
Project Zombie: Apocalypse Survival

Once cheerfully immersed in the hardcore game of survival amongst the undead in "Zombie Annihilation Project," a blink transports you into the game world itself. Staying alive in the unforgiving landscape of Kentucky, USA, becomes your reality. Thankfully, Chen Dao discovers the game's leveling system has crossed barriers with him. May luck be on your side as you navigate this harrowing adventure where every choice could be your last. "Zombie Annihilation Project" isn't just a game anymore—it's a gritty fight for existence in a world gone mad. Are you ready to upgrade your survival skills?

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40 Chs

Chapter 6:"Riverbank Quest: Hunting for Supplies"

Around 7 AM, Chen Dao woke up. Once again, he had awakened before his alarm, partly due to nicotine withdrawal and partly because he had already slept for over 24 hours the previous day.

His physical state was poor: noticeable bags and dark circles under his eyes, messy short hair, and a scruffy beard made him look like the downtrodden hippies hanging by the river.

Or rather, like a zombie hippie.

After a quick face wash to wake himself up, Chen Dao carefully shaved with a razor left by the previous homeowner. Even in a zombie apocalypse, a little grooming before a dangerous outing felt right.

He strapped on his backpack, put on the shoe covers he had sewn over his sneakers, and adjusted his shirt, denim hat, and trousers. Checking his backpack, he made sure his khukuri machete and the silenced handgun were securely stowed.

After cautiously removing the chair barring the door between the garage and the house, Chen Dao walked into the garage. He listened intently for a while, confirming there was no noise outside before opening the garage door.

Sunlight spilled in, bathing Chen Dao's face. It was a good day, the clear sky dotted with just a few clouds, reflecting off the green canopy of the gated community park.

He pulled his hat lower and looked westward from the community gate. He saw the senior citizens' center and Riverside Church. No movement was visible, but beyond the church, he saw a thick crowd of zombies surrounding the "Superb Chain Supermarket."

Many people who had rushed to the supermarket for supplies during the outbreak had been infected and turned into zombies, attacking any survivors who came afterward. The situation evolved into a vicious cycle.

Why was he so certain?

Because Chen Dao could see the evidence: 7 or 8 cars parked haphazardly at the supermarket entrance, loaded with all sorts of luggage on their roofs. The supermarket's doors had long been torn apart, probably by the initial outbreak inside, until some survivors had escaped, leading the zombies to break out.

Zombies could see, albeit poorly, up to 20-40 meters, detecting changes in light. As long as he didn't shine a flashlight at them, they would remain oblivious. A safe distance was 50 meters.

The surrounding zombies had already been cleared, and without sharp noises or alarms, the area wouldn't attract more.

After ensuring that the horde wouldn't venture towards his haven, Chen Dao resumed his plan.

Passing through the northwest gate of the gated community, Chen Dao found the streets relatively clear, with only occasional lone zombies.

He walked carefully on the grass beside the road to minimize noise, moving northwards while scanning for possible dangers. The quiet was eerie; without cars or people, humankind's settlements were eerily silent.

Chen Dao crossed the street and glanced east along the road cutting through Riverside Town.

With today's bright weather, he could see the gas station canopy at the town's west end. Unfortunately, about ten car accident sites littered the road, with zombies resting against walls, and even some runners darting across the streets.

Bloodstains on store windows and entrails on the road painted a horrific reality—this was hell. The once serene town was now a battleground between the living and the dead.

Chen Dao's mood plummeted further; nicotine withdrawal exacerbated his frustration.

He realized his "Smoker" trait, typically aiding his composure around blood and gore, now tormented his nerves without cigarettes—a double-edged trait.

One should avoid negative traits, as they could torture you unpredictably.

Chen Dao refocused, shaking off the depressing thoughts.

Crossing the town's central east-west road, he aimed to reach the yacht club's parking lot. Beyond lay dense trees.

This area had few zombies, making it feasible to sneak through the woods and reach the riverbank, following it westward to Riverside Entertainment for cigarettes.

However, the yacht club's parking lot was empty.

Securing a working car seemed far off, despite his Electrical 1 and Mechanic 2 skills enabling him to hotwire vehicles.

Frustrated yet undeterred by his struggle to find a functional car, Chen Dao walked along the parking lot's edge. A few scattered zombies noticed him, shuffling towards him, but Chen Dao had no desire to engage. With a glance, he slipped into the forest and began jogging along the woodland path northward to the riverbank.

The trailing zombies, losing sight of Chen Dao, remained trapped in the forest, perpetually distracted by the rustling leaves and dappled sunlight, ensuring they stayed aimlessly in the trees until they rotted away.

This phenomenon mirrored the game's mechanics, where zombies initially gather in towns and roads due to active light and sound sources. Once utilities and dwellers were gone, forest sounds captivate the zombies, drawing them in.

Chen Dao breathed heavily as he emerged onto a pebbled riverside path, built for tourists and locals to enjoy the scenic river route running through the town.

Scanning the yacht club, Chen Dao noted its clean, empty halls and correctly guessed the club had closed for the Independence Day holiday. Only a few stray zombies, likely bank employees from town, ambled about.

