
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Training - 6

For a decade, Rizevim had immersed himself in the shadows, tirelessly honing his skills under Scathach's guidance.

After years of relentless training, Rizevim finally reached the peak of Tier 8 (Continental Level), surpassing Scathach in all aspects of power, skill, and magic. His mastery of meta-magic had elevated him to unparalleled heights, marking a significant milestone in his journey of self-improvement and mastery of the arcane arts.

After extensive research and drawing from his vast knowledge, Rizevim developed his magic system known as Aryan Magic. This system integrated elements from Arcane Energy, Demonic Magic, Human Magic, and Asgardian Magic (Primordial Runes), blending them into a cohesive framework. Aryan Magic was designed to be accessible yet intricate, offering a relatively straightforward learning curve while demanding dedication and finesse to truly master its intricacies.

As Rizevim progressed in his cultivation, he mastered a multitude of powers, each new tier bringing forth a wealth of abilities. Among his accomplishments were mastery over Water, Fire, Air, Dark, and Light Manipulation, enabling him to wield elemental forces with precision and control. Additionally, he honed his skills in shapeshifting, granting him the ability to alter his form at will, and perfected his mastery of telekinesis, allowing him to manipulate objects with the power of his mind.

With his relentless cultivation, Rizevim's regeneration abilities ascended to Level III of supernatural regeneration, marking a remarkable advancement in his resilience and vitality. His body became so resilient that even a single drop of blood or a surviving cell was sufficient to restore him to life, ensuring his survival even in the face of catastrophic events such as a nuclear blast.

Rizevim's Eye of Origin progressed to level III, granting him Attack Vision, enabling him to unleash attacks with a mere thought. This newfound ability further augmented his combat prowess, allowing him to strike with precision and efficiency, all with the power of his mind.

But he added new abilities in Eye of Origin in the bloodline that are:

Tier IV: Claircognizance: The user can gain information about a person, object, place, skillset, ability, or event through intrinsic knowledge, as it just "comes to" the user's mind just by looking. It also provides abilities such as Lie/Truth Detection, Detection Awareness, Psionic Detection and Psychic Navigation: Track people/objects using the mind and/or create a mental map of an area. *(It could be activated by only Servent and Royal Bloodlines.)*

Tier V: Negation: The user can negate the effects and existence of something, whether it be powers, beings, energies, elements, etc., at least on a local/temporary scale.

*(available only to Royal Bloodline)*

Rizevim had ascended to Tier 5 of the Eye of Origin, with cosmic awareness he could extend its influence to the continent level. This remarkable feat allowed him to perceive and interact with his surroundings on an unprecedented scale, granting him unparalleled insight and control. Moreover, his Reactive Adaptation had rendered him immune to all known powers, including telepathy, spatial manipulation, and negation, further solidifying his status as an indomitable force to be reckoned with.

Rizevim diligently cultivated his state of being and mind, achieving True Self. With this attainment, he could harness the full extent of his power regardless of his physical state, transcending mortal limitations and unlocking his true potential.

Currently in the training hall, two figures engage in combat with their full powers, their movements swift and precise. Despite the intensity of their clash, the training field remains unscathed, protected by barriers erected to contain their formidable energy.

In the training hall, Rizevim and Scathach sparred vigorously, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Though Rizevim held back some of his power, he fought with unwavering determination, matching Scathach blow for blow. Despite her formidable skill, Scathach found herself taking more damage than Rizevim, a testament to his diligence and commitment to achieving victory in their fair duel.

As the intense battle raged on for hours, Rizevim managed to impale Scathach near her heart with his spear, while she lodged her own spear in his thigh. Despite the injuries, Rizevim remained composed, neither of them removing their weapons.

"Do you accept your defeat and wish to become my wife?" Rizevim asked, his tone firm yet respectful.

"Yes, it seems it's time for your final lesson, in bed," Scathach replied with a smile, her expression softening as she spoke. It was a rare moment of vulnerability and warmth from the usually stoic warrior, leaving Rizevim slightly taken aback by her beauty and the unexpected turn of events after their intense duel.