
Purpose of Reincarnation (Complete)

In his previous life Rudra united the world to make the world united, save environment, fight & save Boh Lok (Mortal Realm/Earth) from Kali-Yuga with the help of 7 Chiranjivis, God Krishna & Kalki Avatar., which they did great and make the Yuga-Cycle end & brought Satya-Yuga as permanent cycle. Rudra died met the Supreme Being/Para-Brahman and reincarnated in Marvel-Verse.

ANANTA · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: The First Encounter

Chapter 2: The First Encounter

Rudra Om walked through the crowded streets of the city, his senses heightened and his mind focused. He was looking for any signs of trouble or injustice, determined to use his powers to help those in need.

As he walked, he noticed a commotion up ahead. A group of men were surrounding a young woman, their faces twisted in anger.

Rudra Om knew what he had to do. He approached the group and stood in front of the woman, facing the men down.

"What's going on here?" he demanded.

One of the men stepped forward, his fists clenched. "This woman owes us money," he growled. "We're here to collect."

Rudra Om could sense the greed and malice emanating from the men. He knew that they were not just trying to collect a debt; they were trying to intimidate and harm the woman.

"I suggest you leave her alone," Rudra Om said calmly. "It's not worth it."

The men laughed and stepped forward, ready to attack. Rudra Om didn't hesitate. He raised his hand and summoned a fierce blast of fire, sending the men sprawling to the ground.

The woman looked at Rudra Om in amazement, her eyes wide with gratitude.

"Thank you," she said, her voice shaking. "I thought they were going to hurt me."

Rudra Om smiled, his heart warmed by the woman's gratitude.

"It's my duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves," he said. "Are you alright? Do you need any help?"

The woman nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, please. They took all my money and my phone. I don't know what to do."

Rudra Om nodded and took out his own phone. He dialed a number and spoke to someone on the other end.

"I need a pickup," he said. "I'm at the corner of Fifth and Main. There's a woman here who needs some assistance."

A few moments later, a car pulled up and a man stepped out. He introduced himself as a social worker and offered to take the woman to a nearby shelter.

Rudra Om watched as they drove away, his heart filled with a sense of satisfaction. He had used his powers to help someone in need, and it felt good.

As he walked away, he knew that this was just the beginning. He would encounter many more challenges and obstacles on his journey, but he was ready to face them all. He was Rudra Om, the roarer who eradicates problems from their roots, and he was determined to make a difference in the Marvel Universe.