
Purple Sky

In which Skie Cullen — A 17 year old top student with great ambitions who's locked in an abyss of expectations and self-worth questioning, yearned to escape living in someone else's dreams. And upon building the courage to stand up for her dreams, she met Daniel Choi. A 17 year old troublemaker who has gone most of his life getting away from responsibilities. But he was forcefully kicked out from his comfort zone when his love interest — Lea Jones told him that she would never date him unless he make it to the top 5 of their class. Desperate, Daniel seek the help of Skie. In which in return for her help, he'll make sure that Skie would win the upcoming student council election.

chaiii_hwang · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

12. Mean Girls

As much as I love to spend majority of my time sleeping, my mom and dad would never allow me to. I frowned as I trotted downstairs, I wouldn't be this sleepy if I only I didn't stayed up until 10 last night just to make a study table for Daniel. I guess I was just diligently portraying my part in our deal because he's obviously doing the same. With all his efforts in campaigning me and my team, I guess it's only fair if I exert more will on tutoring him.

When I entered our dining room, Dad is already sitting on his usual spot with a newspaper covering half of his face, mom is nowhere in sight. It's odd to see mom's seat being empty, she never miss breakfast — sure she sometimes skip lunch and dinner but never breakfast. I wonder where she could be. I walked towards my designated chair in silence. Dad didn't even looked up when I muttered a good morning, he just answered with a grunt. One of our maids started putting different foods on my plate, mostly bacon and buttered eggs since she knew it's my favorite breakfast.

"Dad where's m—"

My attempt to ask him where mom is was put in jeopardy when his phone suddenly rang. Dad immediately stood up, saying a quick 'excuse me' before he answered the call and walked out of the dining area.

A sigh left my lips, mom isn't here, I don't know where she is and now dad just left, I'm all alone — again. Tsk Skie, you've been experiencing this kind of scenario for a long time now, what's surprising that you're alone? Shaking my head a little, I just continued eating quietly, ignoring the growing emptiness in my system.


All of my classmates excitedly exited the room, some giggling while some are just making assumptions about today's activity in the gymnasium. It's almost lunch, I just need to deal with one more subject that I don't particularly like — Physical Education. Though I'm not that bad in sports since I was taught — or forced rather — to also ace this field and I can proudly say that I'm quite fit for physical activities, I'm just not fond of it. I really hate moving my body too much.

I stopped infront of my locker to grab a shirt and my pants. Some of my classmates are probably going to change in the gym but I decided to head towards the comfort room at the end of the hallway. When I entered, I saw Jessie, one of my classmates, fixing her hair infront of the huge mirror. She gave me a smile when she saw me which I returned with a small one. Three out of four cubicles inside the room are occupied, so I ended up in the farthest corner. I made sure to lock the door before I began undressing.

Mr. Jones had told us he'll be the substitute teacher for PE class because Ms. Andrews is still in the hospital after experiencing a light accident in the football field. I guess since this is Mr. Jones first lesson with our section, he's trying to build some connection with us by saying that we'll be playing dodgeball for today. Of course everyone enjoys dodgeball, including me as the younger me used to play it with Austin and Brian.

I was just in the middle of fixing my hair into a high ponytail when I heard a shrill voice outside, ruining the tranquil atmosphere.

"Have you seen how much progress Skie had done in the online poll? She's 5% ahead of you now Lily."

My eyebrows knitted together. Lily? Isn't she the 2nd section girl who's also running for President? And I'm now ahead of her by 5%? I haven't checked the school's website, so I don't really know if my rankings in the pre-election ballot had rise. I find it rude to eavesdrop into other people's conversation yet I can't help but strain my ears to listen more.

"It's all because of Daniel. We all know Daniel's popularity — and Skie's using that for her benefit!"

Another unfamiliar voice exclaimed.

"I told you Lily, you should've asked Daniel a long time ago to campaign for you."

"It's ok guys — really. I can win over Skie, you know no one really likes her. I am sure the students will vote for me instead on the final election. Daniel's by her side, that's the only reason her spot had boost."

I bit my lower lip, balling my hands in the process. The wounds in my palms had healed, but I know that at the end of the day, new marks will replaced them.

