
Project Apocalypse

What if they didn't meet at the UA through normal means? What if they weren't able to become heroes because of their own demons? Four teens kidnapped four years before canon? Gone were normal teenagers and in were incarnates of Death, War, Famine and Pestilence. Can they become heroes or will they be casted aside and be seen as nothing but evil?

ChaosHellLaser · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Exam Gone Wrong

After steeling themselves with determination, the group headed towards the auditorium where all the other students have gathered and settled down.

"Wow that's a lot of students." Izuku said fidgeting a bit at the capacity of students within the place. It's been so long since he's been around other people… that he didn't have to kill and collect their souls… even with new powers he has no social skill whatsoever.

"Come on you big baby, let's sit down here." Ochaco teased as she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her as they sat at the end of a row with two chairs empty behind them.

"I guess we'll take this spot, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked as she sat behind Ochaco and Katsuki behind Izuku. The latter sitting with his arms crossed and propped his feet up on top of the Izuku's chair, snorting as he looked around.

"Tch… too many damn extras here." The blonde grumbled while gazing at the crowd beside them. "So, anyone wanna tell me whose presenting this program?"

As on cue, his question is answered as the lights hit the stage in front of them, on the platform they saw a man with a wild blonde haircut with orange shades and a pair of headphones wearing an outfit with black pants, a black jacket with upturned collar with shoulder pads and fingerless gloves. This was the current Pro Hero Present Mic.

"Welcome one, welcome all to my very live show. I am your host Present Mic! Everyone say HEY!" The Pro Hero announced loudly into the mic and pointed his fingers towards the crowd. He was met with silence.

"Hahahaha! Tough crowd aren't we… well not to worry, it's my job to make you all fill your hearts with passion and have that fire inside stir and grow into amazing fireworks!" he shouted as everyone had a bead sweat drop from their foreheads.

"This teacher is so energetic.' Ochaco and Tsuyu thought.

'This teacher is seriously retarded.' Katsuki thought with an annoyed expression.

"It's Present Mic! One of the Pro Heroes in UA, I listen to talk shows on the radio all the time and he's actually here. I get the feeling all the teachers are Pro Heroes." Izuku muttered to himself and would've continued if Katsuki hadn't leaned over to give him a good chop to head.

"Quiet nerd!" The blonde hissed while latter slightly groaned in pain, rubbed his head tenderly and Ochaco giggled at their antics while Tsuyu sighed in exasperation.

"Now listen up, listeners!" Mic shouted as he snapped his fingers towards them. "Its time prove yourselves to see if you what have it takes to be in UA in our ten-minute practice run at our replication city district!"

Students followed his fingers towards the screen and saw a preview of the city before the slide changed into a different one.

"To survive in our little area of action, we have tons of fake villians with a select number of points planted on them from 1 to 3. Destroy these fiends for points to rack up a high score but remember the higher the points, the more difficult the robot is! You can use whatever gear you want to blow them sky high, just grab what you need then meet at your designated area after my presentation, ya dig!?" He explained while pointing out to all the robots from 1 to 3 and everyone could see how differently they were all designed.

"Designated Area?" Ochaco repeated as she looked at her card before looking at Izuku's and saw that he was in District A while she was in D. "Different districts huh?"

"To make sure we don't work together with people we already know." Tsuyu clarified as the brunette nodded her head.

"Right, that would be unfair to everyone else if they had partners helping each other stock up on points, so they divide us into different areas." Izuku whispered while putting a hand to his chin.

"Works for me." Katsuki shrugged his shoulders. "Still it sucks we're not in the same area Deku… it's a shame that I can't show you up and beat you with the most points at the same time." He smirked as Ochaco sweat dropped at explosive user while Izuku was still muttering.

Only the blonde would think of everything as a competition.

"All fake villians spread out across all battlefields in each district. Take out as many as you can with your quirks but no attacking competitors directly now! That's anti-hero stuff right there and against the rules." Mic stated.

"Excuse me sir!"

Everyone turned their attention to a student with a stern expression on his face wearing glasses. "On the handout, it states that there are clearly four types of villains listed. IF this is an error then this is a shameful to U.A academy." He then pointed all the way to the other side of the stands, directly at Izuku.

"And you with dark green hair, stop talking to yourself it's disturbing others. If you think UA a place to goof around then you should leave immediately." He said firmly.

What they didn't know is that Izuku was slowly building up his quirk to as dark started gathering into his right fist. During his training with his embodiment, he learned how to control some of his powers but the bond between him and Death was still static and shaky, so his emotions became a little more hostile but not towards his family, his victims. Death would also try to influence him through mental connection to get rid of nuisances in this world to make it better, like right now.

He was about to raise his right hand until Ochaco quickly grasped his hand and whispered comforting words to him while the blonde growled at the student.

"Screw off Four-Eyes." Katsuki growled at him. "If it really was a problem, then why didn't DJ over here say anything about it or the students beside us huh!?" He barked as he was eager to go and commit murder to the said teenager.

"Now, now, everyone settle down. Examinee 3452 is right but save the heat for battle after the written exam." Mic shouted as Katsuki stared at him with a shocked expression.

"The hell?"

"How did he know your number, ribbit?" Tsuyu asked as she turned to Katsuki for an answer.

"The hell would I know." He hissed.

"Thanks guys." Izuku said.

"No problem." Ochaco smiled as Tsuyu nodded her head and Katsuki sat back with his arms crossed.

