
Progenitor Sovereign Saga

Looking down upon those Who dare look up to high Is the sin of man When Jason Bloodswrite is taken through trials to become an adventurer for the kingdom at a young age, things start to go awry quickly as all hell breaks loose and the prophecy that was told eons ago starts to happen. Will Jason be able to survive the days until he can carve out a home for himself? Progenitor Sovereign Saga, Blood Feud is the first book in the Progenitor series. Watch as Jason becomes death incarnate and channels his demons into killing all who dare to oppose him reclaiming his rightful place as ruler. This is the first novel I have written, and if you like it you can also check out Summoners Dilemma, another book in a separate series that is also a part of the Progenitor saga. Once the book is finished, I will have the updated version with all errors removed published on Amazon, and will also have concept art added to some chapters, along with quotes for the chapters leading up to chapter 14.

INK_arcerated · Fantasy
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24 Chs


Down in the deepest darkest of holes, far below the earth in a place called the underdark, a thing stirred, made of the infinity of the night sky.

"mMmMmMmMm" it rumbles as it moves for the first time since the last holy war.

"It seems things are getting interesting out there… with gods trying to gain the favor of a mortal, the demon court moving, and a boy who seems to be at the center of it all…"

"Elkin, come here"

From the shadows a form materialized, cloaked in liquid darkness…

"Come now, you should not hide yourself when in my presence. How many times must I tell you this?" With a blast of power the being dispelled the shadows, leaving Elkin without her cloak of darkness.

"Yes, sorry master. It has been a while, "she said.

"Aah yes it has, and you seem to be the same as ever" and indeed she was. With milky white skin, she was a lythe woman, with bright red lips, black hair, crimson eyes, and most notably, fangs to go along with a devilish smile and even more devilish laugh.

"You have served me well for as long as I can remember. Now though, a mortal has caught my eye. I am releasing you from my service." the being spoke with finality.

"No, please… I have served you faithfully and with loyalty, do not get rid of me…" Elkin gasped out through sheer desperation. Although she was already kneeling she was now on her elbows groveling.

"This is not a punishment. You are free from your service and are welcome back as long as you do one thing for me…"

"You must follow a boy who goes by the name of Jason Bloodright. Get him to marry you, and carry his child. Once you return here with his child then I will return you to your position if you so desire"

"Yes, o' Monster Lord, I will do as you wish" Elkin said from her position at the beings feet, before rising up and fading into the shadows.

"Oh, and one last thing. You are free from my service. That means that though I have given you a task you do not have to complete it if you do not want to. You MUST, however , find Jason and become his companion." He knew how things would play out, and knew that Jason was a very important piece in the game of the world. Giving him his daughter would ensure that down the road he would be able to call on the boy. He also knew however that Jason would need the help, and that his daughter would not return bearing his child in the end, but would instead bear the child and not return.

For how could she not, when she was the direct daughter of the progenitor of vampires. Her charm magic was of the highest of ranks and not even gods could stand unaffected by it.

What the Monstrous King did not expect however, is that in sending his daughter away, his own race, the vampires, would rebel against him…