
Purpose of Reincarnation (Complete)

In his previous life Rudra united the world to make the world united, save environment, fight & save Boh Lok (Mortal Realm/Earth) from Kali-Yuga with the help of 7 Chiranjivis, God Krishna & Kalki Avatar., which they did great and make the Yuga-Cycle end & brought Satya-Yuga as permanent cycle. Rudra died met the Supreme Being/Para-Brahman and reincarnated in Marvel-Verse.

ANANTA · Action
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Chapter 6: A New Threat Emerges

Chapter 6: A New Threat Emerges

After the defeat of Asura, Rudra Om and the Avengers thought that they could finally take a breather. However, it was not long before a new threat emerged, one that would prove to be even more dangerous than anything they had faced before.

A group of powerful beings, known as the Celestials, had arrived on Earth. They were ancient beings who had been around since the dawn of time, and they were incredibly powerful. The Celestials had come to Earth with a single purpose: to judge humanity and decide whether it was worthy of continued existence.

The Avengers knew that they had to act fast to stop the Celestials. They knew that if humanity was judged unworthy, then the entire world would be destroyed.

Rudra Om knew that he had to take a leading role in the battle against the Celestials. He called on the Seven Chiranjivis and asked for their help in the coming fight. The Chiranjivis agreed, and together they began to prepare for the coming battle.

The Avengers also started to prepare for the battle, gathering together all the heroes they could find. They knew that they were facing impossible odds, but they refused to give up.

As the day of the battle approached, tensions ran high. Everyone knew that this would be the most important battle of their lives. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and there was no room for error.

The day of the battle finally arrived, and the Avengers and their allies marched to the battlefield to face the Celestials. The battle was fierce and brutal, with both sides suffering heavy losses.

Rudra Om fought with all his might, using every bit of his power to stop the Celestials. He called on the power of the Supreme Being to give him strength, and he used every trick in the book to try and gain an advantage.

Despite their best efforts, the Avengers and their allies were losing the battle. The Celestials were simply too powerful, and they seemed unstoppable.

Just when it seemed as though all hope was lost, Rudra Om had an idea. He knew that the Celestials were judging humanity based on its collective actions. He realized that if they could show the Celestials that humanity was capable of great things, then they might spare the world.

Rudra Om rallied the Avengers and their allies, and together they began to perform great acts of heroism. They saved people from burning buildings, stopped crimes in progress, and even fought off other villains who were taking advantage of the chaos.

The Celestials watched as humanity banded together to save itself. They saw the bravery and determination of the heroes, and they were impressed. In the end, they decided to spare the world, seeing the potential for greatness in humanity.

The battle was over, and the Avengers and their allies had emerged victorious. Rudra Om knew that there would always be new threats to face, but he also knew that humanity had the potential to overcome anything. He was proud to be a part of the Avengers, and he knew that they would always be there to protect the world from harm.