
Purple Sky

In which Skie Cullen — A 17 year old top student with great ambitions who's locked in an abyss of expectations and self-worth questioning, yearned to escape living in someone else's dreams. And upon building the courage to stand up for her dreams, she met Daniel Choi. A 17 year old troublemaker who has gone most of his life getting away from responsibilities. But he was forcefully kicked out from his comfort zone when his love interest — Lea Jones told him that she would never date him unless he make it to the top 5 of their class. Desperate, Daniel seek the help of Skie. In which in return for her help, he'll make sure that Skie would win the upcoming student council election.

chaiii_hwang · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

11. Lia Jones

I sighed for the tenth time in the span of 30 minutes.

"Daniel," I began, trying to suppress my temper that is so close to bursting like a punctured balloon. "You're not helping by constantly sending paper airplanes to Austin."

Daniel grinned sheepishly at me before he dropped his last paper plane creation. Austin made a snarky comment from the other end of the room but I ignored him and focused on my electoral speech. I'd spend almost 3 hours last night just to write this speech — that's 3 hours of sleep I had missed. I'm not going to let them throw all my efforts into vain, nor I would let them be an ally of destruction for my upcoming spotlight. It was hard for me to finish this supposed to be spoken ideas for my candidacy. Perks of not being familiar with how this stuff works, it almost gave me a migraine last night.

In the end though, I just wrote whatever that came to my mind. I asked Brian to read it earlier, he said it was good — as long as I'll really stick to the agendas once I'm elected as President. I knew the students would really look forward to my projects, I knew they're expecting a lot from me, from the said to be 'Ms.Perfect'. I inwardly cringed upon the thought.

"Skie?" Mr. Lang poked his head inside the spare room our group had occupied for today.

"You're up to the Broadcasting room. Are you guys ready?"

The Broadcasting Room. I thought we're going to deliver our speech in front of the whole school.... but either way, I much prefer my voice echoing inside the building.

"Yes, Sir." I quickly answered.

"Good, now follow me. You're up within 5 minutes."

We all ambled through the hall, Daniel and Austin gave us a thumbs up before they headed to the direction of their respective rooms as they were not allowed to follow us. Brian nudged me after a few moments of walking.

"You nervous?" He asked.

"Not really."

Even if we're going to go room-to-room just to persuade students to vote for us, I don't think I would be nervous. I'm used to public appearances, I literally grew up with cameras constantly pointed at me, documenting everything I do in the lines filled with ambrosial words.

That's the treatment you'll always get if you're a Williams. Every door is open for you, every spotlight is set upon you, every red carpet roll out to greet you. So what's the big deal if I speak infront of hundred of students?

"Skie, you first." Mrs. Jackson — the head of Broadcasting Club — beckoned me inside the booth.

My teammates wished me good luck as I made my way towards Mrs. Jackson's spot. Mrs. Jackson is a divorced mother of two kids, her motherly side is the characteristic that made her one of the most loved teachers in Royal Wood High. She smiled warmly at me as soon as I reached her.

"Here goes nothing Skie, this is your forte after all."


The rest of the day was uneventful, after our schedule in the Broadcasting Room, Austin forced me to come with him to the field, saying Daniel's team is having a full-on practice and we should watch it. I don't see why I need to be there as well, it's not like I enjoy a football game or any of the sort.

"Is it your free period too?"

I asked, furrowing my eyebrows at Austin as he continues to drag me with him.

"Nope!" He answered, popping the p. "But I heard you don't have a teacher for this period so..."

Unbelievable. I know Austin does not particularly like studying, but seriously? Cutting classes? I shrugged the matter nevertheless, he's already here anyway and it's not like someone would bark at him to go back to his classroom. We arrived in the open field and my eyes immediately scanned the surrounding.

Royal Wood's High Silver Lions — the football team — are scattered in the center of the massive outdoor space. Some of them were doing warm ups on the sideline while the rest are goofing around with each other. One thing for sure, all of the athletes looks muscular and big. It's as if they could easily tackle down their opponents. I couldn't hide the wonder that obviously grazed my face as I gaze at them. It wasn't my first time seeing football players, it's just that I'm surprised that teenage guys can have this physique.

And Daniel wasn't this stout. Sure he looks strong enough to be in the team but he'd always looked slender for me that I can barely imagine him running around smashing himself into someone much bigger than him. Is he really that good and powerful to be able to get into the football team and gain the title of being the ace?

"Oh! Wait here Skie, I think I saw Jordan — he owed me fifty bucks."

Austin said in a rush before sprinting towards the huddle of men opposite from us. I stared at him in complete disbelief. He literally just abandoned me when he's the one who brought me here — the audacity?


My head instantly jerked towards the direction of the familiar voice despite of myself. On my right side near the set of bleachers, I saw Daniel chasing after a blonde girl who is clad in an unmistakably cheerleading uniform. They seemed to be in the midst of an argument as the girl looks beyond irritated as she try to get as far as she can away from Daniel. But no matter how fast she walks, Daniel's legs were much longer than her's and it put her to a huge disadvantage.

