
Qaya: The Tale of the singular duo

*Original work; do not pirate* Note: I am the original author of this story, and I am re-publishing it on Royal Road with my full rights and permissions— pending approval. EXCERPT FROM THE STORY "I was scared to say this because I thought you would deem me mad but..." "it's okay, you can trust me" she nodded "is it possible that someone in comatose can live as another person, in their state of unconsciousness?" "what?" "as I snapped out of my daze, I was certain that I am The Heris Heir, Qaya Heris but I am also certain that just this morning, at dawn, I had completed a twenty-year-old life as Qaya Wright" Qaya finds herself in the body of another person after she's killed by a friend. but the catch is she remembers being this person and living both lives. Qaya is a writer with no sense of morality causing her to do outrageous things. she's finally killed for her evil deeds ....at least that's what she thought, but she finds herself living...in a completely new life.

The_danc1ng_pen · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Four: There's no villain here

Melinda felt like an outsider watching everyone in the room, she finally understood why Awin acted the way he did, Mariale was the grand ambassador and the fourth most influential man on the whole continent, he owned companies that significantly affect Easteforde's income. Between her and a person of such standing, it's obvious who Awin would pick, how presumptuous of her to think the king would protect her no matter what?

She felt a tug at her heart, it was violent, almost like the intent of the tug was to displace her heart. she could feel her eyes. brimming with tears.

"I will see myself out" she mumbled dejectedly and walked quietly like a defeated dog.

"I'd like to have a word with Ms. Charmale" Qaya announced after seeing Melinda leave. she didn't know why, or what she wanted to see but she knew that, that was the best thing to do

Melinda stopped as she sensed Qaya following her "I presume you would like to make your victory sink in and revel in my misery"

Qaya snickered "surprisingly I feel no such thing Ms Charmale"

"then why are you here? since you're so kind as to not feel resentment, I wonder if you plan to convert this villainess"

this time Qaya burst out laughing "you? villainess? I'll have you know this much; I am in no moral capacity to rebuke or advice you" she suddenly became somber "let's just say we're even and do not think I do not hold any resentment"


"when I see you Melinda Charmale, head of the Harbinger I feel nothing but resentment and anger"

Melinda felt cold and rigid as Qaya said this in a bone chilling smile.

"I came here to let you know that I do not care for you whether you live or die, or be the richest or poorest person but I will make sure that the Harbinger becomes useless in your hands"

"that is what I really want"

Qaya thought to herself "Qaya wright cannot claim The Harbinger back, I also have no right to it, it hurts that the very thing I had cared for my whole life to elevate myself from a peasant to a rich commoner was taken away. The Harbinger was my own brain child but Melinda for some bizarre reason usurped it. if I can't have it, I will not let her benefit from MY own hard work."

Qaya after being certain that she had made her message clear, turned to leave.

As she came out of the building, she met the Esquire and jaslin conversing.

"Esquire Rachel I would like to ride with you, we have matters to discuss."

the older lady paused, thought for a while and turned to her servants "be on your way, I will meet you later"

When she was sure that that the Esquire was settled down properly, she spoke up

"thank you for today"

"I was hardly allowed the avenue to show my skills, this case was easier than I had anticipated"

"maybe, you could get another chance to REALLY help me with your dexterity and intellct...on a long term"

"I don't suppose..."

"yes Madam Rachel, I would like for you to become an advocate and solicitor working for my family, I assure you, your skills will be much needed and used"

"I do not know if I should be excited or worried that you'd be needing my services frequently"

Qaya chuckled "I'll be needing you for official business, I plan on entering a venture"

Rachel rested her head against her fist. Qaya could read the very visible look of scepticism on her face and her thinking of how to refuse Qaya without breaking the cordiality between them.

"it would do you well to be the legal representative of the Mariale family as much as it will do us well"


"I am certain you must have an idea that the Heris Household and the Mariale house have merged"

"I am aware of that and also the fact that my conditions for accepting would be tiresome for everyone."

"that's a given, you are the great Esquire Rachel, one of the greatest authorities on law in our time"

"so I will prepare the contract"

"seeing as you have consented to the arrangement, I feel it's only fair to inform you that I'll be making an appeal to acquit the former minister of information"

Rachel looked up in shock but quickly recovered, "I'll prepare for this immediately and we will sign the contract on the day he's acquitted."

