
Pursuit for love

Mariah Edenne is a 24-year-old lady living in the western region with her husband Neil Easton. They’ve been married for close to five years now and they lived a happy life and their life has been so rosy, except that they were unable of having children. Mariah spent her time moving from hospital to hospital, and all hospitals she visited claimed she was barren, her mother-in-law, Jane Easton had never wanted her for her son, each time she had the opportunity she always flung insults at her, she claimed Mariah was a retired prostitute and was the primary reason why she was unable of bearing children. Her two friends Caitlyn Woods and Naja Cook always admired her, thinking she was one of the luckiest women as she was married to one of the influential businessmen. Khloe Darone, a fair beautiful lady and half-sister to Mariah, is jealous of her half-sister because even as she is unable to bear kids for her husband, he still loves and cherishes her. She is determined to end their relationship through Jane Easton, who promises her a place in Neil’s villa as his wife. Khloe is impressed by this agreement and goes all out for him and she succeeds in seducing him after some time, she discovers she is unable of getting pregnant for him, and been pressed by Jane, she gets her ex boyfriend Liam to do it for him in which she later holds him responsible for the baby. Neil thinking the baby Khloe is carrying is his, divorces Mariah without giving her a penny. He gets married to Khloe and in some few months they receive the baby. Liam, being a black mailer keeps writing to Khloe for his silence, and once she pays him, he squanders the money because she is always going to give him more. Liam knows she can't reject to give him money because she has more to lose than him if the truth is revealed. Neil finally discovers he is the one who has been impotent, and he finds out he is not the father to Khloe's son. Without hesitation he flungs her out of the house and goes in pursuit for his ex-wife Mariah, but she is too occupied with her new job and has a new crush who is her boss Bobby Brown. Neil in an attempt to get back his ex-wife creates a scandal at Bobby's enterprise, this makes Bobby Brown revolt against him, but not too long, he falls for his assistant Mariah in whom they get married and bear three kids.

Jessie_Affiong_5646 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 16: His obsession

Fred and Comry came back and they were notified that two ladies came looking for them the previous day. They travelled for a party which was happening in the next city after theirs, leaving the previous day, they had no idea they were to spend the night there, all of a sudden they found themselves spending the night there because of the traffic and the lack of cars. It was mostly made up of people owning their own cars. Taxis were a little bit scary there. The failure to meet a taxi made them spend the night in one hotel which they could afford to pay for a room. The next morning they got home only to realize two ladies were looking for them.

The lady who explained it to them, made them understand they wanted to see Comry and they were furious when they did not get to him.

"Do you have an idea of the ladies guy." Fred asked politely.

"I have no idea my man, I don't even know who they were and I wasn't expecting a visitor yesterday, talkless of ladies." He said as he was surprised.

"But don't you have an idea of who they could be? I know you don't have a girlfriend so who was that, I hope it wasn't someone from your boss's family?" He said.

"Please just don't talk to me about my boss, I'm afraid. I pray it shouldn't be Mrs. Mariah who came looking for me." Comry said he had been shivering just from hearing his boss's name.

"Why are you shivering, what if she was ready to sign the papers?" Fred murmured.

"What did you just say?" Comry said.

"You heard me correctly, I said what if she was ready to sign the divorce papers."

"I'm not sure. I know her very well, from the look of things she was very serious and not ready to change her mind anytime soon."

"Are you sure? And what if you verified if that wasn't the case." Fred said calmly.

Comry had no plans of paying a visit to Mariah, because the last time he went there he almost got harmed by her. But Fred insisted they pay her a visit, he promised to speak all out by himself. Comry told him he wasn't sure he wanted to do that, but Fred forced him to do so.

"Fred seriously I'm not in the mood for that, and that lady warned me never to come close to her okay, and by the way we just came back, I'm tired and need some rest." Comry mentioned.

"See guy you aren't going there to go ask her to sign the papers, you are just going to ask if she was the one who visited you yesterday that's all guy, remember you might lose your job be careful."

"Oh that's your worries, because if I lose my job you won't be able to survive, well we might figure out something if that should." Comry said.

