
Prophecy Reality Forbidden Library

Within the confines of the Mathers Family mansion, there exists a room of unique structure, bearing a striking resemblance to a massive library. Indeed, it is a library, but not just any library. This is the "Forbidden Library," one of the most secretive and enigmatic locations within the Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica. For years, mages, high nobility, royalty, and influential figures from across the nation have sought its ancient and mysterious knowledge. Scholars have endeavored to grasp the words of past eras, aiming to record or study them. However, all these efforts have been in vain. To access this unknown knowledge, one must gain the approval of the guardian - the librarian. Beatrice, the librarian, has been sitting calmly, engrossed in a book she has read nearly 199 times. It has been 395 years since she last saw her mother, yet the contract her mother left behind continues to bind her. She has lost hope in the "That Person" her mother mentioned centuries ago. Yet, her overwhelming love for her mother is evident in her unwavering devotion. She remains in the same spot, in the same room, within the same environment, century after century. "Because it's a promise, in fact." Suddenly, a violet spark appeared above her head, startling the young girl to her core. The violet spark eventually formed a small portal, from which slid 17 books and a piece of paper that appeared to be a note. Beatrice stared at it, flabbergasted by what had just... "Happened, in fact..." --- Note : basically 1 to 15 volume of Re:zero and Two edited Tanpenshuu volumes teleported by a violet vertex into, The Forbidden archive 5 years before the Canon begins. the one behind it? I'd don't know. ( -_- )

Loli_Beatrice_II · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Strange development on the archive

Note:. I'm not skilled at writing; in fact, I'm terrible at it. So, I rely on auto-correction and editing applications for the good of yours and mine brains. I wrote all of the direction of the plot and let the apps polished to what are you reading now, a little credit for my commitment and efforts would be appreciated. ( even a bit )

Credits go to Tappei Natsuki- Oh, I meant Nagasaki. ('-') Nagataki (Googling...) ahhem. All credits go to Tappei Nagatsuki, same goes with the covers.





Like a dragon slumbering for centuries, Beatrice, the Great Spirit of Yin, sat calmly with a book in her hands, as usual. The girl's butterfly, Iris, had lost its shine centuries ago, only to be replaced by a glimpse of loneliness and despair.

The tea's coldness on the table proves it has been undisturbed long enough for the heat to fade away, making its taste bitter.

She's still waiting for "that person" to come and free her from the chains of isolation, even though she knows it's just her mere fantasy, nothing more, nothing less.

She has already accepted the fact that "that person" won't come and her fate is already sealed to forever and ever guard the knowledge of the Witch of Greed.

Therefore, ever since then, Beatrice has kept her emotions inside. But deep within, they were flooding her from within, and it could burst at any moment.

Despite being able to achieve that control, she sometimes couldn't stop the dripping tears of sorrow.

The thoughts of being abandoned, being forgotten, being trapped for eternity in this library, scared her deeply.

"A poor being," oh, yes indeed. An adorable little pink servant would say to know the circumstances of "a great being" (Schult).

Her mother, brother, friend, annoying brother figure, mentor, and everyone else she had known were already gone and would never be seen again.

So much so that the thought of suicide had crossed her mind, even though she knew it was a sick and wrong way of thinking.

However, all of these desires in the end were useless because she had no authority to end her own life; therefore, she required help, but her pride prevented it.

A great being like her wouldn't disgrace herself, which just added to her discomfort and pain. Although, how much longer would she have to endure this? I wondered.

At this moment, just as she had done countless times before, the little loli was reading a book filled with theories regarding mysterious spell factors that humanity had long since forgotten for about 199 years.

She had honestly memorized the book's contents a long time ago, so much so that a quick glance told her exactly which page she was on.

She was just reading it for her own amusement; no one would or could know as she would silence anyone who tried to question her. Although concerning her circumstances, that problem seemingly impractical.

The possibility of such a scenario happening is unrealistic and impossible. But who knows? Maybe it has already occurred. (Roswaal)

Unexpectedly, a bizarre scene occurred above her head, startling her in her seat.

She immediately distanced herself from the odd object in the air while raising her right hand in defense as four violent pillars summoned behind her, a signature of a minya spell.

Beatrice stared and observed the sparking violet above her cautiously and curiously, not letting her guard down as seconds passed. Her vigilance only increased as eventually the violet sparks formed somewhat into a small portal-like shape.