"You're right Lily, like — Skie is always so snob and the know-it-all bitch, of course people would vote for someone as sweet as you!"

I rolled my eyes. The audacity of this girl to call me a bitch? And what's that she had said — Lily is sweet? Puh-lease, she's just as wicked as her minions. I yanked the door open, startling them.

There standing in front of me are three mean looking girls. I instantly recognized Lily because of her campaign posters, she's accompanied by a blonde and a red haired girl. All of them have their eyes as wide as saucer upon seeing me, the blonde even dropped the eyeliner she's holding while Lily spluttered.

"S-Skie! H-How long have you been there?" She asked stupidly.

Idiot. She literally saw me came out of this cubicle just five seconds ago, isn't that an enough answer to her dumb question? Of course I've been here before they even arrived. I stared at them with the most stoic expression I could muster.

"Long enough to hear your bullshits."

If things couldn't get even more entertaining, their jaw almost scraped the floor after hearing my answer.

Look at them being pale as hell when a few minutes ago they're badmouthing me as if I've done something horrible.

"L-Look Skie, what you heard—"

"Save it." I cut her off. "I don't have time to listen to your explanation."

I said coldly before walking out.

"What the hell?! Look at how rude—"

I ignored the outburst and just made my way to the gymnasium. Seriously? They really have the guts to call me rude when they are the one happily badmouthing me inside the comfort room where other people can hear them. I shake my head. I thought Lily's a nice person — she looks really innocent and genuine, but it turned out she's the complete opposite.

Their words rang inside my head like a broken record on repeat.

Daniel's only campaigning me that's why I'm getting high votes. People would surely vote for Mia — not for someone who's a snob, smarty-pants and an asocial.

I know I shouldn't be affected — everything they had said is true anyway. But of course I can't help but wonder, what if I wasn't raised with the belief that having many people around would only hinder you from being successful? What if my parents hadn't drilled it inside my head that I shouldn't easily trust anyone because it's better if I'm all by myself? Maybe if I wasn't taught to be immune to this kind of environment, I wouldn't be such a loner who can't even sympathize with other people. Maybe I could be as friendly and outgoing like Austin. And I probably wouldn't need Daniel's help to win the freaking campaign.

Such epiphanies prevented me from noticing that I'm already inside the gym, I just snapped out of my train of thoughts when someone shouted my name.


I looked up and saw Brian grinning at me. He beckoned me to come over which I gladly did.

"Who are those students?"

Brian glanced at the direction I'm pointing. I just realized that aside from my classmates, there's a huddle of other unfamiliar students at the other side of the building. All of them are wearing shirts and pants, giving me the impression that we are going to share the gymnasium with them.

"Mr. Jones said we'll be having PE lessons together with his advisory class."

I lifted one of my eyebrows. Mr. Jones's advisory class is Section 2, and if I'm not mistaken, Lily and her mean friends are from that section. Meaning to say...

Before I could even finish the thought inside my head, three girls entered the gym like supermodels wannabe. They strutted sassily inside the room as if they were being filmed or something, catching everyone's attention. I scrunched up my nose at the sight. It was such a sore eye that I averted my gaze elsewhere. Well, I don't really have anything against them even after what I'd heard, my time is too precious to mind them. So instead of showing them that I'm annoyed or upset, I decided I would just simply ignore them. Like what people said, silence is the best revenge.

Mr. Jones called us to converge around him while he's explaining today's activity, he said we'll be splitting into two groups — Section 1 vs. Section 2.

Most of us are in favor for the groupings, especially my classmates who has been giving the Section 2 students sinister looks. I don't know if it's just me but I think they doesn't really like being mixed up with the lower section.

Brian suddenly nudged me.

"Do you know those girls?" He asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I followed his gaze. My eyes instantly met the nasty stares of Lily's friends. The blonde and the red head are both glaring daggers at me, exuding anger beside the calm and collected Lily. I wonder what's going on inside the brunette's head. She doesn't look mad like her friends, she's just staring at me with a somewhat speculative expression.

"I guess they're planning to make you their target." Brian murmured, making me turn to him.

I grinned wickedly.

"Target huh. Let's see."