
Qaya: The Tale of the singular duo

*Original work; do not pirate* Note: I am the original author of this story, and I am re-publishing it on Royal Road with my full rights and permissions— pending approval. EXCERPT FROM THE STORY "I was scared to say this because I thought you would deem me mad but..." "it's okay, you can trust me" she nodded "is it possible that someone in comatose can live as another person, in their state of unconsciousness?" "what?" "as I snapped out of my daze, I was certain that I am The Heris Heir, Qaya Heris but I am also certain that just this morning, at dawn, I had completed a twenty-year-old life as Qaya Wright" Qaya finds herself in the body of another person after she's killed by a friend. but the catch is she remembers being this person and living both lives. Qaya is a writer with no sense of morality causing her to do outrageous things. she's finally killed for her evil deeds ....at least that's what she thought, but she finds herself living...in a completely new life.

The_danc1ng_pen · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Three: I was right after all (II)

"Good day Ms. Heris, I imagine you'll handle this matter with civil discretion" she said between a feigned smile

Qaya equally beamed back "you are definitely right, I plan on acting in the most civil way possible, that's why I'm taking you to court for your misconduct"

Melinda's jaw dropped, what was happening? this, in itself wasn't unpredictable but still she was taken aback.

"Ms. Charmale, endeavor to keep your poise, My family name has been grossly tainted by your paper, I am not resorting to unruly methods because I want to be gracious. so do not make me feel like I have done wrong"

"I did not lose my poise, I was just impressed that you thought to sue someone that enjoyed immunity" she replied with a smug look.

the smile on Qaya's face immediately fell, her gaze darkened and she almost looked disgusted "to be honest, I feel insulted. You berate my intelligence, I know that you know

that I can sue you based on Eastefordian entity laws, because you acted in a capacity outside your political duties or did you not know? do you really think because the king 'backs' the Harbinger, it has now become a government institution? surely you can't be that stupid, so why then did you say such rubbish to my face? you must have thought my brainless self would run away."

some people snickered, the sight before then was just what they wanted. who would win? everyone was eager to find out.

Melinda kept quiet because she could not give a fitting reply to Qaya's rants, she felt cornered.

Esquire Rachel appeared "from now, anything regarding this matter should be addressed to me, I am Lady Heris's representative.

Melinda cleared her throat and looked away "My representative will speak to you"

Melinda left in anger. "this is not why I came".

her mind went to Awin, what would he say to her? she's overreacting and needs to calm down, that's what he always thought.

"so annoying" she breathed "then again I AM overthinking it, King Awin will handle this"


As Qaya got to the family residence she met her uncle's carriage.

"word really spreads fast" she mused. Her uncle was in the garden, he was reading a book and fumbling with the handle of his cane.

"you must have heard"

"this is only a stupid thing to do, if you just plan to really sue the Harbinger and expect justice to be served"

the girl snickered "I am almost heartbroken, uncle...I must be stupid then"

the man frowned and she burst into more laughter.

"I only kid you, that is not all I want from this"

"Qaya, I hope you take my counsel"

"I feel like I might not"

"your father, not just him but the whole family can help"

Qaya almost jumped out of her seat from shock, she looked around "what you ask for is taboo, uncle Francis...the least I can do for my mother after everything I've done is not defy the only rule she gave me"

"do you think your mother cares about grudges or principles in the state that she is? think about it, there are so many benefits. you'll enjoy protection since our family is a foreign family of diplomats, you can utilize the chain of businesses to your advantage, 'Hear' that's the name of your father's newspaper agency, it is influential outside of Easteford, so it's also useful"

"you sound very convincing but I still can't do that, my mom will never regain her title, she'll be Madam Mariale, do you know how much her title is to her?"

the man shook his head, he looked disappointed "your mother is in prison, she's not a mistress in there...at least having the great Mariale family backing you will ensure that your mother is acquitted and you'll have a real shot at this litigation matter."

she fell into deep thoughts and after a while finally spoke out "so you suggest that..."