Moments passed, and eventually, something passed through the violet vertex, one shape and size of a book wrapped in black paper before descending to the floor, creating a "THUD" sound.

Beatrice stared at it with a frown, analyzing the object for a moment before shifting her gaze back upward.

Narrowing her eyes, she finally spoke.

"What is this? How did that thing come here all of a sudden, I wonder?"

Her question was met by the sounds of books falling down as she stepped back carefully, finding this situation odd and intriguing.




The sounds of books continued to fall down as the vertigo-like portal continued to vomit out more books wrapped in black.

After the 17th book fell, it stopped vomiting books as suddenly something else passed the vertex, causing Beatrice's alarm to sound. Though she continued observing, fully on guard for any potential danger or apprehension.


A white paper slid off the violet vertex, falling down like a feather. Beatrice had been patient with all of this strange stuff happening in her archive; it can't be blamed that the feeling of annoyance has finally consumed the girl.

There's the fact that the phenomenon disturbed her 'important reading time,' so she stepped closer to the objects after the vertex shape disappeared without reason or explanation.

"What strange things are these?"

The little librarian whispered softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords to avoid being overheard, even though she was the only one in the library.

Her butterfly's eyes gazed at the wrapped black books with interest and suspicion, maintaining a slight distance, fearing the unknown.

Eventually, her eyes caught sight of something that piqued her interest.

The paper that slid had words on them, surprisingly the language written on them is the "Re:Zero Language."

{Note: Just bear with it, I just edited later. Future Note: You know what? I'll just stick with it.}

Being the daughter of the Witch of Greed, Beatrice couldn't help but feel drawn to the unknown.

Slowly and carefully, she picked up the long paper to read its contents, but this time, she tried to do so without her usual reading quirks; instead, she attempted to understand it in a more circumspect manner.

[ "Yo, greetings kid! I knew this was sudden and surprising.

But don't worry, be happy. Hehe, joke aside.

I'm just very interested in your reaction, so...

I would like to give you a gift.

Consider it a birthday gift.

I guess,

Okay, I'll try to keep this short because I think you might be unhappy about it.

Let's just say, I have some new books for you to read....

Hope it made your day happier, "Beatrice," even a little." ]

Beatrice's eyes widened in shock at this stranger's knowledge of her name. A glimmer of hope for salvation sparked inside her, but she quickly shut down that thought, knowing how painful it would be to entertain such ideas. She remained vigilant as she saw more writing on the paper.

[P/S: I tried not to destroy the books, knowing how short-tempered you are. I leave the judgment to whichever you believe, whether it or not.]

For once in her life, the Great Spirit of Yin was puzzled by something that would normally only take her a few moments to find a conclusion.

"Who are you to possess knowledge concerning Betty's personality? In fact... It's impossible for a pervert to have watched Betty for a period of time without being noticed, I suppose."

In an angry and disgusted tone, the librarian exclaimed. She was truly pissed off and afraid to learn that an intruder had passed through her door without her knowledge.

"Don't tell Betty that the maids are slacking off and not noticing any hooligans outside the mansion. In fact,"

"Even if it's currently night, their ignorance will surely be their demise, I suppose."

Beatrice huffed, irritated, not bothering to feel any sympathy for those sleeping maids who were unaware of the strange situation in the forbidden library. Additionally, the insult from the Great Spirit.

As ignorant fools, Beatrice would likely say unwise people might find it acceptable coming from the Great Spirit. But clearly, it's just shifting the blame for one's own incapabilities.

But that's common sense though from her perspective.

Anyways, Beatrice looked over the paper, particularly looking for any secret message or something along those lines.

Not surprisingly, she found something.

[Not to be cruel or anything, but... I kinda (intentionally) set each book's schedules for release about three months from now. ("Wink emoji")]

A perplexed expression formed upon Beatrice's cute face as she was uncertain about the true purpose behind this confusing event.

Just a few moments of pondering, and our cute Loli eventually shifted her gaze away from the paper and towards the stacks of books wrapped in black, understanding.

"Is that what it means, I wonder?"

She uttered, seemingly suspicious, as she stepped through her chair and table to inspect the strange books at a closer distance while still clutching the note in her hands, which she assumed was from some pervert.

Gazing at it and carefully pondering her 395 years' worth of memories of various types of books, disappointingly she didn't find anything similar to what she was staring at.

That line of thought was cut short as she stepped back once more, as one of the books suddenly burst into black flames.

