
Progress Under the Sun

The story starts with the death of Ra (the sun god) and as long as Ra is dead the sun will not shine putting the people of Egypt in darkness forever, one god had attained the Blood of Ra, and this god's name was Imhotep the god of healing and medicine. Through his countless experiments on the blood, he could duplicate it. He gave this blood to the divine doctors(people contracted to him, through that contract they’d gain his powers). They misunderstood the assignment and started experimenting with the blood on children, trying to create a new sun god, a new Ra. Here’s where our main character's parents come in. Magnolia’s mother was pregnant with him, and about to give birth.

Progress_uts · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Magnolia was walking in endless

darkness, he didn't know where he was, nor did he know what he was or

what he did. He's killed people

and the stress and trauma were aching at his Head.

 there was a pinging sound hitting,

his ears like a million drums. He gritted his teeth and grabbed his head, tears flowing freely from his

eyes, a disheveled look on his face.

 "Just...just stop, just stop,"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Silence….... As soon as the being spoke all the

loudness and mind-aching sounds went away. Magnolia looked up,

his tears dried up. 

Magnolia slowly turned his

head to the being that spoke. He

could only see its back, it was sitting, in front of a campfire, a barely lit one,

at that. Magnolia slowly walked over, the being not moving an inch until he reached it.

 As magnolia appeared to

its side he noticed that the being was, rather large and old-looking, he

noticed that the being was male and it,

oddly had a hawk head, its feathers, gray and old, there was a rusted, crown atop his head and he was,

wearing a tattered white robe on a

man's body.


"Who - who are you?"

The man looked at Magnolia "Don't you mean we?"



" Who are we, simple, answer, we are Ra. The sun that fell, all those years ago, and the sun that rose six years ago."

"I don't understand." magnolia replied

 Ra looked at Magnolia with a laid-back expression, his eyes scanning, Magnolia.

 Ra lifted his arm as he placed his hand on Magnolia's head, and then spoke.

" All will connect in your mind, eventually, now awake, Me."

 "Wait, I'm not don-" Magnolia did not even get a chance to finish his sentence as he opened his eyes, jumping out of the bed he was previously, lying in.


"Oh, you're finally, awake, little volcano." Magnolia looked directly at the

Man, it took a moment for his eyes to

center, but when he recognized the

Man, he leaped at him with a punch, the general caught it with ease which,

confused Magnolia, he was wondering why his fist wasn't on fire.

The general spoke as he swept Magnolia's legs, causing Magnolia to fall, the general placed his hand on Magnolia's back. Magnolia let out a grunt.


"You might've killed my men but that was only due to your

awakening, nothing more, nothing less." said the general


The general looked at Magnolia's

eyes and saw tears, then Magnolia


" You-you killed my father...!"

 The gentleman grimaced. To see such hurt in his eyes at such a young age, Magnolia reminded him of himself. "Your father isn't dead, and if you want to see him again straighten up and follow me." 

 Magnolia's eyes visibly widened, as

he got up and wiped his tears after

the general let his arm go.

Magnolia followed the general out of

the door his white baggy pants

scorched at the ends.

 Magnolia and the general walked

into a room, Magnolia noticed that

there was a lot of people, a lot of

people looking at him or the general.

He began to hear whispers among the

crowd, "That's him, that's the boy that

killed a platoon of elite soldiers" no

way, that kid, he looks like he's scared of his own shadow".

"SILENCE!!!!" Everyone looked up at the voice,

Magnolia included.

'Now that I have your attention. All of you are here today because you enlisted or you

were recruited. You will be trained efficiently, if you don't possess a

contract, you will be given one, as long as it connects with you. Now any


 A random man spoke up.

Not to ask anything of you

but why are there kids here my lord?

 Kids? Ahhh yes,

these children are the next generation

of the assault squad, they manage to

awaken only at the ages of five, six

and seven.

 The crowd parted to reveal eleven

children standing in a group. Magnolia

noticed from behind the general that

the boy in the front of the group of

child was fiercely glaring at the


 My lord, don't

forget about are Star here.

The general spoke in a teasing

voice as he stepped out of the way for

everyone to see Magnolia.

 Ahh yes, the boy

who wiped out a single platoon of

soldiers by himself and he forced my

general to use his contract.

everyone looked at Magnolia either

with angry or curiosity, either way

Magnolia felt the smallest in the room

right now.

Why'd the pharaoh and the

General must call me out like that.

 Magnolia thought with anxiety. He

was brought out of his thoughts when

a girl came up to him. The girl looked

about his age with lightskin, boxish

face blue eyes and a baby face, she

was wearing an assistant nurse

uniform. She waved her hand in

Magnolia's face and spoke.

Hey weird eyes boy.

Weird? Me?

Come with me, if you don't

want to get trampled by all these over

zealous men and women.

Magnolia followed the girl, he

noticed she was leading him to the

other ground of kids. When Magnolia

reached the boy that was previously

glaring at the pharaoh spoke,

Mr super star.

The boy stuck out his hand in a

handshake gesture and spoke his


My name is Poison, what's


Poison is lightskin medium sized for

his age, Roundish face

with shallow cheek bones, with brown

hair and green eyes. Magnolia noticed

Poison was taller than him.

Magnolia took the hand and shook it

and gave his name.


Poison smiled and pointed at the

boy on the right of him.

That's Kibo

Kibo had brown skin smallish face,

large eyebrows for his age, multi

colored eyes (white and blue), he has

long shaggy dark blue hair and he

wears baggy pants with a tight shirt.

Kibo gave Magnolia no mind and

started twisting his hair. Poison

pointed to the side of Kibo.

That's Amelia.

Amelia smiled and gave a small

wave. Amelia had dirty blonde hair,

with sapphire eyes, her skin was white

and her facial cheeks were fat, she

was short. she wears loose clothes.

Poison then pointed to the left of him.

That's Abraham

Abraham adjusted his glasses and

nodded at Magnolia. He had brown

skin with a roundish face and oval

eyes, his eyes were brown. He wears a

a long sleeve and loose fit pants, he

was taller than Magnolia.

You already met Luna I


Magnolia nodded his head. Then

Poison pointed to the boy beside


That's Matthew.

Matthew was lightskin, he had

black hazel eyes with a long face, he

was also skinny wearing tight clothes.

Poison pointed to the girl, right of


That's Valentina.

She glanced at Magnolia then

looked away. She was a tan white

color, her eyes are gray and her hair is

blackish brown, she's wearing a black

shirt with shorts. Poison pointed to

the boy leaning on the wall.

That guy is Sous

Sous has a roundish face, a slim

body, orange eyes and black hair and

brown skin, he wears shorts and no


Poison pointed to the girl leaning

on Sous.


She is Sofia, Sous's sister. Sofia has brown skin but a little lighter than Sous, she has small orange eyes, a round face small lips and her attire is Unholy in a way she wears long pants and a tight top. And last and the only one remaining is Em-

 Poison looked around, not spotted the person he's looking for.

 Hey where's Emma guys? Oh, come on and stop being a big baby.

 Luna dragged Emma from the back of the children, until Emma and Magnolia were face to face. Magnolia noticed that she was shorter than everyone there. Emma looked up at Magnolia with a blush, clearly shy from the encounter. Magnolia took in her appearance, she's a light-skin girl with green eyes and short brownish- blonde curly hair, her hair reaches down to her jaw line. She has a baby face and a birth mark on her upper neck.

Emma and Magnolia continued to stare at each other, Magnolia transfixed by her green eyes and Emma didn't know what to think of


Hey super star.

An arrogant voice approached the group.