"If anyone's gonna mess with you that's my job." The blonde stated while the death user chuckled nervously at his statement.

"Good point young man! Let's just say that the fourth villain is a surprise, a gimmick that goes wild in crowded and tight areas, so I best avoid that sucker if I were you!" Mic shouted.

"I see… pardon my interruption!" The glasses man said before sitting back down.

"Well that's all I have say little listeners. Now go out there and have a great time suffering! GO beyond Plus ULTRA!"


"This is ridiculous." Izuku said as he stared at the giant city before him from his selected district. He knew UA was huge but that was just an understatement, apparently they had four huge stadiums specifically for the exams. They must have a lot of money...

All four of them were in Districts from A to D. He was in District A while Tsuyu was in B, Katsuki in C and Ochaco in D.

He kind of wished one of them was in there with him right now but this was the Entrance Exam and as stated earlier, you can't have others to help rack up your points. Only in his case, he needed someone to keep him in check.

"I hope I don't go berserk over this." He whispered, only to stop when he heard his tenant speak.

"So many souls, so many of them to play with… and yet… so little time." Death muttered ominously.

"Shut up." Izuku muttered to himself getting rid of that voice inside his head before focusing back onto the exam. "I really need to get this under check. I just hope things don't get worse."

"You from earlier!"

And it just got worse' He inwardly screamed while on the outside he let out a sigh as he saw the same glasses guy from earlier.

"Was I not clear with what I said, if you are only here to goof around then you might as well leave. This exam for those who want to be heroes not for jokesters." The glasses kid said as he placed a firm hand on his shoulder, sending a warning gaze at Izuku. "So I think it's best if you—"

"If you don't get your hand off me right now…" Izuku started before his lips curled into a creepy grin scaring the older teen while taking his hand off his shoulder and gripped it. "…there might be an unfortunate accident in the exam."

"Accident?! Are you actually here to become hero!?" The older teen asked with a bewildered expression while trying to get his hand back only to grunt in pain when Izuku squeezed it to show him that he was not messing around.

"I am but it's not like it was my first option. And even if I wanted to, I can't fix past mistakes…nor bring back those who lost their lives." Izuku spoke in a cryptic tone before walking away to the starting line. As he did, he notice the wary looks of those around him after what he said.

They were scared of him… might as well be. It's not like he can even make friends if he tried. He couldn't make any before when he was little… so why start now? Katsuki was the only person that met him when he was little, and he met both girls during his captivity so… yeah not really keen on making friends, especially if they all fear you.

"Let's do this."

"Alright listeners, it's time for your entrance exams!" Present Mic shouted watching them all from the observation tower. "AND START!"

Izuku instantly rushed towards the district as everybody looked at the Pro hero in confusion.

"What you kids waiting for, a countdown? In a real battle there is no countdown! Now get those little legs moving and start smashing!" Mic laughed and yelled at them as he saw the students start hurdling towards the district.


Time Left (9:30)

Izuku was rushing down a street looking left and right for a robot to hit but there were none in sight, so he quickly stopped and used his ears to listen for any sound in the area. Waiting a few seconds nothing came in until he heard a bunch of metal clink and saw at least 3 robots beside him to his right. Two of them were two pointers while the one in the middle was a three-pointer.

"Target lock. Objective set to kill target." The third pointer shouted robotically. Izuku quickly rushed towards them, getting behind a two pointer he instantly punched a hole through its chest with brute force before moving to the other two. He dodged the second two pointer's arm that was aimed at him before grabbing it and lifted the hunk metal towards the three pointers, colliding against each other to the ground before stomping on their heads.

Earning a total of seven points, Izuku quickly dusted off his hands and was about to go to his next destination until another three-pointer appeared out of nowhere from behind him. The robot went to attack Izuku through his shoulder but as soon the metal touched his body… the hand turned brown before enveloping the entire robot into a new color.

The robot was now turned into rust before its entire body crumbled into dust. Izuku looked at the dust down on the ground before sighing to himself.

"I'm lucky that I activated my quirk in time. Then again I probably wouldn't have died or get seriously injured from since I'm literally immune to death itself."

"Yess…Death… cannot hurt host… nor can host hurt Death. We are one… who have taken away many and send them to their own hell." His tenant said mentally before disappearing once again into the deep psyche of his mind.

"I wonder how the others are doing on their exams." Izuku wondered as he started running towards his next robot to kill.


Time Left (7:50)

"DIE! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Katsuki shouted as he fired explosions from his hands towards another pair of robots that were making their way to him before getting blown to smithereens once again. All around Katsuki were nothing but pieces of destroyed robots that were either burned, blown to bits or had giant holes in them.

The said kid was laughing like a maniac as he destroyed the robots. These robots coming at him like a villain made something inside him tingle, as if he was on battlefield fighting for his life against numerous opponents with their weapons ready all aiming to kill him.

Hahahaha! Oh, the feelings of excitement and the thrill of survival were truly something oneself should experience.

"Why can't people feel like this all the time!? If they did they probably have more fun fighting and enjoying the ongoing battle than try to get it over with! Where would the fun be in that!? Hahaha!" Katsuki laughed as he clutched his sides together.

While he was doing this, the other examinees that were passing by or were right behind them were really scared at what they were seeing. Oh, who were they kidding they were scared shitless at the blonde in front of them that took out the robots as if they were dummies and then started laughing like a lunatic.

