
Professional... otaku?

Dix Rodev, the dysfunctional otaku wakes up in a white emptiness, after successfully committing suicide. There a weird and quirky "boy", or more like entity, greets him to explain whats up with the clichéd "reincarnation" setting. He will have to explore the world of Naruto and handle the challenges coming his way to the best of his abilities. What will he do? The book's cover is not mine. I found it online and didn't see the artist's name. Contact me if you have a problem. At some point the series was cut short due to private life problems. I foolishly changed the status of the novel to "completed" without realizing its finality, that even support can't change it back. So now I had to reupload the whole novel. I hope it will still reach many people, as it did before. Disclaimer: The first half of the novel is about the MC going trough Naruto's early life, finding the best ways to become ridiculously overpowered. It takes a while for the actual story to start. Please bear with it.

HavocHUN · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Winds of War


Important Author's Note:

Whoever read this light novel and got to this point found a most likely disturbing closing chapter, explaining how unwell I was at the time. I felt like at that time that maybe discontinuing the fanfic would be the best idea, while also sharing the rest of the story I envisioned.

Now its been a year since I started writing this novel, and despite everything I am still alive. Also nowadays I felt like I had some inspiration to add to this story once again. I feel like I have much more to tell, and even if it turns out to be a let-down on my part, I want to let out what I hold inside my heart.

Since stopping with this project I started writing another novel, an original this time (Playing with the dead in a new life), which is put on hold now. With all the things that is happening in the world and my personal circumstances standing in the way I lost interest in writing that one and curiously found some inspiration to continue this one. These things change for me all the time, so this won't last long either and I'll maybe 'drop' this one again for a while, and get back to the other one. Sorry, I have a hard time controlling myself.

So now I am back to writing this, I'll take the 'completed' status off and I'll try to add something meaningful to the story, while still keeping myself more or less to the spoiled content. Obviously in a more detailed and (maybe) interesting way.


Suddenly a monitor flickered to life in an unknown, dimly lit room. Those who were there did not get surprised by this fact however, considering the monitor that seemed to be a prototype, or first of its kind, activated exactly at the time when the arranged meeting was supposed to start.

It was impossible to judge exactly what technological era this world belonged to, as humanity seemingly skipped the industrial era and got to using electricity right away. Even this technology seemed to be in its infancy in some aspects, as long-range telecommunication seemed to be only available to the most wealthy or influential people in the world.

The same thing was happening in that room: the most influential people of the world were gathering at the request of one of the members of the meeting. One by one every monitor came to life, containing a single face each, except two, both of which stayed turned off. This was also how it was expected to happen.

The one to call the meeting rose to the occasion of everyone arriving to the conference and greeted everyone present.

"Thank you all for coming, we are here to discuss the concerns regarding each and every one of our countries security and sovereignty. The power balance seems to have broken and if we don't act soon, all of us might end up losing everything in the end. We have to start making decisions about how to protect ourselves, right now."

When the opening speech finished, one by one the other members rose to speak, expressing their thoughts on the matter.

"It is only obvious that all of us would attend this meeting. If you were not the one to initiate it, any one of us would've done so, soon. As you said, the balance of power has shifted and we have to make sure we are not threatened by this. There are some very disturbing reports coming in from the Hidden Leaf, it seems like they managed to acquire some sort of super-weapon or something similar."

The feminine voice that was speaking so far was cut off by a very deep and strong male voice interjecting its owner's experience on the matter.

"Huh! It seems like you got off lightly. All of my spies in the Leaf disappeared overnight, without a single word or chance to report back on the current matters going on in there. The last thing I was notified of is the crushing defeat of the Hidden Sand and Sound. Not like the latter is considered anything but that maniac's personal army. But still, this is too strange."

When he finished a third voice joined the discussion.

"The same happened to us, we lost contact with all of our agents. I have no idea how this could've happened. I've lived long, but this has never happened before..."

The feminine voice answered them in a snappy and annoyed voice. She hated to get interrupted like that.

"So it happened to all of us. Also seemingly the Leaf managed to destroy the whole invading Sand and Sound forces without suffering as much as a cut toe. My agents had the opportunity to see the invasion lasting only a few minutes and the invading forces being swept up by people who were most likely shadow clones possessing extreme might. It is safe to assume that the Leaf is now in possession of a weapon that might endanger the world order that was in place since the last Great Ninja War. It is in out best interest to stop this."

"That is right, but all the previous wars showed us how devastating conflicts of these magnitudes can be. We have to make sure this issue does not escalate."

"Ehh! I don't want war, but I can't say the same for the Leaf! They have an ace in their hand now, who would think that a few nice words would keep them from using it?! We have to prepare, and we have to start right now!"

"For now we should try again with the subtle approach. We don't want the weapon to be turned against us without knowing what it is. What do you think?"

"For now this seems to be the only sensible option we have. But at the same time we have to start preparing for war. Who knows how this will end."

"We might also want to do something with the Sand. It seems like they joined hands with the Leaf right after trying to invade them. This is beyond odd. Something extraordinary must've happened. We have to prioritize information gathering."

"... I agree. We have to prepare ourselves for the worst."