
Pull of the moon

"Stop," He said to me using his alpha voice. I turn around angry that he'd stoop so low and use the Alpha voice on me; his mate. I want to stay mad; however the mate bond wasn't allowing it and so I did as I was told. Not that I really had a choice seeing as he used the Alpha voice on me. "Come to me," he then said his voice softening. It was as if a gravitational force had bound me to him and I walked towards him. It wasn't just some gravitational pull though, it was the moon. The pull of the moon is what caused me to walk straight into his open arms. I was totally weak to this pull and no matter how much I wanted to pull away from him i couldn't. I just couldn't. I was stuck here with him no matter how much i didn't like it.

Danielle_king · Teen
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31 Chs

Crash and burn

I knew something was telling me I didn't belong in a pack. The attack was led by rogues. My kind. I don't belong here I thought to my self as I ignored my wolf who was telling me otherwise.

'We caused this, Damien could have gotten hurt.' I say to her.

'Let's just stay one more day.' She says and I agreed like the idiot I was.

That's when Damien came to my room huffing and puffing, sweat dripping from his brow.

"Thank god, I was worried," he hugged me. He for some reason had a tendency to do that. I push away and I felt his emotions turn from worried and concern to slightly sad. Then he saw the bag I was packing. I started to panic but then quickly stopped when I realized it may make him suspect something.

" I thought you had unpacked before." he said.

" I wasn't sure if I was comfortable putting the only clothes I have apart from the ones you gave me into the draws until now." I say lying through my teeth. He smiled in understanding. I never realized how good of a liar I was. Unless he realized and just decided to let it go. There was no way a wolf could not have realized I was lying.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Everyone wants to sit and eat with their Luna." He says and somehow I doubt that but I still nodded and began to walk down with him. The table was set with folded napkins and wine glasses. I guessed they were celebrating a victory.

Julia took her placed next to me and surprisingly so did Blair.

"Thank you for helping me." She said. I could tell she was still weak but within a few more hours she should be alright.

The food was finally placed and to stop myself from going onto the table and just eating all of it. The wine was poured in each of our glasses. Damien got up hitting his cup gently either not the break it with his extra strength or not to hurt our ears.

"Thank you all for sacrificing so much once again to protect this pack." He said and everyone cheered. I took a breathe of the delicious food but what i got sent every core of my body into overdrive. It was smoke.

"Oh and thanks to my brother Damon who came back to assist us right on time." Damien continued but then he stopped looking at me after feeling my panic then he sniffed the air and i knew he'd smelt the smoke. I hadn't realized that Julia had left myside until she came running in frantic and chest heaving up and down. There was blood on her. I knew for sure it wasn't hers.

"The rogues are back and they set fire the pack house!" She said and everyone but me sprung into action leaving me and Damon alone. I silently walked towards the staircase and into my room. This time was to far. They set the house on fire. I looked outside my bedroom window to see red and orange flames going wild spreading from tree to tree. There was chaos as several wolfs try to put out the fire while battling the rogues who were trying to prevent them from doing so. I'd had enough and I sat on the bed with my head in my hands. It was clear I needed to leave tonight. it wasn't safe for them, for Damien to around me and looked to the bag i was packing earlier.

This time however my wolf understood and agreed full heartily with my decision.

'He'd be safer without us." She said and I gave her a sad smile.