"yes... that you initiate an alliance between the two families"

Qaya was silent, she knew that joining hands with one of the most powerful families in the continent would be advantageous but she couldn't defy her mother, it was bad enough that she was the reason why all these bad things had happened.

"I'm tired, uncle Francis, I am genuinely tired.

The day of the hearing

the court was filled with the palace officials, some journalists and people related to the litigants.

"there's a great chance that I'll get something from this" Qaya whispered to Jaslin, she looked over , not many people were siding with Melinda. it was only her right hand woman that sat down... Qaya's gaze stopped on someone else sitting behind Melinda

"what are you looking at?" Jaslin shook her, when she noticed that she was no longer listening.


" I asked why you were confident that something good will come from this"

"oh, well because people hate the Harbinger, they also fear it because they know that it's only a matter of time before it comes for them, so deep down they want it to fail"

Jaslin nodded in understanding. Qaya continued

"and see, the other journalists from competing papers will have to paint the Harbinger in a bad light"

"I understand but..."

"it's okay, Jaslin, worry about nothing"

The king walked in everyone took a bow and waited for his signal to take their seats.

the proceeding started, the air wasn't stiff but everyone felt uncertain, the king was known to be flexible with how he conducted cases, it was almost arbitrary.

he gave a cheerful smile.

"so does The Harbinger accept that it defamed Lady Qaya?"

Melinda's representative spoke up "the article was written without ill intent, my client was only acting based on Intel and was well in the confines of free press"

The king gave a sarcastic chuckle "without ill intent you say, a great number of nobles will disagree. you say you had Intel, are you sure it wasn't hearsay? can you prove to me that you had reliable Intel? well not reliable seeing as Ms. Heris wasn't with child"

Everyone looked on in dismay. what was the king playing at?

But no one was as shocked and betrayed as Melinda.

her representative turned to her, she had told him not to bother doing extra work because the king will take care of it but now he was bombarding her with so many questions.

Awin looked at his pocket watch "I do not intend to wait long, I will deliver my judgement, I will leave The Harbinger's fate to Ms. Heris"

he turned to face a dazed Qaya. she regained her composure and flashed a knowing smile.

"thank you for your fair judgement, your majesty, I will like the Harbinger to drop a disclaimer clarifying that they had made a blunder about the pregnancy issue, AND that for two months, they be put on probation, the Harbinger will be unable to drop exposé articles.

"quite a generous punishment" if you ask me

"what?!" Melinda did not know when she screamed this, she caught herself and sat back down.

"anyway, I accept this punishment on behalf of the Harbinger and I issue the injunction that the Harbinger acts accordingly to Ms. Heris's demand"

"court dismissed"

everyone stared on as the king left, they had expected the battle to draw out, with the king trying to protect his lackey but it seems no one was indispensable.

Melinda left immediately, she almost ran to the King's office, she needed an explanation.

when she entered, the king greeted her with a smile like he didn't just serve her to the dogs.

"I know you don't think much of me, but even this is too much" she wanted to continue ranting but she felt her voice break, she wanted to cry, but she couldn't, she wouldn't

"your representative prepared haphazardly if I might add. he couldn't even prepare anything, maybe falsify evidence"

"you and I both know that it's within your power to rule in my favour"

"likewise, I am in no wrong ruling in Qaya's favour"

"Qaya? what does she have to do with anything?"

"I believe he was referring to me" a third voice called out.

"what?" Melinda  turned to see the visitor in the King's office

"Don't tell me, you didn't know my first name, you keep hurting my feelings every time we meet" Qaya joked

Melinda looked at the fourth person in the room, that accompanied Qaya, he was an older man with grey hair stopping at the base of his neck "who's he?"

Qaya ignored her question and turned to Awin

"I wanted to ask if you could make an adjustment to the judgement...to be specific my name"

"what is it that you like? but isn't it too late? the public should have been informed of this"

"I have done well to inform other journalists...ah yes, Ms. Charmale is also here so I trust that even the Harbinger will make this change, I will like to be referred to as Heris-Mariale"