
Progress Under the Sun

The story starts with the death of Ra (the sun god) and as long as Ra is dead the sun will not shine putting the people of Egypt in darkness forever, one god had attained the Blood of Ra, and this god's name was Imhotep the god of healing and medicine. Through his countless experiments on the blood, he could duplicate it. He gave this blood to the divine doctors(people contracted to him, through that contract they’d gain his powers). They misunderstood the assignment and started experimenting with the blood on children, trying to create a new sun god, a new Ra. Here’s where our main character's parents come in. Magnolia’s mother was pregnant with him, and about to give birth.

Progress_uts · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Magnolia starts walking, surprisingly his father's footprint was still edged into the sand. Isamu's footprint led Magnolia to an oasis, with palm trees, rocks, and a lake of water that was no more than 3ft, Magnolia stopped walking as he heard talk, he could recognize his father's voice but not the other man's, he slowly crept up to a rock and hid behind it, his head of black hair and his sliver eyes peaking and listening to the conversation. 


"I don't know what happened, after the incident we relocated to a small shack I own," Isamu said.


"We?" asked the Egyptian general

 "Ah-h yes me and my son," Isamu said with a slight stutter. 


"what caused your sudden arrangement?" asked the Egyptian soldier

"Ohh uh, some drunks were fighting in that alleyway on the side of my house and busted a hole through it," Isamu said with slight hesitation, his eyes leaving the general's gaze in front of him. 


The general touched the right side of his ear, he seemed to be listening to something. 


"He's lying…..bring him in." the voice of Neitiqerty Siptah through an earpiece said


"Yes sir." replied the Egyptian general 


the general raised his hand, and multiple soldiers started to appear, all in the shadow of black with the pharaoh's eye on their right shoulder. "Wh-what's the meaning of this?!? What do I do?" Isamu started to panic 


Isamu knew he could take on at least one of these soldiers but there looked to be at least 20 of them, this was bad. 


"It's not what you did, it's what you said. You're a bad liar." said the Egyptian firmly.


Magnolia was looking on, watching his father converse with this unknown man, he looked like royalty, the royals never really bothered to interact with the "lower life forms", as they so put it. 


Magnolia was lost in thought when soldiers suddenly surrounded his father. He widened his eyes and left the rock. 


"Father!!!" Magnolia yelled out to his father 


Both the general and Isamu turned their heads to see a small black hair and silver-eyed boy run towards them from behind a rock. The general lifts one finger. Then one of the soldiers grabbed Magnolia and pinned him to the sand. 


"Stop what are you doing? He's Innocent, he doesn't know anything."Isamu said in a panicked voice, as he ran towards the soldier. 

"Hold, if you want your son to live, tell us the truth." said the Egyptian general 

Isamu turned around, looking the general in the eyes with a seriousness that could only be classified as a father's wrath. 


"Oh? He has a heart, here I thought you were only muscles with no brain or balls from how you act." The general said with a condescending tone. 


"It's easy, tell the truth or your son dies." 


Isamu looked at his crying son and gridded his teeth. 


"Fine," said Isamu hesitantly


"Adda boy, finally we're getting somewhere." responded the Egyptian general


Isamu explained the whole night to the general with no stutter. 



 The general touched his earpiece and spoke. 

Magnolia heard a voice, it kept repeating the same line "Fire burns everything". 


Fire burns everything, love, despair, hatred, everything. Let your emotions burn brighter and turn those traitors into ash. 


The soldier that had knocked magnolia out was feeling an abnormal heat from the sun, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then he felt two small scorching hands burning his neck, he turned around and the boy was glowing his heat-matching the celestial body of the sun. "DIE!" Magnolia said, sending shivers down the man's shine. 


The man was turned to nothing but ash on the ground, this disturbance gathered the attention of the other soldiers and the general. 

"Quite interesting indeed." said the general 

 The general tapped his earpiece twice. 

 "My lord, are you seeing this?" 


"We found him!! The one who stands atop the pyramid of Gods, the one who conquered the sun itself!! Ra…. How fascinating, did you think you could hide forever?" said Neitiqerty Siptah 

Magnolia rose from the ground, the remaining soldiers surrounding him. He looked at this with the rage of the sun, he gritted his teeth and let out a scream, his form was floating in the air, and his body released a solar heat wave that turned all of the remaining soldiers to ash. Once he thought the battle was over his feet touched the ground. 

"That's all…." said Magnolia 


"indeed." Magnolia's eyes widened as the voice of the general was behind him and he was chopped in the back of the neck, losing consciousness. 


"To think a boy would wipe out a platoon of soldiers. He even forced me to use my contact"