Being troubled by the potential of setting the others on fire, Beatrice prepared herself to cast wind magic to extinguish it.

Although it seemed unnecessary as the flame burned brightly, the heat rapidly decreased instantly, but Beatrice's careful attitude didn't change slightly.

As the last flame finally ceased, Beatrice was astonished by the book's undamaged condition; rather, she was truly surprised by the book's simple appearance changing dramatically.

She quickly but cautiously closed the distance between herself and the object, finding it of utmost attentiveness and importance.

Her gaze lay down onto the book as she found it odd from her perspective; the book had a cover of a novel, one that modern people would instantly recognize the contents of. Sadly and unbeknownst to Beatrice, she didn't hold any knowledge about that... yet.

The book cover is a Re:Zero Light Novel 1 featuring Emilia and Puck with the background of the Capital of the Dragon Kingdom, Lugunica.

But all of these things are unknown to Beatrice as her attention is caught by the floating rat... wearing a small purple bag.

"Brother?" | O_O |

Dumbfounded, Beatrice stared critically at her supposed brother on the cover after she managed to control her shock.

To be honest, she was truly afraid now; most people who knew she had connections with the Beast of the End were either limited in number or already dead, but this pervert... No unknown stranger knew that. To say it's just a coincidence would be just a pathetic excuse.

The librarian didn't pay much attention to the silver-haired girl though. She did get some bad vibes from glancing at her.

But that was briefly interrupted as she looked at the 'pur-ball rat...' Oh, I meant cat.

"What is this strange book, I wonder... How did bubby... No, it might just be the intruder's silly plan to distract Betty, in fact... Yes, it's my..."

Seconds passed as Beatrice's voice became heavily mumbling, as the light of salvation and hope returned to her empty eyes; even she knew this one just might be one of her hopeful expectations that turned into hopeful results once more.

But this time, maybe just maybe... The result wouldn't be what she supposedly expected. First, she must check something.

Still holding onto the first volume of Re:Zero, Beatrice had a pleading expression on her face as a floating book swiftly approached her. In the blink of an eye, the book was right in front of her.

The book was none other than her tome of wisdom.

The instrument.

The guide.

The prophecy.

The book that she adored.

The book that she respected.

The book that she loved so dearly.

The same book that caused her future to be lost.

The same book that had given her feelings of despair and internal loneliness.

The same book that was supposedly guiding her future, she desired...

The final gift of the Witch of Greed, Echidna, to her precious "daughter" (creation) - The Tome of Wisdom.

Composing in her dismal state of mind, Beatrice clenched the light of hope beyond the front of the tome.

Steadily, the floating book slowly opened itself with Beatrice's assistance, of course.

"Slow flutter."

"Slow flutter."

"Speedy flutter."

The librarian maintained her stare at the book as the glowing light was instantly sucked into the darkness of desperation.

As the final page was flipped, followed by the cover closing, a tear-drop of shattered hope descended onto the cold floor of the archive.

"S... What... This is just stupid, in fact..."

Beatrice scolded herself, even though she was on the verge of sobbing, but she refused to humiliate herself any further. Wrath quickly consumed her mind and gaze.

At that very moment, four dreams of paradise were ruined as a dangerous aura plunged the Mathers mansion, awakening the residents. Among the four, only one was aware; the other three were clueless as to what in Od lagna was happening.

The one behind it was shameless, unbothered by the problem she caused the residents, while one typical jester is processing his thoughts, finding the situation abnormal and rare.

Beatrice wouldn't care in the slightest; as she gritted her teeth and held the modern novel firmly, believing she had made a decision.

"To whomever you are, to use 'bubby' like this... Aspirated od lagna, granted mercy at you because Betty would not. In fact..."

She didn't need to be afraid of a perverted intruder; as a matter of fact, this was her domain and the pride of being a Great Spirit wasn't just talk, so the threatening and confident tone the spirit used was reasonable.

She glared fiercely at the book, collecting her senses and trying to dismiss the feeling of hatred.

"This human... Silver hair? Wait, an elf? Amethyst eyes, silver hair... This description of the Witch... I suppose?"

She was baffled by the human-elf similarity and the resemblance of envy. Slightly fearful, she noticed the purple badge of the Mathers family.

"Is this one of Roswaal's associates, I wonder? No, if that were the case, Betty would have noticed it immediately. And 'bubby' is in his cute form, surely this perverted book isn't simple. I suppose."

"And I know for a fact, 'bubby' would have promptly visited Betty... in fact."