'He's absolutely crazy/insane/nuts/psycho.' Those were the thoughts of multiple examinees as they continued staring at Katsuki's laughing form before going back to the task at hand.

Making sure to avoid Katsuki at all costs.


Time Left (5:10)

Ochaco was panting to herself as she held a hand over her chest. She just dealt with a bunch of robots and took them all down pretty easily but that wasn't the problem. The problem right now was her aura reverting from pink to green back and forth.

'My chest it burns…" she thought mentally. The tightness in her chest was starting to get more and more heavy before hearing her own tenant speak in a calm tone.

"Calm down child, it's only a small burst of your desire trying to breakthrough. I need you to take a deep breath and relax." Famine spoke.

Ochaco took several breaths as the voice spoke to her and was walking through a small alley. Leaning against the wall, she panted again once more before taking her tenant's advice and slowly took a deep breath. Inhaling a big lump of air before exhaling it all out through her mouth, her aura disappearing as she did this.

Ochaco quickly scanned her chest before releasing a sigh in relief. "Good it's gone now."

"Child, your desire is burning your soul brighter than normal and your resistance is weakening. I told you, you must follow your own desire like everyone else."

"I need to hold it… just a little longer…"

"Child your starving! Your soul is literally starving for desires… not through others but your own…. And you know what you want the most." Famine told the brunette as the latter clicked her teeth in frustration.

"The thing I want the most… is so close to me but is constantly fighting the battle within themselves and is always haunted by those from the past." Ochaco argued as she walked out of the alley, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her right hand. "Even so, I can tell he wants to be with me just as much I want to be with him… but I won't force myself on him."

"I want to be with him… without trouble… without the need to fight… without the need to suffer… nothing. I just want to be with him, so we can be together along with our daughter." She said sadly as her embodiment frowned at her.

"I know child, I know. But sometimes you need those things, they are necessities vital for anyone in order for them to grow into the person they'll become in the near future. It's not just you… Human, Demon, God, doesn't matter who. Everyone needs it."

"Right." Ochaco voiced, still deep in thought about her desire and how bad it can be if she doesn't satisfy her hunger soon.

"How about this child?"

"What is it?"

"If you make it into UA... I will hold off your desire a little more."

Ochaco stopped herself, stunned at her tenant's words. She was offering her host a proposition and they never really did that before.

"Y-You… You're serious?" The brunette asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but once a certain event comes that's it… you will have to come forth with your desire otherwise you will consumed by it." Famine stated.

"Okay… wait what about this event?" Ochaco asked wanting to know about the odds she was going up against.

'Do not fret, this event is not happening for awhile so you have plenty of time. I will inform you when it is near understood?' Famine warned her with a stern tone.

"Yes." Ochaco nodded, accepting the voice's request. If she could imagine it, she would see that Famine was giving Ochaco a small smile right now.

'Good now get back out there and get to smashing.'

"Roger that!"


Time Left (3:00)

Tsuyu was swinging around the district with tongue from one building to the next before landing onto a clear rooftop. Walking over to the edge, she looked over at the replicated city in front of her and saw all the other students taking care of other pointers.

"I still can't believe that UA have their own city that is used for battlegrounds such as this. Makes me wonder if we might come back if we do pass, ribbit." She said in thought as she put her finger to the corner of her mouth.

"The pointers distributed all over in this section of the city were pretty easy to deal with. Looks like all that training paid off." She said as she got into another leap position before jumping upwards and out towards another building sticking onto its surface like a spider.

"I wonder how the others are doing with their scores." Tsuyu then got into a thinking position. "Let's see I have a total of about 75 points, but I'm pretty Katsuki or Izuku have a higher count while Ochaco and I could be tied for the same amount."

"Oh well I guess I'll find out when this exam is over." She said to herself before jumping off the building into another direction.


Izuku was rushing towards the center of the city as he took out another pair of robots and searched for the next one only to find out there were no more in the area.

"I should have a good amount of points to qualify for UA, but I don't know the exact amount I need in order to pass." He muttered as he ran through the city. He was then met with a familiar face when he heard his name being called.


Hearing his name being called he stopped his run and turned to his right to find Ochaco running up to him.

"O-Ochaco? What are you doing here?" Izuku asked her.

"That's my line. I thought you were in a different district." Ochaco said in a confused tone, but she was nonetheless happy at seeing Izuku.

"I am, at least I think I am. I just started running down here looking for more robots." He answered her.

"That's exactly what I'm doing!"

"Hush, Katsuki!"

Hearing two familiar voices, both Izuku and Ochaco turned their heads towards the direction of where they came from and saw Katsuki and Tsuyu descending before landing in front of them.

"Hello." Tsuyu greeted them.

"You guys are here too?" Ochaco called out in confusion once again.

"The hell's going on here, I thought we couldn't work together with people to rack up points?" the blonde thought as the Pestilence user beside him answered his question.

"We can't."

"So then why the hell are we all here then?" Katsuki growled at her as Ochaco shrugged her shoulders.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe all of the cities were connected and we didn't notice." Ochaco stated while she puffed her cheeks. "Also, it kinda makes me wonder where in the world do they get all this money to have this?

"UA is full of surprises and don't forget that there the top #1 school in Japan." Izuku said as Ochaco nodded her head in agreement.

"True, makes me wonder if all the hero schools have this much to be able to do the same thing." The brunette wondered.

