
Prophecy Reality Forbidden Library

Within the confines of the Mathers Family mansion, there exists a room of unique structure, bearing a striking resemblance to a massive library. Indeed, it is a library, but not just any library. This is the "Forbidden Library," one of the most secretive and enigmatic locations within the Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica. For years, mages, high nobility, royalty, and influential figures from across the nation have sought its ancient and mysterious knowledge. Scholars have endeavored to grasp the words of past eras, aiming to record or study them. However, all these efforts have been in vain. To access this unknown knowledge, one must gain the approval of the guardian - the librarian. Beatrice, the librarian, has been sitting calmly, engrossed in a book she has read nearly 199 times. It has been 395 years since she last saw her mother, yet the contract her mother left behind continues to bind her. She has lost hope in the "That Person" her mother mentioned centuries ago. Yet, her overwhelming love for her mother is evident in her unwavering devotion. She remains in the same spot, in the same room, within the same environment, century after century. "Because it's a promise, in fact." Suddenly, a violet spark appeared above her head, startling the young girl to her core. The violet spark eventually formed a small portal, from which slid 17 books and a piece of paper that appeared to be a note. Beatrice stared at it, flabbergasted by what had just... "Happened, in fact..." --- Note : basically 1 to 15 volume of Re:zero and Two edited Tanpenshuu volumes teleported by a violet vertex into, The Forbidden archive 5 years before the Canon begins. the one behind it? I'd don't know. ( -_- )

Loli_Beatrice_II · Anime & Comics
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It's hurts!!!



Just take it and leave me alone!!

The noises of groans and moans escape my throat as the thug with chains kick me in the stomach with a shit-eating grin.

" Ya, should just handed it over' when you have the chance. Stupid!!

The asshole said arrogantly, his cocky face making my blood boil.

" Yeah, now you turned into a weeping dog. "

The little bastard hollered, followed by an ugly Chuckled from the big asshole on the left.

I grimace as the bastards continue to mock me.

Someone Please...

" Hehe, well then, shall we call it quits? You did punch me, so I guess that's goes your mercy. "

The arrogant thug pulled a short dagger from beneath his pants, a smirk on his face.

No Please...

The other two bastards nodded as they pulled daggers from their belts.

No I.. I don't to..

They smirk and grins grow wider as each step bring them closer to me.

No,.. no I don't want to die!!

" 'hee' taste this, shithead! "

The chains bastard blustered as he rise the dagger swinging at my direction.

No... Please someone!!!

Bloodlust eyes met fearful one.


Despite the pain in my body, I crawled trying to

Avoid the incoming death, cruelly the two bastards pinned me down with sadistics expressions clearly finding my predicament laughable.

Please someone!!!

The dagger came close and closer, aiming at my exposed stomach.

Someone HELP!!!!

I close my eyes, afraid of the upcoming pain...

A strange sound filled the air.

Followed by flesh pricing and drop of a steel object...

Strangely the pain never came because all suddenly a loud voice echoed around the alley.

" That's enough! In Fact, "

I opened my eyes hearing the unfamiliar voice, ignoring the bastards near, focusing on the source of voice.

There in the entrance of the alleyway stood a small girl with long blonde Hair tied into drill-shaped twintails, a crown Perched on the right side of her head, wearing luxurious red dress, and strange yet somehow beautiful eyes that looked like butterflies up close.

I stopped memorizing the adorable girl as the chains bastard held his hand, which had amethyst crystal peircing on it.

" Oww!! my arm!!! "

The fucker shrieked in pain as he glared at the blonde girl in hatred.

" You, little shit!!! "

The girl wasn't fazed in the least by his outburst; rather she chose to ignore it.

" Fools, leave and never return from Betty's sight, infact. "

A gust of wind suddenly blew the bastard in chains farther away; stumbling before losing his balance.


his head heavy bumped in the cold floor, despite that he didn't lost his pathetic life only his consciences knocking him cold.

the small and large asshole widen their eyes at the display of magic and power.

" Shit, Chin! "

" fuck, she's not an ordinary girl. "

The two freaked out as they stepped back, fearful; the girl glared at them with murder in her eyes, her lips scowling as she started at the thugs.

" Didn't you hear what Betty's said? scum!!! I suppose "

Upon Hearing the girl's angry shout, they quickly escaped. Picking up their conscience companion along the way. They ran and shouted some nonsensical words about revenge.

I heard those bastards' voices fading away as their footsteps grew softer, leaving me and the blonde girl alone.

The girl just shorted before finally gazing down at me.

Seeing her strange stare, i tried to say something, but my words ended in a gurgle.

" Th,, thanks y,, you f- "

" Don't, talk I suppose. "

She said authorize making my mouth shut, she moved closer to me. I didn't move because i knew if she wanted to harm me further, she could have done so already.

" there's no more denying it, all of those are true... I suppose... "

She whispered heavily while crouching in front of me; she extended her hand towards me, as blue orbs materialized around it.

Then she touched my stomach, making me feel relief; my eyes widened in surprise, as I'd thought about the fantasy healing magic.

" So... this world really has magic. "

I blurted out my thought and the girl frowned at my words.

" It's uneasiness but There's no doubt it infact, You're really are Natsuki Subaru. I suppose. "

Ha? I looked at her adorable face in surprise and shock.






Re:Prophecy : Beatrice Knowing The future from zero.


( Hello I'm new at this place, I'm uploading now most of my weird stories here a little guidance for a noob like me would be very appreciated. )

Loli_beatrice_II out.