A bold declaration from the Great Spirit filled her with uncertainty. Deep down, she was glad to learn something about her lost brother, despite the untrustworthy source. But the feeling of jealousy didn't hide itself in her heart, as questions rang in her head.

What is her brother doing with the elven girl?

Is she a half-elf? What is her brother's connection with the elf? Her resemblance to the great calamity isn't accidental, right? Who is she? And where is this place?

Burning with curiosity, the Witch's daughter finally flipped open the book cover, reading the unknown contents and knowledge contained within it.

[Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World Volume 1]

She read the first page, confused but continued.

[The only ability "Subaru Natsuki" gets when he's summoned to another world is 'time travel' via his own death, but to save her, he'll die as many times as it takes.]

At this point, Beatrice was (in a British accent) 'literally' and absolutely confused, especially by the foreign words "summoned to another world," "Subaru Natsuki," and "time travel."

Confused by these unexpected things to read, but seriously finding this book very interesting, she read further down without sparing any details.



[The waste heat of the beginning]

[Chapter 1]

[The end of the beginning]

[Chapter 2]

[A struggle too late]

[Chapter 3]

[Ending and beginning]

[Chapter 4]

[Fourth time's the charm]

[Chapter 5]

[Starting life in another world]


[The moon is watching]

She read it all without missing any information; her eyebrows raised, finally finding what this book truly was.

It was a storybook, really... Beatrice couldn't express whether to laugh or cry, but she maintained her ladylike composure. Although the book wasn't ordinary or simple, in fact, it was very strange, indeed.

She flipped again to find the supposedly Prologue. While the floating tome swiftly returned to where it came from, she hadn't forgotten the early desperation and dejection she had felt as her attention was on the book she was holding onto.

If she found it worthless, she would simply wreck the book into pieces, but for now, she read while still standing.


[The Waste Heat of the Beginning]

[--This is really, rea--]

[--it's hot, it's hot, it's --]

[--You've... Got to be kidding me..--]

[--checkmate-- chess game-- -- immediately began-- --fresh blood-- --she, at least would be safe.--]

The librarian stopped, for her thoughts could not be ignored any further as they had been bubbling. When the realization of reading someone's final moments hit her, she was greatly disturbed from continuing reading it.

Death or dying are sensitive topics to her, so I suppose it's understandable why she would feel that way.

But to clear her doubts, she needed to venture onto the unknown road.


[--he could hear that voice--]

[--Hand fell, powerless--]

[--accept his own.--]

[--"Just you wait..--]

[--"I'm going to..."]

[--find a way to save you--]

Carefully reading each word, she scanned the last sentence on the page, ensuring it was perfect and complete.

[--in the next instant, he--Subaru Natsuki--lost his life...--]

"Subaru Natsuki..."

She mumbled, while her cute face contorted as she found the supposedly foreign and weird name annoying for whatever reason.

Like her future self being called "Loli" by a disrespectful and rude Japanese boy, sadly she doesn't know that...yet again.

"Knock, knock, knock."

Beatrice averted her gaze from the book as she heard the sudden opening of the forbidden library door.

"I Beg you pardon, Lady Beatrice, for interrrrrrupting you at this hour. You seeeeee, I've got a little concern about that powerful pressure you unleassssshed... it's truly praiseworthy indeed... If you may tell me, what was wrongggg?"

A tall man wearing a jester's outfit steps into the archive, speaking in a very strange accent; this is none other than the Lord of the mansion, Roswaal L Mathers.

Beatrice gazed directly at Roswaal's smiling face. Finding the clown's face somewhat more maddening than usual, she did displayed a disgusted and unpleasant expression.

To be continued. (Hopefully)




Re: Prophecy: Beatrice Knowing the future from zero.


Special Note: I'm just sharing my thoughts on a Re:zero fanfiction. It's better to try writing it than imagining it in my head.

Note 1: Clarification - the novels are translated into the Re:zero language. People might be confused as to how Beatrice can read it. It's not Japanese or English, but the Re:zero language.

Note 2: It is unknown in what year Emilia and Puck arrived at the mansion, so we won't see anything about them in the meantime.

Note 3: I sincerely apologize if you find it out of character. Well, honestly, I don't have talent for writing stuff. I'd rather read stuff. Period.

Useless Note: To be honest, I wish I had written the fanfic in my native tongue, although it sounds weird, so I didn't.

Loli_beatrice_II out.