
Progenitor Sovereign Saga

Looking down upon those Who dare look up to high Is the sin of man When Jason Bloodswrite is taken through trials to become an adventurer for the kingdom at a young age, things start to go awry quickly as all hell breaks loose and the prophecy that was told eons ago starts to happen. Will Jason be able to survive the days until he can carve out a home for himself? Progenitor Sovereign Saga, Blood Feud is the first book in the Progenitor series. Watch as Jason becomes death incarnate and channels his demons into killing all who dare to oppose him reclaiming his rightful place as ruler. This is the first novel I have written, and if you like it you can also check out Summoners Dilemma, another book in a separate series that is also a part of the Progenitor saga. Once the book is finished, I will have the updated version with all errors removed published on Amazon, and will also have concept art added to some chapters, along with quotes for the chapters leading up to chapter 14.

INK_arcerated · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Hand-To-Hand Master Dueling!

We went back into the building shortly after Seleste showed up. She was apparently a healer for the royal knights, and a priest of Phanes. Phanes was the god of life, and one of the biggest churches of healing in the realm after the collapse of the church of blood. Though the church of blood does still exist he is only taken to be a deity of warriors now.

"Hey, so what happened out there?" Aris asked in a quiet voice. She knew as well as I did that I shouldn't have had enough mana to do what I had done. leaning over closer to her to whisper into her ear as we walked down the stairs, I answered.

"I think that a god invoked some sort of 'divine intervention'. I dont know what more I should tell you other than that."

"What?!" She yelled, startled. everyone looked at me as we continued down the stairs, a curious glimmer in there eyes. they all saw me out there just as mush as Aris did and where all wondering the same thing.


We reached the bottom of the stairs and headed for the training mats that I saw when I first entered. Looking at Aris, I was about to speak when I realized that she was still staring at me, eyes wide, jaw practically on the floor.

"Ok, we will be doing hand to hand combat testing now. Every single person who wants to survive in combat needs to know how to fights hand to had, weather long range or close range. This is because even if you know how to use a sword like a master, it wont count for anything if you are disarmed."

"We will be testing each one of you against Seleste, she is our current martial arts master with us, and will be deciding on how you do on this test." said Frank

Seleste walked out from a door that was positioned behind the middle row of mats, wearing a tight form-fitting combat outfit. from the group someone let out a whistle, but quickly went silent when Fran glared at the boy. Seleste stepped up onto the very center mat, and bowed.

"Ok, Drul, since you thought it would be smart to whistle at her, why dint you get up on that stage and show her you devotion?"

Drul, who paled in complexion, shakily climbed up and onto the stage, bowing back at Seleste. Seleste only smiled menacingly in return.





With the speed of the wind and fluidity, Seleste flowed across the mat towards Drul, quickly reaching him in a matter of not even seconds, sweeping his legs from under him. All we saw was the roof, then he was laying on the mat, face up. Not many fared better against her either. The only ones who were able to dodge her first attack was Darius, Kun, and Destiny. Out of the three of them, Darius didn't actually dodge her attacks but instead infused his whole body with the attribute of stone and stood there, taking her blows until she brought out her secret weapon, flat palm strike to the crotch, leaving him writhing on the ground in pain until she healed him and congratulated him for the smart thinking. She suggested however that instead of imbuing his whole body with stone attribute, to instead focus on just coating his skin in it. Once he got it to there he should try and switch it our with steel attribute, to unlock the skill steel skin.

"Ok, next up is... Aris!

Aris faired better than the other students, growing vines around her arms and then using her Bloody Thorn ability to make her vines have extremely dangerous thorns. However Seleste baiter her into striking at her, then dodged to the side and landed a hit to the back of her neck, knocking her out. That just left one person left to take the test, Jason.

Seleste was very curious of Jason. She had been watching the whole fight that he had with the dummy, and saw when it plunged its blade into his gut. She almost ran out ahead of timing to help him, but was later happy that she didn't because of what she witnessed.

"Ooh, dear Phanes, help us all... I hope you are seeing this."

And indeed Phanes did. She watched her old friend, who she thought dead, the god of blood, Khorne, be brought back to life through the boy who was on stage. The goddess watched through her followers eyes as Khorne was speaking to Jason, before something happened and Jason collapsed to the ground, writhing in his pain. After a moment, he erupted in power that sent a ripple of mana through the crowd, making it so no one remembered what happened. Realizing that this was his moment to leave, Khorne locked eyes with Seleste, then vanished. When she looked at Jason she realized why Khorne was kept alive through Jason. He had planted a god-seed inside of the boy. With a fatality rate of 98% of all god-seed recipients, she was surprised that he was still alive, let alone the fact that that was the fatality rate for adults. For children, which he would have had to have been when it was planted, the fatality rate would be almost as close to 100% as possible. What shocked here even more is that she saw two other seeds within the boy. One seed was pitch black, while the other was glowing so brightly that it only have came from a primordial god.





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If you support me and my work and want more, I will be publishing background chapters of Jason's family. These will be called Herasy chapters. The first one will be after 5 power stones, and will explain who his parents are. After 10 power stones, I will also make the second Heresy chapter explaining who Aalondor is.

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

I will be writing Mondays - Wednesdays to work around school and work, and will be publishing 5 chapters a week (at a minimum).

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