
Project Apocalypse

What if they didn't meet at the UA through normal means? What if they weren't able to become heroes because of their own demons? Four teens kidnapped four years before canon? Gone were normal teenagers and in were incarnates of Death, War, Famine and Pestilence. Can they become heroes or will they be casted aside and be seen as nothing but evil?

ChaosHellLaser · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Disturbing News

Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa was in his office at his desk in annoyance. He just got done arresting and putting away the villain that All Might had dropped off, and now he has two files sitting on his desk waiting to be read.

"*sigh* Evil never sleeps." He said as he sat down and opened the first file. As he read the contents, he went over a few pictures first, he saw a photo of a mutilated body and a head severed with blood leaking making the captain cringe in disgust.

Setting the photo aside, he came onto another dead body on this one was badly burnt and there was fire still licking the skin leaving burnt flesh or what was left of it. He grimaced at the photo once again before setting it aside and looked through the rest of them.

All of photos were gruel and gory as most of them involved chopped heads, severed or crushed limbs, and gouged eyes. Honestly, this was too much.

It wasn't a big deal until, Naomasa looked up at the title of the case and the names of the people that were killed in these photos.

One of them was a very particular name that he knew too well.

The Eight Precepts of Death.

Kai Chisaki aka: Overhaul {Status: Unknown}

Hari Kurono aka: Chronostasis {Status: Unknown}

Rikiya Katsukame: {Status: Deceased} {COD: Poisoned to death}

Shin Nemoto: {Status: Deceased} {COD: Impaled by multiple concrete reinforcement bars}

Kendo Rappa: {Status: Deceased} {COD: Blown to pieces, lower body remains left}

Toya Setsuno: {Status: Deceased} {COD: Cut in Half}

Yu Hojo: {Status: Deceased} {COD: Decapitation}

Soramitsu Tabe: {Status: Deceased} {COD: Head Blown off}

Deidoro Sakaki: {Status: Deceased} {COD: Burnt to Death}

Hekiji Tengai: {Status: Deceased} {COD: Severed Arms and missing eyes}

Naomasa was left in a state of shock at what he just read. Eight out of ten violent criminals of the Yakuza were killed just like that. And the photos showed that the bodies were barely recognizable. It was like whoever fought them gave had a grudge or score to settle and gave them brutal deaths.

The detective honestly felt a little sick to his stomach, wondering that whoever killed them was related to this mess.

'The Yakuza, that's the group Nighteye and his agency had their eye on for months. Something that the leader was doing when people started going missing.' Naomasa recalled. He remembered when the

Could it have been a gang war, or it was an operation gone wrong? There were too many variables in this. It wasn't until he realized that he looked up back at Overhaul's and Chronostatis status, they were still missing.

Well not for long. Suddenly a scream echoed through the department and Naomasa rushed out of his office and into the main hall his gun ready for who was here.

"What's wrong what happened?" he asked frantically. In the room all the cops around him were frozen in shock and horror as if they saw something so frightening. A female cop beside him shakily pointed towards the box at the door of the department.

"There's…the box…you need to see the box." She said. Naomasa slowly nodded his head and walked over towards the box. It was a big box and inside was a cooler.

…Wait a minute, a cooler?

Naomasa approached the said object and put away his gun before kneeling. He then reached his hands towards the handle of the cooler very slowly, sweat started dripping down his forehead. His hand gripped the handle and he let out a small gulp in anticipation.

Grasping the handle, he then opened the cooler very fast, too fast and out came a head rolling on the floor. The head stopped rolling onto the side and revealed the face, the mouth was wide open, and it had one eye missing while the other was blood red and had a huge hole in the middle of the forehead.

'Oh my god.' Naomasa thought grimly as he heard a few detectives screamed at the sight of the head or others lose their lunches into trash bins. He was compelled to do the same, but he fought the urge and kept himself from doing so.

He examined the facial features of the head and instantly realized who it was…

'That's Kai Chisaki!' He thought before looking back into the box. He found a small note inside with blood all over it. He carefully picked up the note and turned it over seeing words written in black.