"Can we stop talking about what everyone has and focus on the exam?" Katsuki interjected with a glare. "I don't want any finacial lectures or history lessons unless we're in school."

"Technically we are so..."

"Don't be a smartass."

As Tsuyu rolled her eyes at them, she was thinking about the situation they were. All of the robots they faced and the examinees they've come across it seemed like a simple normal thing. However something just crossed her mind, she remembers Mic talking about the types of pointers they had. 1 to 3 and the last one with a hidden design that was kept a surprise.

"Ribbit. I just realized something." Tsuyu started as they all gazed at her to listen. "Did anyone here encounter the fourth type of the fake villains?"

"No." Izuku answered.

"Nope." Ochaco added.

"Didn't see shit." Katsuki cursed as the others frowned at him.

"Can't you go for one day without cursing Kacchan?" Izuku asked in exasperation while the blonde gave him a flat stare.

"I do that every day with Unicorn."

"Unicorn?" Ochaco and Tsuyu answered.

"Eri's nickname." Izuku answered reluctantly as they both nodded before he spoke again. "Back to the topic, if none of us encountered the fourth villain than what does it—"


Izuku was cut off as the ground beneath the four of them and all the other students. They all turned to the source of the small rumble and their eyes widened in shock and awe. In front of them was a massive robot with a giant number zero planted onto his forehead.

"Well shit." Katsuki cursed with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"That's your reaction to this?" Ochaco asked him with a tick mark on her forehead at his reaction.

"Eh. More or less."

"Doesn't matter it's only here to distract us we need to find more robots before the test—" Tsuyu paused as the robot release a giant shockwave through the city by stomping its foot hard, causing some of the buildings crumble around them.

The group covered their eyes as dust flew into the direction for a few seconds before dying down. Their eyes then widened in horror as they saw numerous examinees around them trapped by some of the rubble around them. Some of them were groaning in pain and were still disoriented from the attack. As they were trying to escape the zero-pointer continued heading towards them with no intent of stopping.

"It's still going. Doesn't it notice the students trapped there?" Ochaco panicked as the robot came closer.

"I don't think so." Tsuyu realized as she saw the robot continue walking before holding its hands in front. Suddenly, the fingertips opened up confusing everyone until it aimed down at the city and fired an ammunition of missiles.

Seeing the missiles, everyone sprung into quick action as the missiles were aiming for them and quickly dodged out of the way before they hit the area.

"Don't these stupid robots have a failsafe or some shit to stop them from injuring the extras?" Katsuki asked in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter. Something tells me that thing won't stop if we wait it out, and I'm not willing to take that chance." Izuku answered, thinking that the Zero Pointer will kill the other students because of the way it was acting right now. He then turned his attention to them. "Ochaco, you and Tsuyu—"

"Tsu." The frog girl corrected him.

"Sorry, you and Tsu go and help the other students from the rubble. Kacchan, we'll take care of the robot." He ordered as the blonde let out a feral grin.

"Now you're talking. Let's get going."

"Please don't go overboard." Izuku muttered to himself as they all split up.

So, while Izuku and Katsuki distracted the robot, Ochaco and Tsuyu helped the other students out of the surrounding debris. Ochaco made all the rocks weightless, lifting them up together while Tsuyu picked up the examinees with her hands or with her tongue. Either way they were all making sure that everyone was getting to a safe spot.

Katsuki shot out explosives at the giant zero pointer while Izuku was doing his best to lead it away from the others all the while taking out any other pointers that got in their way.

Unfortunately, the robot resumed its course towards the students and then spoke out in loud tone. "Mission directive: Kill all students. Must obey directive."

Suddenly the mouth opened up like a cannon, and all of them could see that a beam of some sorts was forming into its mouth. All the examines were in shock that UA had something like this in their arsenal to prepare students.

Only problem is… that they didn't.

"Tsuyu!" She called out to her frog friend before shouting to everyone else. "EVERYONE TAKE COVER!" she shouted as she used all the rubble that the examinees were trapped from earlier to form multiple shields around the students including setting one up in front of herself and Tsuyu.

Back to the boys, both were staring in shock at the robot in front of them.

"What the hell!? I thought the damn DJ said that this thing was nothing more than a pebble in our damn paths!" Katsuki shouted in anger. The latter kept shouting in curses while Izuku just stared at the robot's target which was the girls and everyone else. He felt a terrible feeling settle into his stomach at the thought of them getting hit with that blast.

Just thinking about it made him more scared but above it all it made him angry. Angry at whoever set up this stupid exam for all of this to go down, he refused to let the girls get hurt…. He was not losing anyone else…

Before he even knew it, Izuku was already running and jumped off the building high into the air, startling Katsuki as he saw his best friend jumping towards the robot recklessly.

"DAMN DEKU!" he shouted while ready to

Ochaco heard Katsuki's voice calling Izuku but it didn't sound like anger, she could tell it was out of worry and anxiety. Peering her head from behind her shield, her own eyes widened at seeing Izuku jumping towards the robot in midair.

In that heat of moment, Ochaco blocked out all other sounds and just focused on the one person she cared about that was heading towards the robot, fearing that he would get injured.

"DEKU!" she shouted in horror. Tsuyu heard both of their voices and peered her head to see the commotion and like the others, she shouted his name across the city.


The said boy was in midair aiming towards the zero pointer. He knew he didn't have a plan set beforehand, but his body moved on instinct at seeing his family in the line of fire. He knew his quirk could take it down but with how large the robot was it would take at least 30 to 45 seconds to bring it down. So, he was going to use his other option.