Though Comry did not want to go there, he succeeded in convincing him to go there. The left the house in the same attire they had been putting on for the restaurant where Mariah was working. Comry was following him though he did not want to. He could not stop remembering the last words Mariah told him and he did not want to put pressure on her, how was she going to feel after telling him never to put an inch anything close to her house or where she had been working. It was Fred who made him embark on that journey.

Soon they arrived at the restaurant, they took a seat as if they were clients. Naja was the one who saw them, at first she could not recall their faces but she knew she had once seen them somewhere. She approached them and asked what they would love to have. Comry and Fred commandes just a glass of juice with no plate of food. It was strange, they just wanted to drink, and they were having just juice not even wine. She left inside to go get their commands.

She brought it and served them, they were almost done and Mariah couldn't be perceived. Where they going to waste money on their transport fare and drink without having to see her?

"I told you it was a bad idea to come here, she's not even in the area, you made us waste a lot of money." Comry said angrily.

"Come on, you should chill man, we are not yet done with our drinks, I believe she would show up just give her some time." Fred mumbled.

As Fred and Comry were sipping their drinks, Naja did not remove her eyes off them, she could see them discussing but could not get what they had been talking about, it was against the restaurant policy to listen to what the clients had been talking about. Mariah was held up in Bobby's office, she had been explaining her next strategy with him. Soon after she was done in his office, she stepped out and soon joined Naja. She sent her eyes outside and she saw Comry sitting with his friend and sipping their drinks. She knew that they came for her and not because they wanted to have drinks. She got angry and went outside to go meet them.

"What do you two want here? Course I know you two aren't here for a drink," she said angrily.

"Mrs. Easton please don't get angry, we are here because we want to ask you a question nothing more." Comry said, all shivering.

"Again? I asked you not to ever come around me and you got the nerves to show up again?"

"Madame please listen to us. We heard two ladies visited us and we wanted to know if you probably came over with your friend." Fred said boldly.

"Hahaha... she laughed. Me? Come over to your house? I don't even know where you live, why would I come to your home unannounced?" She said.

"We are very sorry for the inconvenience, that's all what we wanted to know, I guess we will live now, have a good day." Comry said. He paid for the drinks and asked to leave with Fred.

Mariah had the money for their drinks in her hands, she kept asking herself why Comry thought she was the one who visited him, she would never do such. She had made her decision already and that was it.

Comry and Fred arrived home now, while Fred left for the room to change his clothes, Comry was still in the living room, he took a seat and was lost in his thoughts. Fred soon joined him. "Won't you change those clothes? You've been putting them on since yesterday." He said.

"Are you now happy after humiliating us out there," he asked.

"Happy not, on the contrary I'm furious. I wanted to hear a yes from her."

"I told you it was bad to do that but you insisted we go there, only for us to get humiliated by that lady. It's the last time we talk about that, and you won't go there again okay." Comry said.

Mariah was done outside, she soon resumed to the kitchen, Naja saw her discussing with the guys and joined her. "What was that all about? Why were you yelling at the clients."

"Don't you know them?" Mariah asked.

"Of course no."

"It's Comry Neil's lawyer and the other guy standing next to him was his friend, they came asking me if I visited them yesterday with one of my friends."

"This is strange. And why would they come looking for you. Oh I see, their faces were familiar but I had no idea where I saw them.

"They probably thought I had changed my mind concerning the divorce, they must be joking." Mariah said calmly.

This time Bobby was standing next to the kitchen and had heard their conversation, he did not want to , but it got him interested, he had no choice than to stop and listen to them. It was not in his attitude, usually he was the type who minded his business. They had no idea he had been listening to them for a long time now, when they realized he was listening to them, they stopped talking and continued looking into their eyes. He left without saying a word, he resumed to his office and locked up himself.

"Do you think he listened to all of what we had been talking about?" Mariah asked calmly.

"I have no idea. But even if he listened to that, it's your business and I don't think he's interested in that." Naja added.

She was afraid he had listened to all her crises regarding her marriage. The boss had no idea she was a married woman.

It was Saturday, and it was a half day for them. It was soon 5 PM, time for them to get home, they removed the restaurant's clothes they had been putting on and wore their clothes. They now left going down the street, as they left Bobby was still in his office and heard when they left, he stood by his office window and kept observing them. "What's going on with Bobby, she's a married lady and above all she's your employee, you can't be falling in love with her okay." He mentioned after watching them leave.

