
Purpose of Reincarnation (Complete)

In his previous life Rudra united the world to make the world united, save environment, fight & save Boh Lok (Mortal Realm/Earth) from Kali-Yuga with the help of 7 Chiranjivis, God Krishna & Kalki Avatar., which they did great and make the Yuga-Cycle end & brought Satya-Yuga as permanent cycle. Rudra died met the Supreme Being/Para-Brahman and reincarnated in Marvel-Verse.

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Chapter 4: A New Threat

Chapter 4: A New Threat

Despite their successes as a team, Rudra Om sensed that something was amiss. He could feel a disturbance in the cosmic balance, as if a great evil was about to rise.

He shared his concerns with the Avengers, and they decided to investigate. They soon discovered that a new villain had emerged, one unlike any they had faced before.

His name was Kali, and he was a being of immense power and darkness. He had come to Earth with a single goal: to destroy everything and everyone in his path.

The Avengers knew that they had to act fast to stop Kali, but they also knew that they were no match for his power. They needed help.

Rudra Om suggested that they seek out the Seven Chiranjivis, the immortal beings he had worked with in his previous life. He explained that they were powerful warriors who had fought alongside him to bring about the end of the Yuga-Cycle and the dawn of the Satya-Yuga.

The Avengers were skeptical but desperate, and they agreed to follow Rudra Om's lead. They set out to find the Seven Chiranjivis, traveling to the far corners of the world to seek them out.

It was a long and perilous journey, but eventually, they found the Chiranjivis, who had been waiting for them. They were pleased to see Rudra Om again and agreed to help the Avengers in their fight against Kali.

Together, the Avengers and the Chiranjivis launched an assault on Kali's stronghold, a dark and twisted dimension where he had set up his base of operations. They fought their way through his armies of demons and monsters, using all their powers and skills to overcome the seemingly endless hordes of enemies.

Finally, they reached Kali's throne room, where he sat on a throne made of the bones of his enemies. He sneered at them, confident in his power and his ability to crush them all.

But he had underestimated the strength and determination of the Avengers and their allies. They fought with all their might, using every trick and tactic they knew to bring him down.

In the end, it was Rudra Om who delivered the final blow, using his powers to strike Kali with a blast of pure energy that sent him hurtling through the air. Kali crashed to the ground, defeated and broken.

The Avengers and the Chiranjivis cheered, their victory hard-won but sweet. They had saved the world once again, and Rudra Om knew that he had found a new purpose in life as a member of the Avengers.

From that day forward, Rudra Om fought alongside the Avengers, defending the world from all manner of threats. He knew that he had found a new family in the team, and he was determined to protect them with all his power and might.