'I only got one shot at this!' He thought while putting his hands together.

Dark mist surrounding both of his hands and his sclera glowing back leaving his green eyes, inside the mist was an object forming itself into a weapon.

The zero pointer was almost done charging and ready to fire as it's eyes glowed. As it tilted its head back slightly, everyone on the ground held their breaths as they got ready for the inevitable attack but at the same time…

Izuku's eyes widened for a fracture as he suddenly burst through the air with more speed and the black mist finished forming and disperse, showing a long black one-sided scythe. The blade was glowing with a dark green color as if it was drained while a black shroud of darkness surrounded the blade. Izuku was now close to the pointer's body and knew it was time to strike.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Gripping the blade with all his strength he drew back and swung the scythe downwards at the pointer. A slash was heard and Izuku went through the pointer as its body was cleave in half diagonally. The beam was stopped immediately as the energy from the pointer died before it started falling towards the ground.

Katsuki eyes widened in awe, seeing his friend take out the zero pointer by himself, as did Ochaco's and Tsuyu's. Izuku then landed on the ground in front of them, his form a few feet away from the girls before the robot was then engulfed in waves of darkness in the background. Suddenly the darkness dispersed, and it showed the destroyed metal laying on the ground. Izuku's scythe suddenly transformed back into mist and vanished.

All the examinees were in shock at the event that had transpired in from of them, a zero-pointer rampaged through the city almost killing them but was immediately stopped by a single boy with green hair, the same boy they gave wary glances. This kid saved them.

Izuku turned back to Ochaco and Tsuyu as they were still stunned from what just happened. He gave them a small smile, muttering a few words towards them before he suddenly felt the energy leave his body and he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

Before he could completely fade into unconsciousness, he could the teacher signaling the end of the entrance of exam but, what was more important was someone frantically calling his name in worry and then his eyes slowly closed as he faded into a blissful sleep.


"You dummy!"

"You damned nerd!" Ochaco and Katsuki yelled in anger as they both glared at death user who was sitting on the bed in a seiza position. They were all in the infirmary waiting for him to wake up from the entrance exam.

The attack that Izuku did to the zero-pointer scared them all, except Eri who was happily sucking on a lollipop given to her from Recovery Girl. The little girl was settled in Tsuyu's lap playing on her 3DS, waiting for time to pass by, the former was a little confused on Eri's attitude. All of them were, she seemed way too relaxed seeing as how she's usually the first one besides Ochaco to worry about Izuku. Seeing her sitting casually on Tsuyu with no panic expression on her face, kind of worried them.

They were going to ask her if anything was wrong, but they were all stopped by a groan that came from bedside meaning Izuku woke up and saw that he was in the infirmary. And the first thing he received when waking up were the sounds of Ochaco and Katsuki angered and annoyed voices in his eardrums.

"Uh… hi guys." He said in a nervous tone. Ochaco raised her hand to his right ear, grasping it and then pulled it… hard. "Ow…owowowowow."

"Hi?... Hi!... You recklessly jump towards a robot that was on the verge of killing us, use your power that we were SUPPOSED to hide from others with no hesitation, destroyed the robot and then PASS out afterwards worrying us to death, and after all of that the only you say to us is HI!?" Ochaco yelled at the end, her voice rising higher with each word she spoke.

Izuku gulped at the fury of the girl, while Katsuki instantly backed off from his spot and stood over by the other two with a flat expression on his face.

"Not going to scold him any further?" Tsuyu asked her companion as he simply scoffed and turned his head away.

"Round Face has got that pretty much covered." He answered. He wouldn't admit it but he was scared of Ochaco in that moment. He knows that look when from his parents when his father messed up big one time and his mom had this look of murder on her face.... Yeah, he did not sleep that night hearing his father's cries of agony.

Putting that aside, Katsuki thoughts directed towards what Izuku did in the exam. What was that move anyway? He looked like the modern version of the grim reaper and he summoned its weapon out of nowhere. Like he was able to gain control over his ghost and was able to manifest his power.


"Deku, I swear if you do something that stupid or reckless again, I will float you to sun a million times over until that skull of yours is completely fried… understood?" Ochaco warned him with a fierce gaze as the latter quickly nodded his head.

"Good." She said as she released his ear with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Scary…" Izuku muttered to himself, forgetting that Ochaco was still near him but was glad that she didn't notice.

"Now Izuku…" Ochaco started in a stern tone as she sat down beside him, the latter knew he was in trouble. "… do you want to tell me what the heck was that move you did back at the exam?" she asked him.

"That move of yours was pretty cool to see Izuku, but at the same time it was concerning, ribbit." Tsuyu said as she placed a finger near her chin. "I thought we agreed that none of us would show our other powers to anyone else."

Katsuki sent a glare at him.

"Yeah you stupid nerd, not only that but you also looked like you and Death were on the same page." The blonde growled in irritation. "I thought you both were still at odds with each other.

Izuku inwardly sighed to himself as he knew that they were right. He was supposed to keep his powers quiet but he couldn't help it. Seeing all those examiners along with the three other hosts in danger… his body just moved on his own like it was on auto-pilot. As if he couldn't just stand there and watch as the robot came by and killed them.

The green-haired let out a dry laugh as he went over the fact about still saving people even when he didn't want to.