Liam had not gotten a response from Khloe since he left her a message. He urgently needed the money and seeing her not responding got her into a messy situation. He called her again a few hours after the first call, and Khloe knew she could not continue hiding away from him. She answered the call and asked what he wanted from her. "Are you stupid? Didn't you receive my message yesterday? Or you want to play games with me? I hope you know what I can do Khloe?" He said furiously over the phone.

"You are seriously getting on my nerves, it's barely a month since I sent you money and now what? You want me to send you some money again. Do you think I have a tree here where I pluck money from?" Khloe asked angrily.

"Well that's none of my business, you are Neil Easton's wife and supposedly pregnant for him, I assume he gives you money all the time, just kindly get some money for me out of all what he gives you. Don't get me angry."

"Do you think he gives me a huge sum of money just like what you keep demanding from me all the time."

"Like I said earlier, I don't give a fuck about that . You have just 72 hours to deposit that money in my account." Liam said. After that he turned off his phone.

Jane was in her room and heard Khloe yelling. "Why is she shouting? Doesn't she know I'm having my siesta?" She said angrily. It had been going on for the past 15 minutes. This got Jane worried, so she left for her room.

Khloe heard a knock on her door, and was worried. She thought it was the maid. "What do you want?" She asked furiously.

"It's Jane." She said.

For a while, Khloe shivered. She had been raising her voice at her without knowing. She immediately opened the door and presented her excuses. "I'm sorry mom, I thought it was the maid."

"Okay, please bring down your voice I'm having my siesta." She said calmly. Immediately she said that, and she resumed to her room. She wouldn't understand why she was raising her voice, does she think she was in her home?

She hoped her mother-in-law had not heard what she was saying over the phone. "I suggest she did not get, if not I can forget about our agreement and say goodbye to my marriage with Neil.

Mariah and Naja arrived home and were surprised seeing aunt Iren's luggage all arranged. They never wanted her to go back but they had to allow her go so she could take care of her store, she had being out already for the past five days, she could not stay longer than that. "Aunt you are going to miss us." Mariah said

"That's true, I'll miss you too. But I have to go take care of my shop."

"You are right. One of these days when I'm free I'll come visit you."

Iren was happy when she heard that from Mariah's mouth. "Talking of your job, I'm amazed when you told me you got a job already and especially the area." She said.

The restaurant was one of the biggest and one of the most luxurious restaurants in the area, though Naja worked there, it wasn't easy to get accepted. But Mariah got accepted by the CEO who employed her without even knowing if she could meet up with the task.

Mariah smiled at her aunt and said nothing. It was quite strange when Bobby told her she was employed. She thought he was going to reject her offer.

"Enough with the discussions, it's time for my series, I don't want to miss them, neither do I want noise, you girls can move upstairs if you feel like making noise." Aunt Iren said politely.

If there was something about Iren was her love for movies, she watched everything concerning series and she was a lover of that, a day without watching a movie or series was like hell on earth. She did everything she could to get a TV in all her stores, so as not to miss a series in case she found herself in any of them.

Lana was in her living room, she had finished serving her kids. They were done with their plate of food and now in their rooms. She was the only one in the living room, she kept reflecting on what happened the previous day when she went out with Khloe. Though she told her she wasn't feeling secure as Mariah was still married to Neil. To her, Khloe was not saying the truth, she was sure there was something else she was hiding from her. But what was Khloe hiding away from her? She asked herself. She thought of calling her so they could discuss that. She called the first time, but Khloe did not pick up her call. She called the second time but she still did not pick up.

Why won't she pick up her calls? Lana asked herself. After a while Khloe called back.

"Where have you been? I tried calling you twice but you did not pick up your call. I thought something bad happened to you." Lana said.

"You too. It's not like my phone was a baby and had to be on me every single minute. It was in my room while I was in the living room." She said calmly.

"I have this feeling like you've been lying to me. I think you are hiding something from me, what's that?" Lana said.

Khloe said nothing. There was absolute silence from her side, how did Lana discover she had been lying or hiding something from her? In all cases she knew she couldn't trust her.