

Author: kriyachauhan
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 87K Views
  • 32 Chs
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What is Professor

Read ‘Professor’ Online for Free, written by the author kriyachauhan, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Marylin Wilson is a medical student and is attracted to her professor, Alessandro Russo, a hot Italian guy. He is extre...


"Marylin Wilson is a medical student and is attracted to her professor, Alessandro Russo, a hot Italian guy. He is extremely talented in his line of work, arrogant, hot-headed, anti-social, alpha male, and not to forget a sexy piece of a hunk. They bicker back and forth. After one incident they got to know that they lust after each other and Marylin decided to seduce his professor, to break him and to bring him to his knees but little did she knows she is underestimating this so-called professor of hers."

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Ufff ! !! !! what a amazing 😍👍😍 story[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]






A amazing 👍😍 story 🤩... fun 😝 and naughty to read 📖 .. . I enjoy 😊 and love reading this book .... recommend others too 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


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