And here I thought I got it out of my system.' He pondered before speaking aloud. "I'm sorry. I knew that I was suppose to follow that rule too but I couldn't help it… I couldn't just stand by and watch those I care about get hurt or worse." He said with a somber tone as he looked down at his hands. "I just needed to do something… anything… just to keep it from happening again." He finished but they all knew the words that were left ranging in the air.

I wasn't gonna let you anyone get hurt again, not when I could do something about it.

They all knew what he was feeling and understood why. Tsuyu understood as she thought back to the nights Izuku would come home looking gloomy and more upset than usual, it would mean that he had kill someone again and had to collect another soul. She would feel sad for him because it was not only his job but because he had to otherwise someone else would have to die an early death all because he chose not to kill whose suppose to die on their death date. He literally has no choice.

Katsuki inwardly growled at the thought when he heard Izuku talking about not wanting a repeat of what would happened. Not that he blame him, if anything he blamed the project and the people in charge for giving him this. He understood because like Izuku he had to shed some blood too, but he gets a thrill out of it because of War. His embodiment needs the bloodshed and violence of humans in order to grow stronger and wants nothing but destruction, similar to his own character in some ways. His childhood friend however, didn't deserve that. If anything Izuku deserved to be a hero, he deserves more than any of them in the room seeing as how he would always help others without hesitation.

Fate really is cruel to the innocent.

Ochaco understood more than both of them, like Katsuki she knew Izuku more than he knows himself. His attitudes, his actions, everything. So, knowing that he was feeling scared made her heart ache, she knew that he would be constantly haunted by those he killed in the past and present, has nightmares every night and battle his inner demon trying to form a stable bond with Death. As far as she knew, he was still a little rocky with his ghost but they're making some progress. She knew that he was always trying his hardest to keep them safe and himself under control, she could tell that he was full of stress and that's he burning himself out and it's only a matter of time before it all takes a toll on him.

They were all brought of their deep thoughts when they heard a yawn come from their friend who was trying his hardest to keep his eyes open. They could see that he was still a little exhausted and his shoulders were tense. Ochaco silently giggled before climbing into the bed with him and move a hand to the back of his head, bringing it down to her lap causing the latter to stutter.

"O-O-Ochaco!?" he called out to her but she just shook her head with a soft smile on her lips.

"Relax Deku." She said as she started carding her fingers through his messy locks of green hair. The feeling of her fingers rubbing his scalp caused the boy to calm down and let out a sigh of contempt before he found himself burying his face into his stomach.

You're just like Eri, Deku. You're both too pure for this world you know.' She thought as she continued her ministrations to Izuku's hair.

"Not to be rude or anything…" Katsuki interrupted. "But I still want to know about that move you used during the exam nerd."

Izuku slowly turned his head from famine user's stomach as he faced the blonde with a sleepy expression. "It was one of the moves I had plan on using when we would get our weapons."

"So you were practicing your weapon in secret instead of training with all of us?" Katsuki accused as Izuku gave a weak glare.

"No, I didn't even think i would be able to form that scythe in the first place." He corrected. When I slashed that pointer in half, i was mostly thinking of something to stop the weapon and i'm still inexperienced with it." He explained as he turned his face back into Ochaco's stomach. "Like I said my body moved on its own." He muffled making the brunette giggle but they all heard his words clearly.

"Whatever." Katsuki sighed.

"Our weapons aside, how did you guys think you did on the exam?" Tsuyu asked. Katsuki gave a proud huff as he smirked at them.

"I know I did better than all those extras around in the stadium. I took out so many of those weak faux villains it wasn't even a challenge. Kind of makes me jealous that we faced only one zero pointer and Izuku got to be the one to take it out."

"Let's not forget, ribbit, that you were laughing like a maniac during the whole thing." Tsuyu pointed out as the blonde turned his head to her too quick as if his neck snapped.

"You heard that Frog Face!?"

"I'm pretty sure everybody throughout the district heard you." Ochaco added slyly as the latter growled at her.

"Really Round Face!?" He yelled with a tic mark on his forehead, his expression getting more agitated by the second.

"Mr. Yagi and Loud Man and I heard Uncle Kacchan from the tall building." Eri voiced as she paused her game and raised her hand to enter the fray.

Katsuki turned to his head to the child glaring at her only for it turn into a deep scowl as he groaned and released a sigh. "Tch… sorry about that kid."

"That's okay Uncle… I found it awesome." She said with a bright smile causing the latter to let out a small smile.

"Wow would you look at that!? Katsuki Bakugo can't get mad at little Eri." The brunette teased earning the blonde's glare once again.

"Round Face!"

"What? If it's me, Deku or Tsuyu you get irritated but when it comes to Eri teasing you, you lose all that heat and accept your fate."

"That's because she allowed to." He said pointing his thumb at the child.

"Right…" Izuku muttered earning a laugh from the brunette and a growl from the blonde.

"That reminds me… Eri." Tsuyu called out to the child as she paused her game and looked straight up at the frog girl.

"Yes Auntie?"

"Why weren't you concerned about Izuku when collapsed at the exam?"

"Oh… Papa did something like this before, back when he was talking to his friend Boney they would always do something like talking or something flashy and then collapse afterwards." Eri explained the best she could. "Boney told me not to worry about Papa because he was okay the next day."

All of them laughed at Izuku's ghost being called Boney instead of Death while the said spirit inside him was uncharacteristically crying in hysterics at being called a nickname in front of everybody. The said boy was blushing and remained in the brunette's stomach to keep from being discovered.