How do you like my gift? Sorry but this poor bastard deserved it after everything he did. Two more boxes of his body parts and that other mask freak are scattered within the police station, go ahead and find it. Oh, one more thing, expect to find the next box you receive with a video on it.

Have Fun!

"Well that's one person I found, but where is his assistant?" He asked until he saw another picture.

P.S. Here's a preview of the other masked freak when you find him.

Picking it up he saw something and immediately paled at what was on it. He quickly ordered someone to pick up the boxes and take them to the coroner before running to the nearest trash bin…and lost his lunch.

Whoever did this…. has a sick twisted personality and was a serial psychopath.


After breakfast, Ochaco and Izuku were sitting on a couch in the living room with Eri and Katsuki on the floor, the latter holding the former in his lap as she played on a 3DS.

He introduced the young girl to it when they were alone in the house one day and curiosity got the best of her. Unfortunately, he did not have any games that were non-violent so before he let play the device he bought her Animal Crossing and let her figure out her way to play.

He would never live that down thanks to Round Face, he would never admit it but if pushed the wrong way, she could be scary as hell.

"Look!" Eri shouted bringing the blonde out of his thoughts. Turning to the child he saw the image showing a little house with a few people celebrating around. "I build a house!"

"That's…great kid…" he said trying to find the right words to say.

"Mama! Papa! Look!"

"Aw, you build a little house all by yourself." Ochaco cooed at the child before pinching her cheeks. "I'm so proud of you~~"

"Ahh! Mama! Stop no pinching." Eri whined waving her hands at her mother's trying to get the pinchers off her cheeks.

"I can't help it your so cute~~!" Ochaco said as she continued pinching the child. Katsuki just rolled his eyes before turning his head back to the Tv while Izuku flipped through channels. Then something caught his attention.

"Deku." He called.


"Go two channels back and turn up the volume." Katsuki said, Izuku complied and went back to the channel number being the news and turned up the volume.

"We are live in Hosu City, where a team of Pro Heroes have taken down a slime villain and rescuing a number of citizens. The slime villain attempted to consume citizens and use their own quirks against the public wreaking havoc."

"A slime villain?" Izuku said. "I wished I was there to see it, or if they have any live footage of the fight that would be great."

"Please don't, it's annoying enough that you already got us and all the other heroes you have in your book." Katsuki said with an irritated expression. "Do you really need to add more?"

"Yes Kacchan." He answered sternly. "You never know what's going to happen against someone with a powerful quirk… you need to know their advantages, strengths, weaknesses, pretty much everything about their quirk." He explained.

"I was being sarcastic." Katsuki shot with a scowl.

"Then you should've said it was a rhetorical question." Izuku fired back earning a giggle from Ochaco who was still occupied with Eri's cheeks, the latter pouting as she gave up on stopping her mother.

"Whatever, stupid Deku." The blonde said returning his head to the screen.

"In other news, while that was going down, another incident took place as the hero Endeavor fought against a villain with a fire quirk. His fire was stronger than the number two hero's but thanks to the intervention All Might, the number one and two heroes were able to beat him. The fight between these two heroes and villain reminded me of a similar incident that took place a few years back in Tokyo where A-rank Villain Blaze—


All heads were confused as the tv suddenly turned off.

"Hey Deku! Turn the Tv back on will ya!" Katsuki said in an annoyed tone turning his head to look at Izuku only to see the latter leaving the room. Ochaco stared at the spot, Izuku was in earlier before letting go of Eri.

"Katsuki, please watch Eri for a second. I'm going to go talk with Deku." She said to the hothead who knew something was wrong and nodded his head.

"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure Deku doesn't get all sappy and what not, it annoys me to no end when he's like that." He scoffed at the brunette then turned his attention to Eri. "Come on brat, show me what else you build on that game."

The child ignored his temper at the sound of him wanting to see what else she created on her game brought excitement to her eyes and she ran over to him before proceeding to show him her creations.

