
Progenitor Sovereign Saga

Looking down upon those Who dare look up to high Is the sin of man When Jason Bloodswrite is taken through trials to become an adventurer for the kingdom at a young age, things start to go awry quickly as all hell breaks loose and the prophecy that was told eons ago starts to happen. Will Jason be able to survive the days until he can carve out a home for himself? Progenitor Sovereign Saga, Blood Feud is the first book in the Progenitor series. Watch as Jason becomes death incarnate and channels his demons into killing all who dare to oppose him reclaiming his rightful place as ruler. This is the first novel I have written, and if you like it you can also check out Summoners Dilemma, another book in a separate series that is also a part of the Progenitor saga. Once the book is finished, I will have the updated version with all errors removed published on Amazon, and will also have concept art added to some chapters, along with quotes for the chapters leading up to chapter 14.

INK_arcerated · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Beating a Martial Master!

Seleste came at my like a thunderbolt out of the blue, trying to end the fight as quickly as she had with most of the other students. Imbuing wind into my boots I jumped, launching myself up and into the air, out of her path. Looking up she grinned, before jumping up after me. instead of using wind essence like I had, she used brutal speed to launch herself off the mats, leaving holes where her feet once were stuffing falling all around her.

Using wind essence I imbued it into my aura then projected it outward, creating a gust of wind that sent me to the side, avoiding the rocket like lady that shot past me with a clap of unsettled wind.

"Is she... going all out on a kid?" Frank asked Humphrey in shock.

"... It appears so, may god save his soul."

Jason landed on the ground with a soft 'pap' and started running. He needed a way to move faster, which meant that he needed to try and do something that he had never done before, he was going to try and use a new essence, lightning.

Jason knew that he had a high affinity for magic, but didn't matter at all if he didn't know how to channel a certain element. Focusing internally he imagined lightning, raw energy that shot towards the place it wanted to go. Feeling a storm of mana leaving his reservoir and traveling through his meridians to disperse thickly though his body, he reached out his hand and closed his eyes, imagining a tunnel that was un-seeable forming and transporting himself to the target location.

Looking around that he din NOT do what he intended to do. Remembering that he had a natural affinity for darkness, and that they were in a dark area, he realized that he used shadow teleport.

Seleste, who was watching this, gasped in shock. What most didn't know is that once you start school at the royal academy, they use psyche magic on you to create a system that connects all of the school people together. Some people called this the adventurers system, since most people went to the royal school of magic to become adventurers.

As such she was able to identify the skill that Jason just used, and it was a Diamond rank ability called shadow teleport. Landing on the ground on the other side of the sparring pad from him, she looked at him curiously.

"Who taught you?" she asked

Jason looked on in exasperation. "Like I have already said, I have no recollection of my past!"

At this point Jason was getting annoyed with all the questions about his past. Reaching out his hand, he targeted the spot five feet behind her. closing his fist, he teleported behind her, then lashed out his fist, imbuing in with an aura of shadow and pushing it out in front of him. a shadowy blade was sent flying towards Seleste's back, but where it was supposed to make contact, she seemed to flicker, then disappear. Jumping to try and avoid the strike that he knew was coming, he felt the air whoosh from under his legs, just barely missing him.

"Why is everyone so fixated on who I was before I came here? Why does no one have any answers for me?!" Jason screamed down at her, releasing all his pent up frustration at once. He extended his arms towards her while still in the air, and before she had a moment to move, He pushed all his new mana, that he had in greater quality and quantity, through his body, down his arms, and out his arms. As it exited his hands, he focused on the blood essence.

'They said they want answers, huh? Well Khorne said that if I used my mana enough and improved my abilities enough, I might remember more!'

A blast of mana rocked the building, as red lines of crimson blood shot at Seleste from all angles. As they came at her, they congealed and scabbed up, turning into crimson spears that sook to penetrate her body from all angles.


The room was filled with dust, and it took a long time to for the dust to clear enough for anyone to be able to see see anything. What they saw when the dust cleared however shocked them. Humphrey was standing, holding an unconscious Jason on his shoulder like a limp sack of potatoes. on the other side of the room they could see Frank, who had a tower shield up protecting Seleste. Even though the tower shield was enchanted to be magic resistant, it was completely mangled, and one crimson spice pierced the shield, stabbing him in the arm. Seleste, who was standing behind him, had a golden dome over her, blocking the spears that had gotten around him. Five spears went through the barrier, and two of them hit her, the other three hitting the ground. The who that hit her stabbed into her right thigh, causing minor damage. Raising her hands above her head she channeled her magic, and the wounds of hers and Franks healed up in the blink of an eye.

"We really do need to find out about that boys past, it was already strange that he wasn't on our document, but he is also an extremely strong mage. Frank, Humphrey, do you think that it is possible that he might be a spy?"

"Though it is a possibility that he is a spy, I highly doubted it. The boy swore an oath that he didn't remember anything about his past to me, and as we all know if you swear an oath that is untruthful, then the earth will swallow you hole." Humphrey said.

"Yes, I agree with Humphrey. It is more likely that he was the child of a noble family. It is just strange that none of us recognizes his family name. Bloodswrite? I feel like I have heard it many times but cant remember it. It is more likely that someone has cast very strong mind magic on him to keep his identity hidden from everyone, including himself." Frank pitched in.

"Well, whatever he is, I think it is safe to say that he has passed out examination, and we don't have to put him through the final test. along with the fact that he is unconscious and I believe that this would be the smartest idea.

"eye" both Frank and Humphrey agreed at the same time. "I believe that we should also pass his friend, Aris too while were at it". Frank proposed

"Agreed" Seleste responded.

Hey all! sorry I forgot to publish this chapter. As me saying sorry, I haveposted the first Heresy chapter, wich can be found as the very first chapter, and will be my prologue.

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