"I guess that answers your question." Katsuki said still laughing as Tsuyu nodded her head.

"It does." Tsuyu said before taking her thoughts to the exam. "I know I at least scored about well on taking out the robots and saved some other examinees when the situation called for it."

"Same here." Ochaco added. "So after this we're suppose to meet up with our parents or the principal of UA right?"

"That's right." A voices turned their heads to the door and saw… a small creature with fur in a suit and tie with brown loafers. He had a scar running down his right eye.

What the?'

"Hello… Mr…" Tsuyu trailed off as she tried to figure out who this small creature was.

"Allow me to introduce myself." The small creature said as he raised his left paw. "My name is Nezu, the one who could be a mouse or a dog or a bear though the only important thing is… I'm the principal."

That left everyone in the room in shock that this tiny dog, bear, mouse or whatever he was the principal of the school.

"He's the principal?" Ochaco and Tsuyu asked.

"Huh, now that's something you don't see everyday." Katsuki shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal that a animal was running the school.

"That's pretty unique." Izuku said as he went into muttering mode in his head about what kind of quirk this small animal had.

"Ooh, a talking animal." Eri said lastly as the principal bowed his head.

"Why thank you, now than shall we get on with some important matter to discuss." Principal Nezu said as he took a seat on a free chair. Everyone then remembered simultaneously what Eri said… there was talking animal right in front of them and he was talking like a human being.

"YOU CAN TALK!?" Everyone but Eri exclaimed.

"First I would like to ask you is how are you feeling? Did the exam go well, meet any new students and make friends, any trouble happened?" Nezu asked in a casual tone making everyone look at him in disbelief like it was no big deal that he was a talking animal.

In the world of quirks, ANYTHING is possible.

"Good, Yes and no." Tsuyu answered the small animal. "If you think anything troubling happened, the only thing that would be is probably because of Katsuki."

"Seriously." Katsuki groaned as he glared at his companion.

"Oh yes, I was able to hear your human friend's joyful laugh from the observation room. In fact I believe the entire city heard it. for miles." Nezu added casually, knowing that the blonde was annoyed as his eyebrows were twitching.

"The exam was actually worth it because it showed the results of our training from the past 10 months." Ochaco said to him with a fierce expression. "It actually makes me excited to think that there are so many students with different quirks to battle and bond with…" she said to herself as a pink aura surrounded her body.

Everyone in the room sweat dropped at the sight.

"She's doing it again." Tsuyu said bluntly.


"Now this is something new to learn, interesting." Nezu said as Eri laughed in a cheerful tone.

Izuku just stared up at Ochaco's expression smiling softly before returning his gaze towards his stomach, he couldn't tell her yet. Not yet. Once he gets these nightmares out of the way dealt with and feels less scared for her, then he'll tell her.

Ochaco was taken out of her demeanor as she noticed everybody staring at her causing the brunette to chuckle nervously while rubbing the back of her head. "Sorry about that. I just love meeting new people."

"That's good, I actually find it fascinating to meet other humans because while some may act the same there is always something different about everyone." Nezu says as he pours himself a cup of tea that he randomly summoned out of nowhere.

Where the heck/hell did he get that tea from?' The four supernatural users thought as Eri closed her game device and let out a small yawn. She leaned her head against Tsuyu's chest and curled herself inwards as the older girl wrapped her arms around the little bundle.

"Ribbit, someone's sleepy."

"Well unicorn did get up early to wake us all up for the entrance exam." Katsuki said with a scowl on his face and his arms crossed as he stared at Eri.

"Yeah she did."

"I think it's best to let her sleep since she's been up all last night playing Animal Crossing." Ochaco said as she stared at her daughter with a soft smile on her face. She felt movement near her stomach and saw that Izuku was also peering at Eri.

"That's bad for her, sleep is very important for someone her age." He said as everybody stared as the other three stared at him. "…What?"

"Not to beat around bush Izuku but you basically did the same thing all the time." Tsuyu stated in a flat tone. "For example, when you were trying to find the right weapons for everyone to use." She brought up as the boy froze up at being called out.

"Pot calling the kettle black here." Katsuki finished with a smirk on his face while the green-haired to become flustered and started stuttering at the idiom.

"W-well that's… because… um…" Izuku tried finding the right words to say only to end up with nothing as he turned his head into Ochaco's stomach and inwardly groaned. The latter patted his head to give him some sort of comfort but even she couldn't help but laugh at his embarrassed face.

"No harm no foul, Deku." She giggled.

"So, I see everyone has had a joyful day so far thanks to the exam." Nezu said as everyone nodded their heads. "Wonderful, now I have two more things I would like to discuss with you before I send you all on your merry way." The fury animal took a sip from his cup of tea before setting it aside. "Where are my matters, would anything you care for a cup of tea?" he offered.

"No thank you sir." Katsuki said as he shook his head while everyone else nodded their heads. Ochaco patted the sides of Izuku's head signaling him to get up. He knew that he would have to move so he lifted his head and sat himself up near the bedpost.


"Yeah, yeah, I got her." he said as he lifted Eri off Tsuyu's lap and onto his resting his hand onto her hair. He slightly stiffened as Eri decided to curl her form into his chest, and his face became slightly flustered.

"Would you look at that, even the great Kacchan can get easily embarrassed. Who's laughing now?"

