

Yang, the famous No.1 spy of Red Diamond, has done every task that the organization gave to her perfectly. If that's the case then why did they ask her two retire right after finishing her latest mission? A new spy recruit was introduced to her after signing the retirement papers. Now, she has one last mission to do. "Teach the newbie how to be a spy." What becomes of her life now?

DanZie · Urban
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1 Chs





A slender figure with long, black hair bit her unlit cigarette while putting on her usual business suit. "It's still here..." She sighed, almost running her fingers over the suitcase. This is one of their enemy's spots. A broken down bathroom of a two star motel in the middle of a busy city. "Not bad... Given the situation." This mission was done. She held the cigarette and mumbled. "I wonder what they want me to do next..."

[Code Name: Yang]

Red Diamond's number 1 spy. Since she first came to the organization, she worked day and night to be the best spy there is. By the age of twelve, she has already memorized the information of every powerful person that exists in the country along with the street maps. By the age of fifteen, she had already put twenty criminals to prison and was given the title of "Rising Star". At nineteen, enemy spies were easily identified and tracked down because of her. During her stay in the organization, she's been given numerous tasks which she still managed to perfect. She was the best spy Red Diamond has ever had. That was a fact that everyone knows. Even their enemy organization. If that's the case,... Then why is this happening to her now?..

"We're suggesting an early retirement."


Ms. Kim, her manager, sat her down on one of the two vacant seats in front of her black, modern office table. That doll like smile still plastered on her slightly wrinkled face, eyes almost impossible to see.

"Am I... Fired?.." Yang said, sweat dripping behind her neck. She tries to recall everything she's done wrong on her mission but couldn't. She has done everything perfectly, nothing to get fired for. No... There has to be a reason. "... I'll do better." And that reason has something to do with her performance as a spy. She looked down on her clenched fists. In her world, being fired doesn't just mean losing a job, it's also losing a life.

The sound of Ms. Kim's laugh made her look up. "Would you look at that. Yang, the no.1 spy of Red Diamond is cowering in fear. Fear for her little life. Stupid girl." Yang went stiff while staring back at the sharp, crescent eyes of Ms. Kim. "We're suggesting a retirement." Yang blinked twice.

"You want me to... retire?" Is there even such thing?

"You've been working for this organization for almost all your life. You've done every mission without mistakes and also made a name for yourself. End your life as a spy. No more 'Yang, Red Diamond's No.1 Spy'. You can live like any other human being out there. Return to where you're from. You can have a normal life." Ms. Kim said, spreading her arms in excitement. A normal life. That's something someone like Yang can only dream of. Her manager slid a piece of paper towards her along with a classy fountain pen.

"Sign here and your life as a spy is over."

Yang still couldn't process what was happening. She glances at Ms. Kim once again before focusing on the paper. "This is how we show our gratitude." Yang knew just by the look on Ms. Kim's face that if she declines this offer, her life will surely be over. This was the kindest thing this place could ever give her. She read the contents over and over again but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Ms. Kim's words echos in her mind. Return to where you're from. She has nowhere to return to. There is nobody waiting for her outside these walls. No place that she calls home.

I can make one. Ah. A thought suddenly popped up in her head. As long as she's alive, there's hope. She imagines herself waking up to the annoying vehicles outside her dusty window, signaling the start of a new day. She wouldn't even bother to shower and just tie her hair into a bun before going out to buy groceries since she probably forgot to buy some weeks ago. Sit besides an old lady in a park while thinking about taxes and how her new job can't pay her enough. The only war she'll probably ever fight is getting the best piece of clothing on sale in the super market. Also... She might even get married--

She unconsciously slapped herself because of that thought. Ms. Kim gave her a confused look. The thought about marriage makes her feel embarrassed. She has long abandoned those thoughts because she knows for a fact that they will never happen to a spy like her. But now it's possible. Her with a guy? Pshhh... There's no way. But what if? In her mind, she was shrieking endlessly. She imagined having a family of her own. Besides, she's already twenty six, it's not a bad time to get into dates.

She snaps herself back to reality. Once again, she carefully reads the contents of the paper before signing on the bottom right corner. Ms. Kim smiled at her before sliding the paper to her side of the table and examining it.

"I believe it's settled then..." Ms. Kim extended her arm towards Yang. "... Goodbye, No. 1 spy." She would be lying if she said that didn't scare her. Yang hesitantly shook her manager's hand. I guess this is really the end. What would happen to the organization now that she's gone? She's the best they ever had. Why would they make her retire in the first place?

Ms. Kim looked at her with an amused face. "You probably have a lot of questions. Too bad I don't feel like answering any of them." That's expected. Before Yang could stand up from her chair, Ms. Kim spoke. "We do have one mission to give before you go." A metallic door suddenly slid open behind her making her jump to the side of the table to face whatever was approaching. Her hand was ready to grab her gun hidden in her coat. Though she's not an assassin, her hands were not the cleanest.

"Come in." Ms. Kim calmly said. A faint sound was heard coming from the side of the open door, metal and flesh colliding with each other, followed by a grunt and a few curses. A slim guy quickly stood in the middle of the door frame with one hand on his head. Ms. Kim nods her head at the man which made him awkwardly nod in return. He walks towards them while continuously murmuring to himself. Yang couldn't catch what he was saying, she doesn't even know if they're real words. He stops just in front of Ms. Kim and Yang and salutes. Now that he was close, it became very clear that he was only a few inches taller than her. If she were to wear heels, this guys whole career is over.

"Yang, this is our newest spy recruit, Tech." Tech. That must be his codename. Ms. Kim gestures her hand towards Yang. "I believe you're already familiar with this lady with me." The guy- Tech looked at Yang ang grinned while slightly waving his free hand. It made her very confused.

"Yang, this is you last mission." Ms. Kim turned to face her. "Teach the newbie how to be a spy." Yang stares dumbfounded at the new guy who still hasn't wiped his smile off his face. She finally realized the reason why they want her to leave early. It's because Red Diamond have someone they prefer to take her place.

And that's this idiot in front of her. Thus, this marks the start of her new life.

The No. 1- Ex- No. 1 spy of Red Diamond is now a private teacher of an idiot spy newbie. What becomes of her life now?