
Project Zombie: Apocalypse Survival

Once cheerfully immersed in the hardcore game of survival amongst the undead in "Zombie Annihilation Project," a blink transports you into the game world itself. Staying alive in the unforgiving landscape of Kentucky, USA, becomes your reality. Thankfully, Chen Dao discovers the game's leveling system has crossed barriers with him. May luck be on your side as you navigate this harrowing adventure where every choice could be your last. "Zombie Annihilation Project" isn't just a game anymore—it's a gritty fight for existence in a world gone mad. Are you ready to upgrade your survival skills?

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40 Chs

Chapter 19:Radio Signals

After dinner, Chen Dao stopped Peyton and Dimonia who were ready to go straight to bed.

"I know you're tired, but listen to me first," Chen Dao started awkwardly, making it unappealing to listen further.

However, as Chen Dao continued, the two began to concentrate.

Chen Dao showed them the TV: "Today I not only restored the electricity, but also re-erected the antenna of this thing."

"But I only finished it before dinner, and I haven't watched it yet, so it's best for us to see the current state of the civilized world."

With that, Chen Dao turned on the TV.

"Before I met you, because of interference, there was no signal on the TV or radio at all. I don't know if it was the same for you."

Chen Dao handed the remote control to Dimonia and asked the two of them.

"Interference? No wonder I couldn't watch TV!" Peyton, after hearing this, thought carefully, and then said as if he had suddenly realized, "There was no TV signal when I was on vacation before..."

"Right, Dimonia, I remember you wanted to listen to the music channel on the radio in the B&B, but you couldn't receive it, and you had a bad face all day..."

"Ouch! It hurts! Stop hitting me..."

Peyton was hit by Dimonia and cried out in pain, but she didn't respond, still fiddling with the remote control. Infrared remote controls had become popular as early as 1980, and by 1993, almost all Americans were using remote controls to "shoot" annoying ads on TV.

But no matter how hard Dimonia tried, she couldn't see anything other than snowflakes on the TV, even if she switched to broad-spectrum signal reception, she couldn't get a coherent signal.

"And this...", Chen Dao took out a radio that was placed next to the sofa: "There is no signal either..."

After tuning the station had no effect, Dimonia gave up.

The scene became quiet.


No one spoke, only the snowflakes on the TV, and the crackling radio.

Chen Dao used to be able to listen to the infamous political propaganda tool "Voice of America", but now he can't receive it anymore, he doesn't know if it's because of the shutdown, or some other reason.

The Stuart siblings knew what it meant if there was no signal on the radio and TV, they just hadn't thought about it before.

"Could it... still be interference?" Peyton asked softly.

"That's what I want to tell you, interference!" Chen Dao said.

"I suspect that there is a US military electronic warfare unit in the Knox area that is blocking electromagnetic signals across the spectrum. But I don't know who they are, where they are, and why they are still doing this."

"I can't even be sure if they really exist." Chen Dao said all his guesses in one breath.

Then Chen Dao began to tell his own experiences.

"Before, when I was in Riverside Town, I once received a very clear radio signal. The podcaster claimed to be a person from Rosewood Town, but his signal was quickly cut off, leaving only noise."

"There was also a broadcast from the Knox News Station, which was the same. The signal was good at first, but gradually became noisy until it disappeared..."

Chen Dao organized his language and said to the two siblings: "A few days ago we all saw that pile of planes, the American government still has the ability to fly planes, it is not impossible to broadcast..."

"So the biggest possibility is that only the signals in Knox are being interfered with?" Dimonia is very smart, she quickly knew why Chen Dao would guess so.

"Then... then why would they do that?" Peyton asked with a tingling scalp.

"Who knows? Maybe those soldiers are long dead, and only military equipment is automatically operating, or maybe the command system is chaotic, causing that unit to still be on a mission?" Chen Dao didn't know what to say, his thoughts were just guesses, it was impossible that on one side there were planes flying in groups, and on the other side, modern civilization was completely lost, water and electricity were stopped, and even a radio signal could not be received...

"Maybe in a few days, we will be able to receive signals again?" Peyton still refused to give up hope.

Chen Dao thought about it, indeed it was so, and tentatively suggested: "How about turning on the radio, setting it to automatic frequency modulation, if it receives a signal it will ring, but our No. 1 battery is not much, now there are only 4 pieces."

Speaking of which, Chen Dao turned on the radio, lowered the volume, and put it on the windowsill: "So that everyone can listen when they pass by."

The Stuart siblings were silent for a while, and it seemed that their mood was very low.

In fact, according to Chen Dao's experience in the game, the United States has completely fallen at this moment, but combined with the facts that Chen Dao has seen and the events he has experienced, it seems that the US government is still struggling to support.

Therefore, Chen Dao dared not make a judgment, but he was sure that the Stuart siblings still had the hope of returning to civilized society. They were good kids who came out of civilized society. Even under his own demonstration, they made their own efforts, but they were still naturally unsuitable for this apocalyptic environment.

They are repelling this bloody zombie apocalypse.

They are full of hope for being rescued and leaving this place.

Chen Dao couldn't shatter their hopes all at once, as that would cause psychological problems. Anyway, there is nothing else right now, there is plenty of time, collecting various information, making various attempts, perhaps only the Knox area has experienced a disaster, and the United States has controlled the zombie plague and is trying to cover up the fact of Knox?

Perhaps there is a little bit of possibility.