"Shut…up…Deku." He whispered with a scowl on his face.

"Hmhm, human interactions are certainly fascinating to watch." Nezu said laughing as he watched the display in front of him. "The first thing I wanted to talk to you all about would be if you all would like to reside here in the dorms at UA."

Everyone was confused at his question about the residence in UA.

"I'm sorry I believe I started off with the wrong topic. What I wanted to ask you was about the Project Apocalypse…" he started off as everyone in the room flinched and their expression became dark at the name. Izuku eyes were shifting, changing colors as he tried to stay in control of himself. Ochaco wasn't fairing any better as she clenched the sheets below her so hard that her knuckles were starting to turn white, Tsuyu just stared emotionlessly at the small animal in front of her wondering what kind of game he was after, and Katsuki while he had Eri in one hand resting peacefully, he had his right hand out, smoking and sparking up like fireworks ready to go off.

"…but I will not." His answer caught them off guard. They weren't expecting him to do that, they thought he would've wanted information and want to know how dangerous they were right away.

"I'll let you in on a little secret… about myself." Nezu started as he sat the tea down, before turning to the children in front of him.

"I was tortured before coming to UA by humans as well." He started earning looks of shock from them, not expecting the principal to be like them. "After awhile, I escaped and became a principal here, now doesn't that sound nice." He said with a casual smile on his face as everyone looked at him with blank expressions as they all tried to wrap around their heads that he was talking about it like it was nothing.

"Um principal Nezu sir…" Tsuyu started off earning his attention.


"That's not something to…talk about so casually…" Izuku said slowly.

"The fact that you do talk about it like that is downright creepy." Katsuki added while Ochaco stared at him.

'Why do I get the feeling he has a sadistic side towards that joyful personality of his?' She wondered forgetting the fact that she has some similarities to him.

"It may be but that is me, and well I do tend to scare people around me sometimes."

And he just ignores it like it was nothing to worry about.'

"I won't pry into your lives about what had happened to you during your time being taken. That's all there is to it." He said as he set his tea aside. "However, if something goes wrong you must tell me right away if anything related to you, if you become a danger to the school or worse yourselves. I will do what I must to protect my school, students and teachers."

"Yes sir." They answered immediately understanding his words. If they were a threat, then he would be the first one to know.

"Good, and now number two…. Your parents." He said as all of them became stiffed at the announcement. "They don't know that you are here, nor have we informed them about it yet because you asked us not to. All Might asked me to not reveal yourselves to them yet, so i'm doing what he requested." He stated while taking another drink of his tea.

"Is that why you are asking about the dorms?" Katsuki asked, raising an eyebrow at the fury animal.

"Yes, while I don't understand why you would want to remain hidden from your family you are entitled to have reasons why. Do you wish to see them again?"

Everyone went into deep thought as thinking of their parents.

As Ochaco thought about her parents, she wasn't even too sure if she should. The real reason she wanted to become a hero, was so she could help her parents. They always spent so stuff on her when she needed it but they always refuse to let her help them saying they were okay. It may sound a bit selfish wanting to be a hero for money but she only needed it so she could pay her parents back for all the stuff they did for her. One of her real intentions of being a hero and the other was for Eri.

Katsuki thought about the old hag and old man when he heard the term parents. As much as annoying his mother was, he truly did miss her. The heated arguments which was their normal antic for them he missed it, yelling at her and cursing her out while she did the same he missed it. He would never admit aloud to the others but he did love his parents and wanted nothing more than to hug them right now.

Tsuyu didn't really have a home to go back to since her family was dead and gone. While she is still somewhat angry and hurt at their deaths, she accepted the fact that they were gone and she had gotten her revenge for them when she escaped. The only problem was where she would go and that's where Katsuki came in. He offered her into his family with open arms if she didn't have anywhere else to go, if she was honest she would never thought in a million years that the explosive blonde would welcome her into his family. Maybe because they got close over the years… she always knew that there was a nice guy inside him… even if he does threaten to kill people every time… but that's what made him who he is.

Izuku… Izuku didn't know what to do… If there was anything in life that he was scared of more than anything besides losing his family… it was seeing his mother again. How long… how long has it been since he's seen her in person… how long has it been since he's seen her smile… The important thing on his mind that he was worried about is… acceptance.

Would his mother still accept him for all killings he has done, what he's turned into… the monster/reaper he has now become… or will she turn him away.....

He didn't know… he didn't want to know but as the same time he does… he wants to see mother again so bad. She would always take care of him with his nightmares, always make sure he was safe and was the first to believe that even when he was quirkless… he could become a hero.

I want to see her… I need to see her.' he thought to himself with resolve. As he looked upwards, he met his eyes with his other companions and saw that they had the same determination within in their eyes.

"Yes… I want to see my mother."

"I want to see my parents again." Katsuki said to the small creature before turning his head over to Tsuyu. "Plus, I'm sure they want to know what friends i've made over the past couple of years."

"Ribbit." She croaked happily while she peered down at Eri in Katsuki's lap wondering how her adoptive little sister would feel at meeting new people.

"So, when are you ready to see your parents?" Nezu asked. "Now or in UA."

"Right now." They all answered simultaneously.

The small took one final sip of his tea before placing the empty cup down and nodded his head. "Very well, I'll contact All Might and Captain Naomasa."

Everyone just nodded their heads as they were now facing one of the many obstacles that will cross their paths.

It's time for a reunion.

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