Daniel easily overtook her, this intensified the frown that was set upon the face of the cheerleader. From where I stood, I couldn't really make out the exchange of words, the only thing I'm certain about is that Daniel's expression is a comical mixture of pain and desperation. I averted my gaze — the simple action took every ounce of self-control for me to do. I saw Austin laughing jubilantly with the guys he had claimed he have business to settle with, and I don't really feel fine crashing into their crowd so my last resort is to head to the bleachers near the edge of the field.

I wasn't the type to pry, but my spot is in easy hearing of Daniel and the blonde girl's conversation. I almost moved to a different seat when I heard Daniel — in an almost absurd pleading voice. Now it's hard for me not to listen to what's going on between the two teens.

"You said I stand a chance Lia! I'm doing my best all you have to do is wait until the quarter end—"

"Enough Daniel!" The girl is evidently enrage. "Why are you still doing this?! I already told you that I wasn't serious when I made that deal!"

"Don't say that!"

I fought the urge to approach them. They are starting to get fired up with whatever they're talking about and I don't think it would end well. Though the core of their argument was never mentioned, I think I have a clue as to why they are fighting.

"Please, Lia — won't you just give me a chance? I'll be an honoree I promise!"

"Then it's your funeral."

The blonde spat before she stormed off. I finally turned to check on Daniel.

At one glance, it was easy to determine that he look disheartened. His shoulders slumped to his side as he raked his hand through his already disheveled hair. Frustration radiates from his entire body, making me consider leaving without informing him of my presence. This thought vanished as quickly as it had come when Daniel looked up and locked eyes with me. His frown morphed into a small smile before he waved at me.

I stood up and watched him jogged over to my side.

"Hey, what's up? Why you here?" He asked.

"It's my free period right now and Austin pulled me here to watch you practice. He's over there — talking with some friends I guess."

I pointed my forefinger to Austin's spot and Daniel chuckled.

"Well it was nice you guys are here. At least I know I've got support."

"Who said I'm supporting you?" I teased — I was hoping it can at least ease the tension I could clearly feel from him.

Daniel made a face at me before playfully rolling his eyes.

"Why am I not surprised to hear that?"

I smiled upon hearing the response to my juvenile remark. Daniel threaded his fingers through his sweaty hair, a sigh laced with frustration leaving his lips once again, fanning my thoughts to fire.

"She's the one right? The girl you like?"

The words left my mouth without my consent. It was the surge of my prodding thoughts, unable to conceal yet easy to unveil.

Daniel's expression twisted. He let out a sigh through his slightly curled up lips. I knew my assumption is right — his expression gave him away. I sat back down on the bleacher, already decided that I wouldn't push him to give me anymore explanations. But Daniel have much things in mind.

"So you heard, uh, everything?" He asked, embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to. Don't worry, I'm not a nosy person."

"I know. I just wanted to tell you that..... Lia isn't always like that."

I throw him a brief glance. Isn't always like what? The mean girl he's simping over? I wanted to huff if not by the thought that maybe Lia only acted like that because she was aggravated. Daniel sighed before plopping down beside me.

"She's just stress. It's the cheerleading practice, she's Lia Jones by the way — the captain."

"She doesn't like you." I didn't managed to stop myself from blurting out.

Pain flashed across Daniel's already sullen face, and the guilt immediately gnawed on my nerves. What's up with me and I'm being tactless right now?


"Don't." He said as he turned his head away. "You're right. She doesn't like me. Not yet."

I pursed my lips. I just witnessed how that girl treated Daniel, it's as if Daniel is too repulsive for her, like a fly that she can't get rid of no matter how much she swat it away. This made me wonder if she really deserves Daniel. If Daniel's efforts is worth it just for that Lia Jones. I know I shouldn't judge Daniel's preference, but he could've liked someone better — someone who can appreciate him.

With a light shake of my head to dismiss the piling thoughts, I look over the huge field infront of me. I am in under no right to question Daniel's feelings, it's his life and decisions, yet I couldn't help it. I can't understand him — I can't understand why he likes Lia. Yeah she's pretty there's no doubt about that, she wouldn't be scouted as a cheerleading captain if she's not. Her blonde hair was permed, the curls on the end matching her sharp and beautiful features, giving her a glow that screams 'I am a born queen' that made her look sophisticated. Of course a guy like Daniel would fall for someone as gorgeous as her.

Isn't it always like that? Physical appearance is the usual thing that attracts people. If you're pretty, then you're a hot topic, if you're not, then settle at that back of the crowd, hidden and unwanted. Such a cruel reality. People ought to like someone not just because they're stunningly pleasing to the eyes but because they are also insanely beautiful right to the core. It's always the attitude that should matter.

The silence that fell upon Daniel and I was comforting. We sat side by side just gazing over the scenery before our eyes, letting the strong wind whipped our faces in a silent whisper of tranquility. For a whole minute or two, no one spoke a word, afraid to break the soothing silence that engulfed us. But we can't really sit here all day long, Daniel is bound to play with his team and I need to portray my role as a good model student by attending my classes.

"I guess your coach needs you."

I pointed out after hearing the loud whistle of a buffy man calling the rest of the football players to converge around him. Daniel smiled at me before he leapt to his feet.

"You better watch 'till the end ok?" He grinned.

"If you promise a good play." I said in hopes to appease him.

Daniel smirked, dusting an invisible dirt off his shoulder.

"You're in for it."

And with that, he scurried towards his teammates, the gloomy aura that surrounds him earlier gone and forgotten.