The distance from Kentucky to Washington, D.C. is very close, with only Virginia in between.

If there are any big shots in Washington who want to escape, the best way is to get on a plane and cross the United States to the West Coast.

There are high mountains to block, and it is also the upstream of the river, such as Los Angeles, which is very suitable for refuge.

Backed by the vast desert of Arizona and Nevada, it is also close to the good port of Tijuana, and there is one of the best international airports in the United States in the city, which is quite suitable for a temporary capital.

On July 25th, Washington, D.C. erupted in the second large-scale citizen march. They had no theme, they were just angered by the recent conspiracy atmosphere and the government's silence. They took to the streets, pointing their fingers at Capitol Hill and the White House in front of it.

The situation looked like it was about to set fire to the White House.

But the people are always weak, they did not do too outrageous actions.

Until a marcher with a sign on his chest turned into a rioter, biting off the throat of other marchers nearby.

Washington turned into hell within a few hours, and Mr. President, along with his staff team and some senior military officers, quickly executed the content of the American Emergency Act, taking a C-130 Hercules transport plane like a piglet and taking those fat congressmen, domineering senior military officers and the president who was still in shock from his White House office being broken into.

At the beginning, they wanted to go to Pittsburgh, but soon they received news about the rebellion in the Pittsburgh barracks, and the highest military commander was bitten to death by his subordinates, so they decided to stay away from there.

They changed their course in the air and planned to go to Cincinnati, but then a staff member said that it seemed very close to Louisville, the city where the epidemic first broke out...

So they flew straight across, trying to refuel in Memphis. By this time, the escort fighters around them had already landed in various usable military airports due to lack of fuel. They were flying alone in a Hercules transport plane over the vast Missouri plains until they received feedback that there was no "rebellion incident" in Texarkana, Texas, and then they landed in Texarkana for replenishment.

However, the stubborn president thought that this city controlled by the political dissent party was not so "safe", so they continued flying after refueling and arrived in Denver, Colorado.

Originally, the president and his entourage thought that as a blue state, Colorado, especially Denver, which is a firm faction in the blue state, should not be dangerous.

But soon, within two hours of the president's landing, Denver also experienced a riot, almost identical to the riot in Washington.

From the National Park to the Denver Zoo, groups of rioters were running on the streets, gnawing at everyone they saw, tearing all the fresh flesh.

The fate of the president is actually not much different from that of the working people. This is what the capitalist society is like. It sweeps people into the abyss, but at the same time, it makes people enjoy it.

In the suburbs of Frankfort, Kentucky, near the Knox area, there is such a troop stationed here.

At this time, the camp was quiet, except for the fuel pump of the military radar vehicle and a few fuel transport vehicles converted from long-nosed trucks, not even a light could be seen.

The soldiers hung their heads low, crowded around the radar display, staring at the light displayed on the radar, while some soldiers were crowded around the LAV8x8 chassis of the MEWSS communication interference system, which was the US Army's AN/MLQ mobile electronic warfare support system, and its towering open antenna was constantly sending out strong radio signals.

This portable, self-propelled interference base has been equipped by the Marine Corps since 1986 and has been very effective in the Gulf War.

Several vehicles used together can completely cut off communication in an area through point array strong radio interference.

At the same time, it is also equipped with some electronic station support vehicles modified from Hummers and mine-resistant vehicles as base stations. The principle of radio interference is actually very simple.

Radio interference signals mainly enter the receiving equipment channel or system through direct coupling or indirect coupling of electromagnetic energy, which can affect the reception of the receiving signal required for radio communication, leading to information errors or loss, and even blocking communication. The fact that these useless radio signals cause the reception quality of useful radio signals to decrease or damage is radio interference.

Electromagnetic waves, for the receiver, the stronger ones will be received first, especially those of the same frequency. In civilian equipment, there will not be special filters to peel off those interference signals.

It's like when two people are arguing, the one with a louder voice is more likely to win.

The process of radio interference is actually the process of emitting a stronger radio signal to cover weak signals. As long as my signal covers your signal, then I have completed the interference against you.

But at this time, the soldiers who were supposed to operate them were just hanging their heads low, and their hunched posture looked very tired. They were just crowded near those vehicles that made sounds, swaying from side to side from time to time, as if they couldn't stand steady.

Under the starry night sky, under the bright moonlight.

It just looks eerie.

In the center of the camp, there is a military officer in uniform, his shoulder badge shows that he is a major.

This major is sitting on a military canvas iron chair, his left hand hanging down, the black hand holding a photo, there is a woman on it, and a little girl, the little girl's face is filled with a happy smile.

This major, looks handsome and masculine, just a bit rotten.

His other hand was holding an M1911 pistol, lying on the table full of blood.

Although it was out of place, this major's imagination was still very large.

A military plastic-sealed map was posted on the canvas of the tent in front of him. It was a detailed map of the entire Knox County area, and various kinds of intelligence were marked on it.

One place is their location, circled with a big circle, and the words "camp" are written.

There are also some places marked with a red erasable marker, written with M1125cpb, it seems that something is deployed in those places.

Will this military camp in the dense forest be discovered?

Perhaps when the fuel in the M915A2 fuel supply trucks carrying fuel tanks is exhausted, this electronic warfare base may stop.

But that also doesn't know when it will happen in the future.

Anyway, these things, Chen Dao and the Stuart siblings won't know for now.