"I look forward to our cooperation"

Dylan Mariale walked around pensively. he almost felt jittery, he was usually a stoic man but family matters tend to make an overly emotional man, he slumped into the chair he was offered.

he had just left the King's court and gone straight to the prison facility with a document requesting Marie's release.

he was both excited and scared that he would be seeing the love of his life who hated him to the bone.

"what in heaven's name"

the voice of the utterer made Dylan Mariale spin so quick


"what is this? I told you that you had no right to appear before me"

"as horrible as this may sound, I had no intention of putting myself through this misery but fate had different plans"

"fate" Marie scoffed

Dylan rolled his eyes and handed the document the king assented to, over to her

"that bastard let me out on bail? and what is this? Dylan why am I called Marie Heris-Mariale here?"

"I also didn't agree to the order, is Mariale-heris not more pleasing but Qaya wanted otherwise"


"yes, she was the one who made me sign the family merger and she also struck a deal with King Awin to release you"

"what? she's awake and the first thing she did was all this? and what kind of deal did she make?"

"don't worry I will bear the brunt of the deal, all we offered was a waiver on the rights to tax the King's men on the Mariale territory north of here, apparently that was a tempting offer the king couldn't refuse"

Marie nodded "it's all because of me that my baby has a hard life"

"do not sulk, let's get you home so you can meet your daughter".


"it's not yet time to celebrate, nanny. we are yet to prove my mother's innocence"

Nanny pouted and put away the wine she brought, just then Jaslin walked in "Nanny isn't usually one to revel like this"

"what can I do when the Almighty has been so good to me, Madam Marie and Qaya are back to us"

Jaslin chuckled and turned to Qaya "what do you plan to do"

"bring Harbinger down"

"hmmm?" the other two women turned to look at each other confused. Qaya, on the other hand, ignored their confusion and continued her monologue.

"Melinda will release an official statement retracting their statement causing them to lose credibility, I will have to take advantage of the probation and take over the market"


"My father has made me head of 'Hear', I plan to use it's influence abroad to my advantage"

Jaslin nodded "that's all well and good but will that help Madam Marie clear her name?"

"of course I'm aware that the king would not just acquit my mother, so the only way we can remove the blame from her is to find someone else. In this time that The Harbinger is not writing exposés, 'Hear' will bring to light the real person behind the weapon trafficking and we can also leverage on Qaya Wright's murder and prove Sir Milton's innocence that's enough to make people put the faith that was once in the Harbinger in us"

"wow, that might just work"

"the time window is short, we must get people to find evidence"

Jaslin cleared her throat "my lady, I understand what you said but it will prove hard to uncover the truth, because whoever is behind this would have taken great care to cover their tracks"

"who said anything about uncovering the truth" Qaya smirked

A servant ran in, looking jittery and excited "the madam has arrived"

Qaya sprung from her seat and made her way to greet her mother.

Marie had changed into more befitting clothes, Dylan on the other hand stood away from Marie.

"welcome mother" Qaya embraced her mother and swallowed her guilt "I'm sorry"

"why should you be sorry? you couldn't help it after all"

qaya nodded and sighed she turned to Dylan "father, how did the meeting with Awin go?"

"father?" Marie looked in horror

Qaya sighed "yes, I have to call him that, after all he IS my father and in exchange for such wealth, prestige and luxuries, addressing him by such appellation seems more than fair"

Marie shook her head "I must have been gone so long. Qaya you sound nothing like you used to."

Qaya flinched "I also hardly believe who I am nowadays"

Marie stared at her daughter for a long while " I wanted to make a joke but you became serious all of a sudden"

"I think my mother's making excuses"

"I think my daughter's offended"

Dylan sighed and muttered to himself "Francis, this is hardly a better life"

*Five days later *

on the terrace to Qaya's room, a figure slipped in and tip toed cautiously into the room.

"you're not asleep?" the figure whispered in a gruff voice that was blatantly feigned

Qaya was initially in surprise then horror.

"I was at least hoping to give you a painless death, sadly fate as decided to deny me that too"

before Qaya could yell for help, he lunged at her.