Feeling safe, Chen Dao followed the riverbank west. Through the yacht club's transparent glass walls, he glimpsed its pristine interior, remembering it had a kitchen to serve members.

The "Riverside Boathouse" wasn't merely a playground for the wealthy; it also functioned as a semi-governmental facility where one could buy boats, get fishing licenses, or enjoy local fish specialties. Government clerks staffed the club, and boat companies pitched various models to prospective buyers. The club even had a children's play area upstairs and a well-stocked library.

In the future, Chen Dao planned to scour the club's books but noted the open, glass-walled hall would be difficult to defend, making it a poor base location.

Leaving the club, Chen Dao saw Riverside Park along the riverbank, with gazebos and vendors selling ice cream and doughnuts. His mouth watered, but he resisted, mindful of his slightly overweight status and the need to manage his calorie intake to shed the "Overweight" trait.

Normal weight ranged from 70kg to 80kg, but Chen Dao hovered around 90kg. Excessive weight hindered flexibility and agility, increasing the risk of tripping, which could be fatal when fleeing fast zombies. Conversely, being underweight weakened physical strength.

Chen Dao avoided consuming too many calories daily, prioritizing fitness over indulgence.

Crouching as he passed the ice cream shop, Chen Dao saw several zombies inside. He moved stealthily, continuing west along the riverside path. Past a gazebo in Riverside Park, he finally saw Riverside Entertainment with its distinctive glass roof.

Peering through the building's windows, he confirmed it wasn't empty.

Chen Dao squatted by the riverbank for a better vantage point. The commercial street parking lot south of him had several intact cars but also a large zombie horde.

To reach those cars, he'd either have to clear the whole horde or lure them away.

He contemplated creating a noise-generating device to distract the zombies, thus avoiding direct conflict. Throwing it could lure zombies away, facilitating access to supplies. However, as the horde mindlessly pursued the sound, they'd destroy anything fragile in their path.

Chen Dao cautiously circled Riverside Entertainment, staying low and avoiding attention. Through the northern windows, he saw many zombies inside.

A woman slumped in a chair near the glass, mouth agape, throat torn, a table of delicacies before her covered in dried blood. She hadn't turned into a zombie, unlike the two aimless bartender zombies at the central bar.

Gazing through the west windows revealed a booth with another slouched figure, status unknown. Five zombies loitered around a pile of entrails in the booth, their victim potentially wandering elsewhere now as a zombie.

Carefully observing, Chen Dao saw 11 identifiable zombies—five clustered in the booth, two bartenders rambling, three near the stairs, and one rummaging by the front door's trash can.

With two more whose statuses were uncertain, Chen Dao decided to approach from the side to avoid alerting the parking lot zombies. Entering through the south door posed too high a risk.

Squatting at the west entry, he scanned the vicinity. The Riverside Town Hotel's pool, partly obscured, teemed with swimsuit-clad zombies.

The post office and hotel parking lot to the north were safer, with a few cars and no zombies in sight—potentially a source of a vehicle, fueling his excitement. With a car, escape and survival became easier.

Once clear of zombies, Chen Dao gently opened the door. The slumped booth figure remained still, but two zombies facing him reacted immediately, shuffling towards him.

Quickly retreating, Chen Dao drew them outside, dispatching them with his khukuri machete.

In the game, long weapons like spears, staves, and axes were best due to their reach and damage. Short blades and batons were riskier, requiring close contact and risking the weapon getting stuck in zombie flesh. Long weapons like machetes advantageously minimized noise and avoided heavy strains.

The khukuri's outdoor utility, with its recurve blade designed for unimpeded chopping, made it ideal.

Seeing the following zombies, Chen Dao struck decisively, cleaving their skulls without resistance. Satisfied, he scoped Riverside Entertainment, where inside zombies still hadn't noticed him.

Cupping his hands, he gently called inside, alerting no zombies outside but drawing the zombies within.

To his horror, about eight zombies appeared, including three burly runner zombies in football uniforms, previously hidden as they feasted behind the bar.

Nearly 20 zombies, including three runner zombies, advanced on him. Panicked yet composed, Chen Dao lunged forward, slashing the ground-level runner who was still trying to get up after tripping over the bar.

Taking out the grounded runner with a decisive slash to the head, Chen Dao quickly retreated. The two remaining runners, now on their feet, along with the shambling crowd of walkers, converged on his position.

Chen Dao knew he had to move fast. He bolted out of Riverside Entertainment, running west along the riverside path. His breath came in heavy pants as he pushed himself, glancing back to see the two runners closing in.

He could hear the echoing footfalls of the runners over the uneven ground, but he also knew they were less likely to maintain balance on the rocky path. He jumped over a low fence, landing smoothly while in contrast, the lead runner tripped and fell.

Chen Dao didn't slow down to finish off the downed runner; he kept his distance and kept running, hoping to outpace the remaining runner. The path along the river was picturesque, but Chen Dao was too focused on survival to appreciate the scenery.