
PVZ system by the multiverse.

Douglas died in an accident, knew God and ended up winning a system (plants vs zombies).

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs


- We are planning to do a festival, do you have any suggestions to give?

Shuna asked Douglas, in the last few days Rimuro has been planning to hold a festival to commemorate the establishment of his country.

- I believe that gardening, hunting and bodybuilding contests will be good!

- Annotated, Thanks for your suggestions!

With that she went after another candidate to get her opinion, Douglas then went to the room where Rimuro was had some things he wanted to question.

- Good afternoon!

-Good afternoon Douglas, what brings you here?

- Well I was wondering, don't you plan to become a demon lord?

Rimuro pondered for a moment before hearing the warning from the Great Sage that 10,000 lives were needed to promote himself to the demon lord.

- Well honestly no, I wouldn't want to commit a massacre just to make myself stronger!

- In my opinion you should, we are surrounded by powerful enemies and by the information that my pea agent has provided many influential people are under a light mind control, and the Empire that is on the other side has a crazy King who is about to be in spirit shattered but it will not break before conquering the world, moreover the Church is controlled by the Queen of vampires, simplifying either you become stronger or the forest of Jura is engulfed by the flames of war!

Douglas spoke almost all the information he managed to gather, he has not been idle since he arrived in this world, he has sent hundreds of spies and secret bases everywhere that has some environmental value.

Rimuro thought for a moment.

- You don't need to make a decision now, just know that as a Leader you have responsibilities to fulfill that was the burden placed on your shoulders when you decided to reign!

Saying these words Douglas left the room leaving a thoughtful Rimuro.

- I showed you the way now depends only on you!


Meanwhile back at Gun Gale online.

Bang! Bang!


Okay, okay, okay!

- Go! Go! Go!

Michael pushed Dalia forward when a missile passed where they were now.



Michael was thrown to the side after the missile passed his side, a group of 3 players who were further behind were killed instantly, Dalia got up and threw a plasma grenade to cover us.


- Cover me!

Dália and Michael continued to play the game after Douglas left everything was going well with their skills and adaptation of the Dahlia they got many deaths and made a name for themselves.

But that was where the problem was, the developers seeing that a skilled duo was destroying BoB and another one was playing Terror at the PVP they decided to add a special event to change that.

It was called (Deadly rewards), the Event was very simple it would separate players into two different groups and when killing enemies you would get points to exchange for rewards later, the problem was that if you killed an enemy player you would not only be able to points for killing him as well as taking his points and if that weren't enough the more points you had the more red you became and it was also marked on the opponent's maps after a certain amount.


And as Michael and Dália got a lot of points several groups came behind their heads forcing them to ask for help from other groups of their faction, at first it worked and they even got some extra points but the problem is that after the enemy players lost their points they started to attack without caring about tomorrow.



Taking the situation that they were surrounded by more than 500 enemy players and their side was only 30 and that number was decreasing rapidly.

- I'm out of ammo!

- I have 2 combs left!

- Someone kills the enemy sniper shit he already shot me twice!

Having used a small cave with a large space inside they made a defensive base here trying to resist the attacks of the enemies, this situation has lasted for 5 hours!

If it weren't for the entrance being small and the interior large they'd already been killed a long time ago.

- How long for reinforcements!

- They are still being harassed by enemy forces and are advancing slowly. Estimated to arrive here in 6 hours!

- Damn, I need to log off, I've been online for a long time!

They were all more or less discouraged.

- Well all we have left is to try our best and have hope!