency stress relief. Howard contributed. "I'll leave these here in case you get hungry and let you two get back to whatever you're doing" He exited leaving two cups on the dresser. Clyde got up from his bed and grabbed them, handing one of them to Lincoln who laying on the ground with the pillow still attached to his face. He sat up as he took it from Clyde's hand. The fruit cup was a modest-sized container filled with a lovely array of various fruits such as cherries, blueberries, grapes, banana chunks, and honeydew.

"What am I going to do Clyde" Lincoln groaned while munching on some fruit. Oh man, these are fresh.

"Panic" Clyde suggested enjoying his snack. Lincoln glared at him for a bit.

"That's what you would do. I'm smart enough to know not to milk this like with my sisters when I was the tie-breaker between going to Dairyland or the Beach" Lincoln replied recalling how he had to break his back to atone for his actions as their family went back to the campsite. Again.

"How about asking one of them out?" Clyde shrugged." Most guys would kill to have five girls that actually like them." Lincoln pondered on that suggestion. Should he ask one of them out?

"I'm not against it, but it's way too soon. I believe that's what Lori calls a 'rebound' which according to her are never good. Plus, I don't want her to turn me into an extra soft pretzel with cheese." Lincoln responded now craving pretzels

"Knowing your sisters. They'll probably set you up with one of them or your 'dates' from the Dance again" Clyde added. Lincoln shuttered at how he Matrix dodged a bullet that night thanks to his friends.

"They probably will but as long as I keep calm about this. Things should be fine, hopefully." He wished. Lincoln checked his watch and saw that it was around five o'clock. He needs to head home soon. He finished his fruit cup and thanked Clyde for the talk. They do their signature handshake before Lincoln set off back home. He said his goodbyes and thanks to Mr. and Mr. McBride. Harold asked if Lincoln needed a ride home. Lincoln declined his offer claiming that he'll walk and that he needs to clear his head about some things. The large black man raised his hands signaling "Say no more" as a pleasant walk can clear a troubled mind. The couple wished a safe travel home as Lincoln went out the door.

Royal Woods was peaceful around this time. Kids coming back from after school activities or playing the park. Parents finished with their jobs for the day. Years of living in a literal loud house. It's great to have tiny moments of peace and quiet. Lincoln took it all in as he walked back home. He wondered what his sisters are doing right now, probably doing their own thing. He hoped they're not attempting to insert themselves in his love life. Again.

Oh, how little he knew.

"Alright Sibling meeting begins now" Lori ordered using her shoe as a gavel. "Today's meeting will help decide what traits should Lincoln 'potential' girlfriend should have. Even though the Loud-Santiago romance shall hold firm" They started from youngest to oldest except for Lily who's currently taking a nap in her room.

"An intellectual or someone to match wits with. I can't have my male genetic counterpart reproduce with someone containing an underdeveloped brain," Lisa started. The Loud sisters agreed as intelligence is a must in most relationships.

"A princess like me," Lola bragged. Lana rolled her eyes at her.

"An animal lover that's willing to get down and dirty in the mud" Lana added. Their house contains a lot of pets even more in Lana case.

"A logical choice as animal caretakers show high levels of empathy," Lisa informed. Why be in a relationship with someone if you can't emotionally connect with them.

"A lover of fine literature," Lucy blankly spoke.

"A tough girl that can whip his skinny butt into shape" Lynn gloated tossing a tennis ball up and down.

"Great sense of humor that 'Linc' them together" Luan chuckled slapping her knee as they groan at her puns.

"Someone who can unleash some killer tunes." Luna continued.

"Can you come back to me, please?" Leni whispered

"Behind every great man is a great woman. Someone capable of taking charge. That's what Lincoln needs. What about you, Leni?"

"I guess as long as they love Linky for who he is. That's fine with me." Leni confessed. They were astonished that Leni could produce such a mature answer.

"Wow you really took this to heart," Lori remarked. Leni nodded at her older sister.

"Linky loves us for who we are. He deserves someone will do that same. Like we always try to change him in what we want, especially you. That's totes unfair" Leni articulated as she moved her hands as if to craft something then pointing her finger at Lynn " I know I'm not smartest, but he still cares and didn't give up on me like when he helped with my driving."

"Hey, I care about him too. He needs to toughen up" Lynn retorted standing abruptly. "The world can and will chew up and spit you out."

