
Psychopath's Conquest: Money, Women, and Power!

[On Hiatus] The hope for better days was Daichi's only reason for enduring his abusive family riddled with addictions, and heartbreaks. But it all came to an end when things just spiraled out of hand when their bodies began dropping like flies. With no family and no friends to call his own, he casts himself from atop a tall building to escape this torturous hell. However, picked right back up from the dead by a demon, he's given a chance to make everyone who'd made his life miserable pay for their actions. Bated by the offer to exact revenge on the bullies and the teachers whose actions led to the suicide of his best friend and then his own, he's pulled into a deep spiral, a spiral that's bound to turn him into a killer of men, women, and monsters! A revenge story that soon evolves into a battle royal amongst demons paired with human partners so they can claim the throne as the next demon king! Notes: 1. The first 10 chapters focus on Mc's trauma, after that the real story begins! 2. The story isn't going to be rushed in any way since that ruins the flow so expect a detailed built-up, character development, etc over time that amounts to a fantastically mind-bending experience! 3. Mc is as the name suggests a psychopath so obviously there will be plenty of cruel things done by him. 4. Gore, and suggestive content warning. 5. Mc will steal other people's women, but won't get anyone stolen from him. 6. Keep in mind this is supposed to be realistic dark fiction, so Mc won't go from weak to strong in a matter of seconds. 7. Past chapter 10 the story will involve multiple character Pov from time to time to show things from a different angle and how the events of the story are affecting them. Connect with me here to keep up with the story's progress: Discord: https://discord.gg/GTKkdRVZnV [Sharing character pics on my discord both SFW and NSFW ones so make sure to join!] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Writersblockills

Writersblockills · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Sawing You Own Foot 

Done with her sweep for cameras in the restroom, Akane only managed to find a single one. However, while making her way out of the restroom, that too was about to get taken off of her person.

"What the hell?!" Appearing out of thin air, Mizuki made her stumble back a few tiles.

"Look at me," flying forward, the demoness placed her hands on Akane's cheeks before pulling her close enough until their foreheads touched. "O' great lord of delusion, the devourer of dreams, allow me to seek through so I may alter this mortal's memories."

As Mizuki's eyes began to glow, Akane witnessed the demon's eyeballs roll up, revealing behind them a fleshy void through which a bundle of squeamish tentacles crawled out. Blood oozed out of her sockets as a sharp beak opened amidst the approaching creatures.

"AHH! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Unaware that she too was as invisible and incoherent to others as Mizuki, Akane tried calling for help, but alas there was none.

The creatures of pure agony, screeched in her face as they inched closer by the second. Thrashing, even kicking Mizuki didn't make the demoness flinch as her mind was temporarily a vessel for the devourer of dreams.

"N-NO! STOP!" Pinning her eyelids open, the tentacles slithered in through the gaps of her eye sockets. Making their way to her mind, they moved with haste and with little care for her comfort.

By the time they reached Akane's skull, the poor girl was barely conscious. Her head now encased within the growing creatures' grasp, every desperate breath she took felt like her last. That is until the tentacles finally tapped into her mind.

Rewriting Akane's memories to forget about the camera, the tentacles slipped out of the unconscious girl. Retreating into their catalyst for the action, the body's control was handed back to it. Waking up after what felt like an instant, Mizuki saw before her the unconscious body of who'd taste but a sliver of insanity.

Although for a moment she felt as though everything had gone as planned, a fit of sudden cough proved her wrong. Bleeding through her throat, Mizuki wheezed through her teeth trying to clamber to the sinks. Coughing blood against her palm, she felt her knees giving in, however, somehow managed to pitch water down her throat from one of the sinks.

"FUCKING BASTARD!" Struggling to keep herself afloat, she cursed the entity she'd just summoned the help of. "Fucker drained every bit of negative energy outta me for such a small alteration!"

Feeling cheated, she wished never to have to make another deal with that bastard. Being an imp of the lowest rank, she relied on borrowed power for every transformation, every bit of hypnosis, or even mind alteration, all in exchange for the one thing she herself hungers for.

"I need to feed on more negative energy…" Light on her feet, she turned her gaze at Akane and wondered whether to try and help her. "Fuck this, I-I've done enoug-"

The turmoil of emotions brewing up inside her heart finally got the best of her ailing body. Falling unconscious in the middle of the sentence, she remained invisible to any help, while the cloaking on Akane was taken down because of sheer exhaustion on Mizuki's part.

After a short while, a group of girls came wandering to the restroom and were utterly shocked by the sight of Akane lying unconscious. Carrying her to the school nurse themselves, they managed to get her to safety and the dread of the situation kept them close to Akane's bed.

As the news quickly spread throughout the school of a girl fainting in the restroom, Mizuki woke up struggling with a headache. Looking around, her heart sank with horror for she'd forgotten to get the camera from Akane which was the whole reason she tampered with her memories.

'Fuck me! Don't wanna pull her into this shit? My ass!' Reciting Akira's words, she couldn't believe how she messed it all up. Ideally, following Akira's orders, she should've been back to his side with the camera by now while Akane was blissfully ignorant about what they were planning to do. 'Why the fuck did he want me to wait until she took the cameras anyways?!'

Unbeknownst to her, she'd ended up a test subject in Akira's experiment as he tried to gauge how effective her magic could be, while also making sure she could follow simple orders without messing things up. However, most of all, he wanted to know if the bitter memories of his own past as well as Akane's could eventually be rewritten when this mess was over. Perhaps he'd been too liberal attempting it on Akane, but bearing witness to her fortitude, he knew nothing scarring could happen to Akane.

Grinding her teeth, Mizuki stormed out of the restroom to go look for the camera with the much-needed evidence. She didn't make it very far, however, given her grumbling belly and unstable feet. Almost falling face first only a few meters in, she tried to fly her way there, but the only reserve of magic left in her was being used to keep her invisible.

'Time for an earful, I guess…' Frustrated for once, she swallowed her pride and slowly made her way towards Akira's class.

Needless to say, even he had heard of the girl fainting in the restroom, thus Akira was on his way to the infirmary. Unaware of it, and too tired to think things through, Mizuki was only making an already long day even longer by not heading straight for the Infirmary.

'Hibiki, you pixie, you better have those points ready 'cause I'm done doing shit without my inkwell Spider!' Working on half her real tolerance, she wanted nothing more than to get the other half back she'd pawned to the demi-goddess of the underworld in exchange for Daichi's new body.

Halfway through her walk, something popped up in her mind.

'What the fuck am I doing walking?' Reaching into her leather jacket, she took out her phone to call Akira. Before getting to call him though a tiring thought crossed her mind. 'I wasted my starter points on this stupid device too, didn't I?'

Being scammed by a human salesman for more money than the phone was worth, she felt as if today wasn't the worst day of her life after all.

'Nice camera my ass…' She complained, reminded that no camera can capture demons in their real form.

Heaving a sigh and feeling somewhat better, she finally rang Akira, expecting to hear an earful.