
Pursuit for love

Mariah Edenne is a 24-year-old lady living in the western region with her husband Neil Easton. They’ve been married for close to five years now and they lived a happy life and their life has been so rosy, except that they were unable of having children. Mariah spent her time moving from hospital to hospital, and all hospitals she visited claimed she was barren, her mother-in-law, Jane Easton had never wanted her for her son, each time she had the opportunity she always flung insults at her, she claimed Mariah was a retired prostitute and was the primary reason why she was unable of bearing children. Her two friends Caitlyn Woods and Naja Cook always admired her, thinking she was one of the luckiest women as she was married to one of the influential businessmen. Khloe Darone, a fair beautiful lady and half-sister to Mariah, is jealous of her half-sister because even as she is unable to bear kids for her husband, he still loves and cherishes her. She is determined to end their relationship through Jane Easton, who promises her a place in Neil’s villa as his wife. Khloe is impressed by this agreement and goes all out for him and she succeeds in seducing him after some time, she discovers she is unable of getting pregnant for him, and been pressed by Jane, she gets her ex boyfriend Liam to do it for him in which she later holds him responsible for the baby. Neil thinking the baby Khloe is carrying is his, divorces Mariah without giving her a penny. He gets married to Khloe and in some few months they receive the baby. Liam, being a black mailer keeps writing to Khloe for his silence, and once she pays him, he squanders the money because she is always going to give him more. Liam knows she can't reject to give him money because she has more to lose than him if the truth is revealed. Neil finally discovers he is the one who has been impotent, and he finds out he is not the father to Khloe's son. Without hesitation he flungs her out of the house and goes in pursuit for his ex-wife Mariah, but she is too occupied with her new job and has a new crush who is her boss Bobby Brown. Neil in an attempt to get back his ex-wife creates a scandal at Bobby's enterprise, this makes Bobby Brown revolt against him, but not too long, he falls for his assistant Mariah in whom they get married and bear three kids.

Jessie_Affiong_5646 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 15: Secrets

Liam had been out of the city and was broke, he needed money for his daily consumption. It wasn't one month since Khloe gave him money, but he had no problem calling her cause he knew he had information that if released was going to destroy her marriage. He knew each time he reached out to her for money, she was obviously going to give him some cause she wanted her secret to be well kept. That afternoon at 2:40 PM, he removed his phone from charge and scrolled through it searching for Khloe's number. Once he saw it, he called her, but she wasn't picking up her calls

She was in the living room with Neil and Jane, they had been wondering why she wasn't picking up her calls.

"Hey baby why aren't you picking up your calls, do you know the person calling?" Neil asked as he was anxious.

"Yes darling. It's an old friend, she's probably calling because she wants me to send her money. I have told them already that I won't give them a penny, I'm not in my husband's house to distribute money. If anyone needs some, they should go out and search for it, as for me, I don't have one." She said angrily.

"That's good. I know you are very intelligent, unlike Mariah who was a very stupid girl, she was not only barren but equally stupid." Jane yelled out. Neil wasn't happy hearing his mom talk bad about Mariah, though he no longer wanted her, he still could not stand someone insulting her in his presence.

"Mom, please just stop that, okay, no need to insult her."

"What are you talking about, I hope you don't have feelings for her anymore." Jane screamed out.

"Have overstayed here, I would be in my room now." He said as he got up from the chair in which he was seated and resumed to his room.

Khloe got mad at him and followed him. Before she arrived at the room, she received a message from her phone. It said...…. "You think you can play with me? Have been calling you and you refused to pick up my calls, anyways I need you to deposit the sum of $2000 in my account in 3 days or else I'm going to tell your husband everything that happens between us." It was a letter from Liam who after failing to get through the phone decided to leave her a message.