The brunette silently thanked him for distracting Eri before leaving and went to find Izuku. She knew what was going through his head and he could have another episode any minute. Out of everybody, when it came to mental breakdowns, Izuku had the worst.

Katsuki was a best second. He barely had any episodes of his own but because of his explosive temper and personality combined with being a bit of a battle freak, she assumed he was close. Then came her and Tsuyu. She walked up the steps and arrived at his room which was right across from hers paused. Taking a small breath, she grasped the door knob and turn the handle slowly, opening the door as creaking sound was heard.

"Deku." She called softly as she peered her head inside the room. Looking around she saw him curled up in a ball, in the farthest corner from the door and windows. Ochaco entered the room and then closed the door behind her, walking over to him she crouched down and sat beside him once more. She could feel his aura, it was becoming hollow.

The air around them was giving a deathly chill but it didn't bother her, his form was trembling, and his breathing was erratic. He was starting to hyperventilate.

"Izuku…" she called him as she slowly grasped both of his hands. He flinched at the contact she ignored it and slowly removed his hands, so she could see his face, once done she was met with scared green eyes.

"Izuku, breath." She cooed as she brought his head into an embrace and started running her fingers through his hair to comfort him. It seemed to be working as she felt him starting to slow down and his breathing was returning to normal.

"Ochaco…" he called weakly as his green eyes focused onto her chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey there." She said. "You back in the real world?"

Izuku frowned at her words knowing what she was talking about. If he was lost it meant he was close to having another episode.

"It happened again… didn't it?"

"Yes." Ochaco answered as she continued playing with his hair.

"I can't believe he's still here… even after breaking my mother's heart, he's still roaming free like the villain he is and yet… I haven't killed him." Izuku said as his hands started shaking in anger. "I haven't gone out and killed him for everything he did. To society, to those people, my mother… and me.

His eyes then started glow as his death alter ego took over. "I should go and find him and send his rotten corpse straight to h-"

"Izuku." Ochaco called out to him, her voice tone filled with authority. Izuku glared with raging eyes into her own calm ones, she was accepting his challenge. He was about to grab her arm, but she was faster than them. She used her free hand to grip his forearm and stared into his eyes.

"Calm down." She ordered using her own voice instead of having help from her own alter ego. She knew it would be enough.

As if a flip switch in his head, Izuku immediately snapped out of his state and realization quickly hit him as soon as he saw his arm grip by her hand.

"…I'm sorry." He apologized as he lifted his head. He was about to move away but Ochaco placed a hand underneath his chin turning his attention to her.

"It's okay." She said softly before pulling him and herself up from the floor. She then noticed the circles around his eyes. When was the last time he slept?

"You need some rest." She said as he shook his head negatively.

"I'm okay." He objected softly but Ochaco was having none of his stubbornness right now, his sleep is more important.

"Deku." She called out to him with a stern tone. He flinched at her tone before frowning and turning his head away from her.

"I don't want to deal with the nightmares again." He whispered to himself as he remembered his latest nightmare from before.

"Do you want me to stay?" she asked him.

"Uh, um n-nno that's okay. I… I'll be fine." He stuttered.

'Deku' Ochaco let out a sigh as she gazed at him with sad eyes. She knew that he wouldn't lean on her or anyone for help, he doesn't want to be a burden to anybody.

Not like it will stop her.

"You're resting." She said firmly before touching his cheek gently. Izuku looked confused before realizing what she was doing but it was already too late as the brunette's hand glowed with a pink aura before fading away. Few seconds later, he felt dizzy and tired as he started wobbling backwards.

Ochaco placed her fingers on his forehead as pink sparkles glittered above him, suddenly he was floating in the air, weightless as the brunette slowly dragged his form over to the bed. Once his shadow was over the mattress, she draped the covers down before pressing her fingers together as pink sparkles glittered around her hands and he dropped onto the bed.

Once he was down, she climbed into the bed with him and draped the covers over them both as she stared at Izuku.

