
PVZ system by the multiverse.

Douglas died in an accident, knew God and ended up winning a system (plants vs zombies).

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs


Guys help the author, I'm in doubt about what to write if I have content I can post up to 3 chapters a day!


The day once again dawned, Douglas woke up early today he has to go to Tempest to get a good trade deal, apparently a group coming from the demon lord Carrion's territory is coming to tempest to negotiate.

And Douglas, who wants to spread his plants around the world, needs to start somewhere.

- Come on, I have many things to solve yet!

He then got inside a coconut helicopter and started flying towards the city, after half an hour we arrived in the city and the first thing I saw was the girl with pink hair eating in a tent.

- I should apologize!

Douglas jumped and fell towards Milim's side.


- AAA, who are you?

Milim jumped scared to the side with the appearance of Douglas.

- I'm Douglas, we didn't fight the other day remember?

- AH !!! You are the big threatening man who attacked me!

- That's right, I apologize for that!

- No, it's okay that kind of thing happens!

The two talked happily, Douglas gave some sweet berries that he carries for her.

Douglas thoughts- his personality is like that of a child, I would like Satoru to be more childlike whenever I go to play he cries and starts calling Ibara or the woman closest to the house.

Arriving at the front of the central building, he entered and greeted Shion who was on guard and entered the room where several people were gathered, there was the King of the Dwarves, the leader of the merchant guild and other important people.

-People this is Douglas, ally of tempest!

- Nice to meet you, I'm just a war farmer!

They were a little confused by the title but those who participated in the war against the Orcs know the meaning well.

- Let's start the meeting!

With that we discussed various things, trade agreements, military aid, sale of raw materials, and the list continued to grow. I was only able to keep myself conscious by drinking thunder coffee. The king of the dwarves also started drinking coffee after a while.

- And so we end today's meeting, rest because we will continue tomorrow.

Everyone gave a collective sigh and left the room, but King Guran and Representative Blumund came to speak to me after the meeting.

- How can I help you?

They looked at each other.

- Well, I came here with the purpose of asking if you have more of that coffee, and maybe a commercial sales agreement.

- In my case, I came to establish a military aid treaty between our countries and possibly a commercial one.

- Well, I don't see a problem, but there is something you still don't understand!

- What is?

- You should not negotiate with me as a country but as an individual with the capacity of a country!

Saying this the 3 sat at a table and started to negotiate, there was not much to say what ended up that the kingdom of the dwarves would buy their food in exchange for ores and the kingdom of Blumund in exchange for magic items and old items besides furs and hand workforce for research.

Shaking hands, both sides reached consensus.

- I hope we can get along from now on!

- Equally!

Saying goodbye Douglas went back to his room and slept soundly, he would have to deal with the rest of the things tomorrow.

Two days later all negotiations were concluded and the Jura Tempest Federation was established, the demon Lord Carrion's group also appeared but their leader was arrogant and ended up being beaten.

- I hope that boy has learned his lesson!

- Hey you!

- Huh?

Douglas turned to look at the tiger girl with fire in his eyes.

- I can feel that you are strong fight with me!

She did not let Douglas respond and attacked immediately.

Pow! Crack!

- What?

She had just jumped towards Douglas as his head was stuck on the floor.

- Take care little girl, I could have killed you in the next move!

Saying that, Douglas walked away, but the girl now had another goal.

- Allow me to have your children!

- No, I'm already married, go look for another man!

- I guarantee she won't know!

This boy started doing a sexy pose but froze when Douglas ignored her.

- Wait!!!