

Minutes Before Impact

'I've connected to everyone psychically,' Martian Manhunter said to all the fliers. They were Wonderwoman, Captain Atom, the two Green Lanterns and Shazam.

'Whoa, that's trippy,' Shazam said in wonder.

'Alright, everybody listen up, we need to make sure the Watchtower doesn't breach the planet's atmosphere or else it will be catastrophic. We are going to push against it with all we got. Me, Shazam Martian Manhunter and Captain Atom will be the muscle. The Green Lanterns will provide us with support from their constructs. Let's hope the engines Batman designed will not be as powerful,' Wonderwoman commanded and they all grew solemn. Very rarely do anything Batman sesign fail. This would be harder than they though, they all realized.

'Alright, just made the masks,' Lantern John Stewart declared as he focused his will and a green construct of a mask appeared on Wonderwoman's and Martian Manhunter's face. They were the only two that needed support in staying in space. The two nodded and they increases their speed, getting to space and in front of the Watchtower.

Wonderwoman led the other two and slammed into the Watchtower, giving their all pushing it away from the planet below.

Captain Atom activated his vast energy, his body producing it in millions metric tonnes as it started shining. He reinforced his body with the energy which he burnt through as he tried to push the gigantic building. Martian Manhunter had transformed to a gigantuan dragon, clutching the Watchtower with its talons as he bit into a space shuttle, a construct made by Lantern Hal Jordan. Shazam was beside Wonderwoman, veins popping as they both gave their all. Lanter John Stewart on his side, had made a space giant cowboy that had a giant jet pack on his back, four lassos tied to the Watchtower as he pulled will all his might.

In the presence of these heavy hitter, even the rockets of the Watchtower could only submit, slowly by slowly. But, they were still approaching Earth in dangerous speeds and that's when Superman came in. The Kryptonian showed his place as the strongest Leaguer as when he joined in, they all felt their burden decrease a huge margin they couldn't help but reevaluate how cheat like Kryptonians were.

The engines sputtered and creaked against the insomoutible might they were all giving it, making the Watchtower slowdown to a crawl. They all have a sigh of relief, thinking the crisis was over but Murphy's a bitch. Even in the vacuum of space, the sound of space being breached and opening of a hole could not be suppressed. A white light flooded them from behind before they felt a suction that proved all their efforts null. Them and the Watchtower were sucked into the gigantic Zetatube that opened out of nowhere. A second later, they appeared above an all familiar palace.

"This is Queen Bee's palace!" Captain Atom exclaimed in shock. At a distance of just five hundred metres from the palace and the speed in which they were ejected, there was simply no way they could stop the Watchtower completely.

"We need to slow it down enough to not cause widespread devastation!" Superman shouted at them and they all nodded.

Their efforts started all over again, this time given two hundred percent more than before. Superman could tell they slowed down significantly but, it was still not enough. Looking at Wonderwoman and Shazam, he knew the impact could possible injure them badly.

"Lanterns, take Wonderwoman and Shazam out of here, NOW!" he shouted authoritatively.

"No! I'm staying till the end!" Wonderwoman defiantly shouted back. But, the Lanterns had already made their calculations and knew Superman was right. Immediately, Lantern Hal Jordan encased both Martian Manhunter and Wonderwoman in a bubble construct and flew off while Lantern John Stewart encased Shazam and Captain Atom.

All the way till the end, Superman kept on pushing, screaming in strain as he gave it his all. When the Watchtower crashes into the palace, it was as if a megaton warhead had just exploded, causing the entire planet to shake from the impact. A sixty miles long crater was created along with a shockwave that travelled round the world thrice. Bialya was damaged beyond damage, with a death rate of forty percent in the first few minutes. The death rates continued rising the more time went on as the entire planet was sent into shock.


"How's he?" Batman askes Black Canary as he looked at the unconscious Superman that was being doused in ultra Violet rays to help him heal faster.

"He's stable as an ox," Black Canary answered, looking sympathetically at the man of steel.

He had a broken sternum, ribs, perforated lungs, broken femur and a cracked skull. But, he had done his job excellently. He had stopped what would have been a world wide catastrophe to just be contained in Bialya. It was a trajedy what happened there, but it would have been worse. This was the worst thing about this job, they couldn't save everyone.

"What exactly happened?" Green Arrow asked Batman who tore his eyes off his friend and turned to look at him.

"I'll address all Leaguers and the team about this," he answered coldly. Green Arrow and Black Canary nodded and were off. Batman stayed back, watching Superman for half an hour before he left too.

Arriving at where everyone was gathered, he gave everyone a nod as he sat down too. Every Justice League member and the team made up of side kicks were present, waiting with bated breath for what he was going to say.

"Earlier today, Superman had made a decision to talk with the clone named Match. It was a decision he made after hearing how he had proceeded to harm himself, feeling guilty of the decision he made. I have no knowledge of what happened but Superman contacted me later on after the Watchtower sent me alarm of an intruder hacking it. He told me Match had locked him up in his cell and had somehow infiltrated the Watchtower.

" Match had somehow erased the Watchotwer's program, reconstructed how the Zetatubes worked, locking us out. It is my belief he is the one who commanded the Watchtower to crash into Earth, possibly to divide our forces and he succeeded." There was silence in the whole room as the screen behind Batman came alive and showed everyone of the devastation the Watchtower caused.

"At 1537hrs, the Watchtower crashes into Bialya, severely injuring Superman as he tried to slow it down enough to not cause a global catastrophe. Seventy percent of all Bialya has been damaged beyond what we could save as the UN has moved in to help in whatever they could. The Justice League is under fire and we are expected to arrive in front of the nations and address this issue in two hours so we have no time to look for the culprit, Match." The screen showed the picture of the deformed Match.

"I believe he is currently in possession of Superman's DNA, hunkered down in a technological facility trying to build anything to stabilize his DNA. I want the team to search for him and if possible, apprehend him and bring him to the UN headquarters to be tried." The Justice League members looked at the team who were suddenly very uncomfortable at this. Match had proved himself to be an adversary that would put the Justice League in a disadvantage, let alone them.

"We understand your hesitation, that's why few of us decided to bring in our proteges," Wonderwoman said. Right then, two girls walked in. "This is Donna Troy, my half sister from Thymiscira. She goes by Wondergirl and the one beside her is Superman's Kryptonian cousin, Supergirl. She decided to join in after hearing what happened to her cousin."

"Hi!" Supergirl greeted the team with a smile, though a sad one.

"The first institutes to check on should be Star Labs. Be careful of any traps he might have left behind, Match has proved to be cunning and tricky," Batman gave them a final warning.