"O… Ochaco… that… wasn't fair." He tried to glare at her, but he didn't have the strength to do so.

"I'm sorry Deku, but you need to sleep. You been sleep deprived long enough." Ochaco said placing a hand on his cheek with a soft smile. "Go to sleep, I'll be right here with you." she then pressed her lips against his temple.

Izuku tried to fight the urge to sleep but with Ochaco taking his energy he couldn't fight back. His eyes felt droopy and within seconds he succumbed to sleep. Releasing her lips, the brunette gazed down at the boy in front of her.

'He's so cute when he's sleeping.' She thought lovingly as she carded her fingers through his hair giving comfort. She then frowned as she remembered him mentioning that he didn't want to go back to the nightmares.

He sounded so scared as if he saw something traumatizing, it explains the dark rings around his eyes. The nightmare he's experienced, they always kept him from getting sleep. She could take a guess on what they were but never said anything about it.

Ochaco sighed to herself as she wrapped an arm around the boy's back pulling herself closer. "Sleep well, Deku." She said pressing a kiss to his cheek. She leaned her forehead against his and let sleep take her.

Minutes later, the door opened silently revealing Eri and Katsuki. Eri was getting tired and she wanted to sleep on Katsuki's lap. The latter didn't mind but he had somewhere to go and he needed to find Frog Face, so he went to set her with Deku and Round Face only to find the two asleep.

"Of freakin' course." He muttered to himself in slight irritation. Eri let go of his hand and made her way to the bed before climbing up onto it. She slipped twice trying to climb and the blonde was about to help her, but she succeeded on the third try. She crawled her tiny knees over their legs and positioned herself in between the lovebirds with her head underneath their chins.

She let out a tiny little yawn and then dozed off with a peaceful look on her face. Closing the door gently, Katsuki left the three alone before heading out with a location in mind and an objective.


Tsuyu was a normal girl who was straightforward with everything she said and done and was a laidback individual. Now she's a girl with a new family, new lifestyle and a killer.

The last one hurt her heart a lot.

She was a killer because of Project Apocalypse, those scientists that experimented on her and her embodiment Pestilence, all just so they can take over Japan.

To think that they could control her after everything they did to her, it was pathetic. She swore to kill them as soon as she broke free of her chains. She thought she could take them on her own, but they caught her when she tried to escape.

She failed time and time again because not only were they prepared for it but at the time she was consumed with hatred. The night they kidnapped her, her family was taken away.

It broke her, she was forced to see them tortured. Their limbs chopped off one by one, injected with numerous poisons, the torture to her family was tearing her apart. No matter how many times she begged, no matter how many times she pleaded her captors to let them go, it was futile.

In the end, she was forced to watch them all get slaughtered like animals. It shattered her soul, she cried her heart out relentlessly. Seeing them hurt because of her… she could never forgive herself for it.

And now here she was in the cemetery in front of four graves, starting from her mother going down to her sister. Each gravestone holding different bouquets of flowers, she would get new ones every two weeks.

"Hi Kaa-san, Tou-san, Samdare-san, Satsuki-san." She started off before her eyes became glossy and tears ran down her cheeks before she could even speak. Soon her body was wracked with guilt as she collapsed to her knees and gripped the grass beneath her.

"I'm sorry… I'm so sorry." Tsuyu said solemnly as she remained on her knees, sobbing to herself as she relived the memories of her family before their last moments alive.

She didn't know how long she was in the cemetery nor did she care, she didn't even hear Katsuki approaching her and sat beside her, rubbing her back as she cried her heart out. The only thing that mattered right now was her previously deceased frog family.

It started raining sometime after she started crying but she paid no mind to the weather, she was still reeling from reliving the memories of her family's deaths. She stared at the ground with dead eyes before gazing up at the gravestones.

"Gomenasai, family." She said as she walked from the graves and towards the path leading back to the entrance, with Katsuki not far behind as the latter stared at the gravestones making a silent promise to them before following her.

Little did they know that someone from afar was watching them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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