Khloe was in the corridor when she received that message, it's sure the world was slowly crumbling down. The decisions she made a few months ago were after her, she had paid Liam for the services he did but was still blackmailing her, what was she going to do? Continue sending him money each time he needs it or find out a solution? "I just can't continue leaving this way, I won't continue being blackmailed by Liam. I would have to look for a situation around this. I mean I don't even have a penny on me, for how long will I continue stealing Neil's Money for him?" She said nervously.

The plan was to dupe Neil of his hard earned money and run away with her baby, but things weren't working the way she had planned because of the money she made , she had to split it with Liam all the time.

She had no plans of answering his message, she was going to figure out things and get back to him.

Naja and Mariah were at the restaurant and had been in their field of work, they had received many clients too. Mariah decided to help Naja out with the many clients who were more of a burden. Mariah helped her with the client who had been sitting on the balcony for close to 30 minutes now without anyone attending to him. "Good day Sir, sorry for attending to you late, what would you love to have?" She asked politely.

"At least some one has time for me, it's my first time here and I was already judging the area wrongly, thanks miss I will have fried rice and chicken, with some fresh salad and soda." The client said.

"Okay Sir, please in 20 minutes your food will be brought up to you, please be patient." She said calmly.

"Alright Miss." he said.

Bobby Brown was in his office and watched as Mariah succeeded in calming down the client's nerves. "She's what I need to keep this business running, she's just as good as Naja. Birds of the same feather eventually flunk together." He said while smiling.

Mariah went inside and prepared the client's meal. It was cooked already , all she needed was to heat up the food before serving it. She finished doing it in under 20 minutes and brought it up to him.

"Wow you were done in less than 20 minutes, I think each time I come here, I request you to serve me, you are so fast and effective , amongst all you are a young beautiful lady." He said.

"Thanks Sir, I appreciate it." She retorted. After that she resumed back inside, she did not want to flirt with him, after all she was still legally married.

Naja had been observing her from afar, she saw how she had been smiling with their new client. But there was something she equally noticed, it was her boss who had been constantly placing his eyes on Mariah. What was going on? Was he in love with her character or her personality? It was quite confusing.

When she was done serving the numerous clients, she resumed to the kitchen, where she met Mariah who had been doing nothing.

"I think you went too far with the new client, you were literally blushing," Naja said.

"I don't think so, he said I was a young beautiful lady. What did you expect me to do? Frown at him, of course no."

"A smile was enough, and also I hope you don't forget you are still married, so that you did not have to blush."

"Oh yes, I'm still married. You don't have to remind me of that. I think....." she cut her phrase.

"What are you thinking about?" Naja asked anxiously, she wanted Mariah to confirm she was going to reconsider her decision.

"Forget about it." She said.

There was no way to find out if Mariah was thinking in that line or something else, but she had to give her some space.

Iren was in the room offered to her, she had been arranging her luggage, she was going back the next morning and had to arrange her things before the break of the next morning. Caitlyn had regained some energy and was out helping her. "I can't believe you will be going so soon, I thought you were going to stay a little bit longer." Caitlyn mentioned.

"Yes. That was what I thought, but Mariah got you girls, I came purposely for her but she seems strong, she can handle the situation." Iren said.

"That's true, you know the first day I learnt of Neil cheating on her with Khloe I thought she wasn't going to take that, but I was very surprised seeing how she handled the situation, she is a force to reckon with."

"You can say that again, and you know what, I have never even wanted this Union. I just accepted it because I had no choice, she was in love with Neil and I could not deny her that. Being close to Jane isn't an option, she is someone everyone should avoid."

"You keep saying this aunt, but you've never explained why you don't like her."

They were many things Iren had been hiding away from them. Since the early days of Neil's relationship with Mariah, she had no problem with that but once she heard of Neil being Jane's son, she hated their relationship. She did not want Mariah to get married in such a family, but she really did not have the choice because Mariah had taken her decision. Once she heard Mariah was on the edge of divorcing, she was angry and at the same time happy. She was angry because her niece's heart was destroyed and was happy because finally what she had been praying for had happened.