
Pull of the moon

"Stop," He said to me using his alpha voice. I turn around angry that he'd stoop so low and use the Alpha voice on me; his mate. I want to stay mad; however the mate bond wasn't allowing it and so I did as I was told. Not that I really had a choice seeing as he used the Alpha voice on me. "Come to me," he then said his voice softening. It was as if a gravitational force had bound me to him and I walked towards him. It wasn't just some gravitational pull though, it was the moon. The pull of the moon is what caused me to walk straight into his open arms. I was totally weak to this pull and no matter how much I wanted to pull away from him i couldn't. I just couldn't. I was stuck here with him no matter how much i didn't like it.

Danielle_king · Teen
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The attack

I felt offended I was a Rogue.

I am Rogue.

Everyone instinctively surrounded me to protect me seeing I was to be their Luna.

I however would normal try to protect myself though this I was worried about Damien who came towards us in his wolf coat.

"Are you ok?" he asks looking over me. I nodded.

A rogue friend of my parents then approached us and said in the rogue link to me.

'Athena I'm here for you'

He was here for me.

A wolf lunged when he got dangerously close to me and was instantly taken down by Bobby another rogue friend of my parents. Soon a few other rogue wolves appeared along with some of the pack wolves. I assumed they were summoned by Damien. Soon a battle had broken out with the rogues vastly out numbered but somehow holding their own. I sat there conflicted on which side I should really be on when Bobby walked up to me and nodded his head to me. That's when a pack wolf attacked him taking him down but not killing him. I stepped in and took down the wolf leaving it severely wounded. Bobby thanked me and it was clear now whether I meant to or not I was on the side of the rogues but the pack wolves wouldn't attack me seeing as I was the alpha's mate. With Damien and most of the pack wolves either very distracted or dead it would have been the best time to escape and leave but I didn't something was holding me back from leaving then an there and I headed to the pack house which confused Bobby who probably thought I was being held hostage.

Truth is I wanted to leave on my terms and my terms only and if it meant leaving when the rogues had retreated and left then so be it. So I changed into my human form and rushed to my bedroom and stop after hearing a gut wrenching scream.

Blair laid in pain as she looked to me her Luna for help. A few hours ago I wanted to put her down but I couldn't bare this anymore. All this was happening because of me and I had no other choice but to sit and endure it. So I got her up and into the kitchen after attacking and sorrowfully killing the rogue. I laid her on the kitchen table. It was unsanitary but I was a bit lazy to be walking from the kitchen with a cloth to the living room so I pressed the cloth on her wound and reassured her.

"Don't worry Blair I'll protect you." I said and she grabbed my hand as I was about to leave.

"I-I'm So sorry." Blair choked out and I just shush her taking her apology and walked away after she'd fallen asleep. I knew what I had to do to keep these people safe because as much as my wolf tells me we need to stay. Staying will only bring chaos and death so I headed back up to my room took out my bag and began to pack.