
Pure Monster

Jay is a high school boy who is trying to live a normal life, but everything changes when he meets a global organisation. Will he ever be able to live the life he dream's of?

pink_care_bear · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Pure Monster.

"H-he can't be my son.....he's a monster!"

"Get rid of him for good!"

"B-but Ma'am what will Sir say?What would you tell him?"

"Don't make me repeat myself!"

"waaahhh! waaaaahhh!"

"Please take care of him..."

"Of course."

"Auntie Venessa! Look at what I made!"

"Wow! Jay that's awesome!"

"That child's a monster! Look what he has done!"

"Jay stay behind me!"

"Auntie Vanessa! NOOO! I-I didn't mean to-"

"Jack please take care of him....."

"I am not a monster I- I'm not a monster..." *sobbing*

"It's okay buddy, everything will be okay...."

Ahhh I started having that dream again. I thought I'd grow out of it but I guess not. Oh well lets not dwell on the past, I should get ready for the day. I get out of bed and head downstairs to the kitchen and see my dad making breakfast.

"Good morning Jay! I'm making pancakes today, why don't you go wake up your brother so we can all eat together?"

I smile and nod going to my bother Jackson's room. My dad Jack King is a neurosurgeon who has a busy schedule, but always makes time for Jackson and I. He has gorgeous hazel eye's, dark brown hair that is short curly, a tall well built frame and coffee brown skin. He might not be my biological father, but he treats me like I am his own son with the most love and care a single father could possibly provide. I will always be grateful to Jack and think of him as my dad.

My name was supposed to be Jun Kaiju apparently, at least that's what Auntie Vanessa used to tell me. She said that my biological family owned a successful business in London after moving there from Japan, but that's just what she told me.

She used to say that I look a lot like my grandfather well with my hair dyed black and maybe if my eye's were normal, besides that we apparently both had beauty marks one above our lips and one under our lips. Now people tend to notice the scar on my mouth first before the beauty marks. At least with my hair covering my eye's they don't notice the scar there as well. Enough about the past let's focus on the present instead.

I walk into Jackson's room and see him sleeping without a worry in the world. Jackson King is my bother and best friend, we have known each other for as long as I can remember but only started living together as brother's when I was five, eleven year's later and our bond is still unbreakable even if he can be a pain from time to time.

Jackson looks a lot like Jack you can really tell they are father and son. Jackson has deep green eyes, curly brown hair, freckles, maple skin, wears glasses and is slightly shorter than me. We are both in tenth grade and are the same age. However I am one month older than him so technically I am his big brother. I walk over to Jackson and sit on the edge of the bed, shaking him gently.

"Heyy Jackson wake up!"

And no response, will this boy ever change? I sigh and get up drawing the curtains. I wait for him to at least move slightly, but still nothing. Ah I know what to do!

"Jackson dad is making pancakes but I suppose you're to busy sleeping...." *whispers*

"Dad is making pancakes?!What are you waiting for Jay? Let's gooo!"

Jackson says as he gets up and starts running downstairs. Of course that would wake him up. I smile slightly and run after him to the dining room. Jackson is already sitting at the table ready to eat when I walk in and sit down next to him.

"Dadddddd do we have chocolate syrup? Oh or maybe caramel!"

"What happened to saying good morning dad? How did you sleep? Honestly Jackson sometimes you just think with your stomach."

"Good morning my favourite father, how did you sleep?"

Dad sighs and sits on the other side of the table handing Jackson and I a plate of pancakes with chocolate spread on them. Jackson smiles and starts eating like it's his first and last meal.

"Jay how is school? Today you guy's are going on a field trip to an aquarium am I right?"

"Yes, we are I'm kind of excited to go and see all of those different sea creatures!"

I say as I start eating my stack of pancakes. Jackson nods and starts going on about how fun it will be while dad just listens happily. After breakfast Jackson and I get ready then make our way to school.

"Bye boys! See you later!"

"Bye dad!"

Both Jackson and I wave our father goodbye and start walking down our regular path to school. Let's see what today will bring us...

Heyy this is the first part of my book 'Pure Monster'. I hope you like it and please feel free to give me your thoughts!

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