"For once Lynn is right. Lincoln's sedentary lifestyle will have detrimental complications if not corrected." Lisa spoke as Lynn smugly smirked as the smartest member of their family is on her side. "However, Leni has a point as well. Lincoln's body isn't as adapted to intensive physical labor as you are. His body can't handle the stress as you, which can lead to heart and muscle problems similar to having too little exercise. There are reports of people, unfortunately, died from one or the other"

"Come on, I'm not that bad. He just needs to man up, that's all," Lynn replied. They groaned at her answered. Seriously Lynn, is that your answer for everything? For basically bullying Lincoln and even though her activities can fatally harm their only brother.

"Someone tells you to be more ladylike, trying to turn you into Lola or me. How would that make you feel?!" Leni shouted, irate at Lynn's indifference towards Lincoln. "We already messed up with Lucy" Lola peeked at the chance to give Lynn a makeover but reconsidered on how uncomfortable it made Lucy.

"I'll make them lose some teeth and tell them to accept me for who I am," Lynn answered, unaware of her hypocrisy.

"Doesn't Linky deserve the same? You can fight back. He can't. Not with us." Leni admitted. Lynn opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Leni was actually right about something. Twice. Lynn didn't know if this was a sign of the apocalypse or Leni had a functional brain after all.

"Now I feel crummy," Luna thought out loud. That feeling was mutual among the sisters as they reflected upon their opinions. It was selfish compared to Leni's. Lincoln has been helping them as long as they could remember. Never in their lives has once Lincoln joked or mocked them for interests. Yet they do from him watching comics in his underwear, him going to Ace Savvy conventions in his homemade outfit and video games. Everything about him.

"Anything else about Lincoln," Lori announced wanting to resolve this somber atmosphere.

"What about me?" Lincoln suddenly spoke, starling his sisters as he opened the door upon hearing his name. His sisters were scrambling for any answers. How didn't they heard him open the front door and climbing up the steps?

"Oh um, we were … talking about … um" Lori stuttered with an uneasy smile.

"Lynn started her period!" Luan interrupted. Lincoln mouthed an okay as this was a private matter.

"DUDE!" Lynn angrily shouted as her face turned crimson, throwing the tennis ball at her prankster sister's head. Luan narrowly dodged it. It was technically correct but out of all possible things. That's what came out of Luan's mouth?! Lincoln snapped his fingers, turning them into finger guns as he slowly strolled back to his room. Living with all girls have taught him a few things about how the female body operates. The sisters released a sigh of relief, hearing his door close.

"Nice save Luan," Lori acknowledged.

"Rather unorthodox yet effective. A personal matter regarding the female body is an excellent deterrent," Lisa agreed. The door opened again. Lincoln came back holding a Ziplock bag containing mini chocolates.

"Here you go Lynn," Lincoln said, giving it to Lynn.

"Hold up is this your personal stash" Lynn puzzled. Chocolate is like gold to the Loud siblings, often fighting for it. Each sibling has one either for personal consumption or currency in exchange for favors.

"Yep. I know chocolate helps after seeing it with Mom, Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan. Plus it's a difficult time for you. It's the least I can do to help." Lincoln explained. He and his father frequently had to barricade or hide whenever 'Aunt Flo' visits one of their family members. Lynn tried to give the bag back, but Lincoln placed it back in her hands. "Keep it. I got a few stashes in reserve. See you guys at dinner. I got a math test this week"

They watch him go back to his room. Lynn stared at the bag. It was filled with over a dozen of her favorite chocolate, Snickers. She held her head pondering about this act. Her brother willfully gave up a portion of his chocolates despite knowing it's value in their house to assist her. It was an easy victory, but Lynn hates … no loathes anything easy.

"See what I mean" Leni related to their previous topic. Lynn signed before launching a Snicker in her mouth. The twins look at the bag then at Lynn.

"You going to share that," They said together. Lynn grabbed some of the mini Snickers and tossed it to them. "Also what's a period." The elder half of the sisters cringed at the explanation they were about to give to the younger ones.

Lincoln was at his desk practicing algebra and wondering about the knowledge Clyde handed him a while ago. A high pitch shriek broke his concentration, and many doors slammed. He chuckled, knowing that his home was back to normal, relatively speaking. Now if he only his school life would do the same.

"Oh, Lincoln, but where's the fun in that?" A man laughed manically in front of a computer screen. "Your sister, Lisa really needs to properly destroy her failed inventions. Who's knows what someone could find or do with?" The man held up a familiar dimensional traveling watch.

This is going to be goooood. Those who're wondering. The man is me. I decided to do a little self-insertion. Looks like the QTs are about to make their move? How's Lincoln going to respond to their advances? We just have to wait and see.

Anyways thanks for reading. Review. Follow and favorite if you liked the story. :)